September (NOW 23rd) & 24 -- Giants Stadium (East Rutherford, NJ)

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This feckin' ridiculous to do this less than a month from the show. Luckily I did not book plane tickets, et. al. to see these shows, but I did sell a pair of tickets to somebody for Friday's show that cannot make it. Argh... U2 you're feckin pissin' me off... Now you got 80,000+ fans that have to rearrange their damn schedule. Plus the show was on a Friday which is better for people than midweek on a Wednesday...


This isn't U2. This is the NFL/NY Jets. U2 was pretty much forced into moving the show to that Wednesday. And no offense to the Jewish population, but if the original game time was going to interfere with religious plans, then why buy tickets to the game? It is absolutely ridiculous to move the game time for that reason.
Do they always change football games for Religious holidays? I have never heard of that
OK so the NFL is feckin' pissing me off, but still they scheduled a concert on a Friday night with a football game to be played on Sunday @ 4pm (original time). They only moved the game 2.5 hours earlier and now they can't get the stage out in time. That sounds like poor planning on U2's part. Should have thought of that earlier I think... I'm sure there a lot of people happy about this date change... :doh:

Should have just scheduled it for the 23rd in the first place...
Yom Kippur is a big deal around here, so I am not surprised, but the Jets/NFL should've known that when they did the scheduling, not four weeks before!
Do they always change football games for Religious holidays? I have never heard of that

I agree. Are they moving every NFL game's start time to an earlier time on that day? I doubt it. Why was it so important for that particular game to change start times?
They only moved the game 2.5 hours earlier and now they can't get the stage out in time. That sounds like poor planning on U2's part. Should have thought of that earlier I think

U2 had no way of knowing this was going to happen. And you have to draw the cutoff line somewhere, you know? When booking concerts, if U2 looks at their disassembling time frame window and then try to anticipate if the forthcoming event will be moved up in start time, then they probably wouldn't have been able to schedule a lot of shows. There is only so much planning and anticipation you can do before it begins to hamper your plans.
This isn't U2. This is the NFL/NY Jets. U2 was pretty much forced into moving the show to that Wednesday. And no offense to the Jewish population, but if the original game time was going to interfere with religious plans, then why buy tickets to the game? It is absolutely ridiculous to move the game time for that reason.

they were forced to move because this left them with not enough time to load out the stage.. It went from 4:15pm to 1pm so this wouldn't work logistically.

my gripe, is why did they wait until the last minute to fix this? I mean do they not have a calendar to look at to know when the jewish holiday falls and how to appropriately schedule with this in mind.
OK so the NFL is feckin' pissing me off, but still they scheduled a concert on a Friday night with a football game to be played on Sunday @ 4pm (original time). They only moved the game 2.5 hours earlier and now they can't get the stage out in time. That sounds like poor planning on U2's part.

Why is that poor planning on U2's part? I consider it good planning on their part. They need to have everything cleared for a 4:15 PM match, they can arrange it to the minute (considering it's usually a 2 day load-in). They managed this in Amsterdam and Dublin (where they had to be ready about 44 hours after the end of the show) But when they move that deadline forward, they are realistic enough to indicate they can't make that deadline.
Or are you just looking for any excuse to blame U2?
Why is that poor planning on U2's part? I consider it good planning on their part. They need to have everything cleared for a 4:15 PM match, they can arrange it to the minute (considering it's usually a 2 day load-in). They managed this in Amsterdam and Dublin (where they had to be ready about 44 hours after the end of the show) But when they move that deadline forward, they are realistic enough to indicate they can't make that deadline.
Or are you just looking for any excuse to blame U2?

Because the concert is only 28 days away and people have already set their plans in motion. Heck I bought my flights to Dublin in mid-March. I would have been pissed if they moved the concert on the 27th to the 22nd or 23rd

Now I am sure people have done the following:

1. Bought plane tickets to NY to go to the shows. Now you are going to the shows on the 24th and 25th. You fly in on the 23rd, but get in at night. That's not going to do you any good now... Or lets say you are only going to the 25th show so you fly in on the 24th, or the morning of the 25th since you only want to take Friday off... No good now...
2. You traded tickets/sold tickets to someone for that day. They can't make it. You can be a prick and say a deals a deal you figure it out. Or you can be a good guy and get the tickets back and try to rework a deal. Either way its a hassle....

The problem is that Yom Kippur has been scheduled for this date for like 5,000 years... The NFL schedule didn't just come out yesterday. However, I guess they were too busy concentrating on the European tour and then just realized yesterday. Hey wait, we're not going to get all our stuff out in time.. Crap...

This is what you get when you schedule a stadium tour in the U.S. during football season :doh:

U2 is not blameless in this time change, nor are they 100% for blame.

Ok this was known since April 18th, 2009. And it took them four+ months to realize this. Boneheads...

I'm actually saving myself gas money, by this change. I don't have to drive past there on my home from Boston and then drive back up.
This is what you get when you schedule a stadium tour in the U.S. during football season :doh:

U2 is not blameless in this time change, nor are they 100% for blame.

Ok this was known since April 18th, 2009. And it took them four+ months to realize this. Boneheads...


Interesting. But I highly doubt U2 just found out about this. I guess U2 have been trying to see if they could nail down quick load up times in Europe over the summer and I guess they discovered they couldn't be quick enough to get everything out for the 1PM game on Sunday.
ugh this is horrible news!

the whole reason why I picked this show to attend was because I needed to go on a Friday or Saturday.

now I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it! UGH!
Good luck to everyone that has to make changes now. This sucks for a lot of people.
Well for the guys who can make it I am jealous. I'm sure they are going to shake the set list up a lot due to the inconvenience. I will be there on Thursday.
I live in South Jersey and was going to be driving home from Boston on the 22nd and was going to have to drive past East Rutherford to go home and drive back up after work on the 23rd. Now I can just stay there on my way back down

Any chance of a lift ...? ;)
Pissed as hell 'cos it changes my plans (again).

Anyway, is there anybody interested in buying 3 GAs (for the 23rd) or trading them for the 24th (I prefer the latter option)?
I'm so mad about this. I have class on Wednesday that now I'll have to miss. I was really looking forward to a Friday show.
Ok, this is just piss poor planning by U2's management.

:coocoo:first they don't schedule shows in some of the largest cities and now moving dates around when people have already boughts tickets and made plans for a specific concert day.

I have friends going to the show with me and they are coming in from out of town specifically for the show on the 25th.

I'm sure there are thousands of people in a similar pickle now.

They better make up for this by playing Drowning Man !!
I get in at 5pm on Wednesday to Newark and I am coming in from LA. This sucks. I"m going to have to pay out the butt for a taxi now to take me to my hotel and then to the stadium. Grrrr.

I hope my flight won't be delayed or I will miss the concert.
Just changed my hotel stuff. It doesn't bother me too much, I just saved the GOOD seat for the second show and had the somewhat BAD seat for the first show. Now it's the other way around ha. So, while I am sitting in the good seat during the first show, I have to think about sitting in a bad seat the second show lol. Oh well, least I have good seats in Texas three weeks later

I'd love to take that off ur hands ha. I have a piss poor seat for the 24th and wanna have a better one since it is night too ha. I'd give ya the one I already have and you can sell it if ya wanna make 30 extra bucks ha. It's a noosebleed. Is ur extra ticket good? Can't be worse than the one I already have lol - And I can give the one I have to someone who wants it if you don't wanna sell it... The 24th... So long as I do get the ticket ha

I'd love to take that off ur hands ha. I have a piss poor seat for the 24th and wanna have a better one since it is night too ha. I'd give ya the one I already have and you can sell it if ya wanna make 30 extra bucks ha. It's a noosebleed. Is ur extra ticket good? Can't be worse than the one I already have lol - And I can give the one I have to someone who wants it if you don't wanna sell it... The 24th... So long as I do get the ticket ha


I'd be interested in your cheap seat for the 24th. :)
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