shorsighted RIAA attempts to kill internet radio

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Dusty Bottoms

Jul 26, 2005
On the veranda
I've been listening to Pandora Radio for some time now, and think it's pretty great. Now, the music industry (as represented by the RIAA) has successfully lobbied to have the licensing fees for net radio tripled which will effectively kill it. Before net radio I had mostly stopped listening to music radio entirely. Net radio has actually convinced me to buy several CD's, and that together with reasonable licensing fees means that net radio ought to be a money maker for the the industry. It seems to me that copyright based industries have felt it was more important to maintain control of distribution than to maximize profit or anything else. It reminds me of their opposition to VCRs and cassettes even though they ended up making a ton of money selling people tapes.

Anyway, most internet radio sites are observing a "day of silence" to try and get people to lobby Congress to change this. I encourage people to do that. They've put together a lobbying website here.
It's very shortsighted. It's getting more and more difficult to hear artists that clearchannel hasn't market tested.

I thought I heard they were raising rates on traditional radio as well, driving smaller stations under. :huh:
It time to stick it to the man and bring down the RIAA and ClearChannerl
I was pretty annoyed this morning when I tried to log into my yahoo launchcast radio and couldnt.
It's too quiet here :sad:

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