Rose Bowl DVD - Part 2

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Hmm, I don't wanna wade through 23 pages here but does anyone know why there is thank you to Sinead O'Connor in the dvd booklet??

Your blue room was not performed that night was it???
I love in god's country during beautiful day soo much.

It sounded perfect aswell, they should use the snippet more in BD. Anyone else miss "The Goal Is Soul" snippets in BD, they sounded freaking awesome back in 2001, especially at the grammys.
The second disc is as lack-lustre as ever, even though I'm still a sucker and end up buying it. Some of the mini-features are so pointless (and how many seemed to use NLOTH as a soundtrack!), what's the harm in just giving us a handful of song performances that weren't in the DVD setlist? I don't really think that's asking the world.
The second disc is as lack-lustre as ever, even though I'm still a sucker and end up buying it. Some of the mini-features are so pointless (and how many seemed to use NLOTH as a soundtrack!), what's the harm in just giving us a handful of song performances that weren't in the DVD setlist? I don't really think that's asking the world.

i enjoyed the second disk......
i loved seeing bits of the the different cities/arenas/fans/band interviews/bits of live performance from that area's etc depending on each snippet.

I also loved the time Lapse put up The Claw/the show/take down.
I wish someone would put Squaring the Circle on YouTube. I have it on Blu Ray, but we only have one Blu Ray player in this house, it's not in my room, I rarely get access to it where it is... and I've been too lazy to move it into my room for the little documentary. I'd like to see it, but I don't care enough to move the machine.
Not sure if someone's mentioned this one yet, but was Bono starting to snippet EBTTRT before Edge's solo in Magnificent? Lyrics were "we slip and we slide..." if I recall. During soundcheck that afternoon, the techs (I believe) played a very brief part of the intro riff.

Would thoroughly enjoy seeing that song make a comeback next leg. Been much too long. Anyway, no matter how you cut it the DVD is simply spectacular. The audio sounds tremendous in my car stereo also. :yes:

I wish someone would put Squaring the Circle on YouTube. I have it on Blu Ray, but we only have one Blu Ray player in this house, it's not in my room, I rarely get access to it where it is... and I've been too lazy to move it into my room for the little documentary. I'd like to see it, but I don't care enough to move the machine.

Not sure if it helps but you can watch it on line here, though I think you might need a Twitter or Facebook account to see it. Also it's cut into separate parts and since I haven't watched all the parts I don't know if it's complete.

U2360� - At The Rose Bowl

Not sure if someone's mentioned this one yet, but was Bono starting to snippet EBTTRT before Edge's solo in Magnificent? Lyrics were "we slip and we slide..." if I recall. During soundcheck that afternoon, the techs (I believe) played a very brief part of the intro riff.

Would thoroughly enjoy seeing that song make a comeback next leg. Been much too long. Anyway, no matter how you cut it the DVD is simply spectacular. The audio sounds tremendous in my car stereo also. :yes:


I think EBTTRT was (rumored) to be played at Glastonbury. It was mentioned by a few different people and bands who were going to be part of the video presentation when the song was played.
Hmm, I don't wanna wade through 23 pages here but does anyone know why there is thank you to Sinead O'Connor in the dvd booklet??

Your blue room was not performed that night was it???

There might be clips of it in the bonus features.

I hoped that was the case, but having watched both disks I can't find anything related to YBR or Sinead :(
ok, I have another question, sorry :reject: but this is the best way to get an answer fast.
So sorry if it has been discussed elsewhere..

the Breathe version on the bonus disc, it is supposed to be the one from the Rose bowl, but the 10inch cockatoo has been edited out or what???
Not sure if someone's mentioned this one yet, but was Bono starting to snippet EBTTRT before Edge's solo in Magnificent? Lyrics were "we slip and we slide..." if I recall. During soundcheck that afternoon, the techs (I believe) played a very brief part of the intro riff.

I think that's a little to iffy to count as a Real Thing snippet. I really want to see the song come back, though.
I think he just says "we slide" because Edge is just about to go into a slide solo.
Could he have also said "we slip" because of the flub just prior to it? :hmm:

(I remember thinking it was funny when he said it because of their slip up right before that.)
That's my friend Lisa with the Thanks for the Joyful Noise sign at the end of Streets! :hyper::applaud: She got edited!!! Woo hoo!!
Have it on blu-ray - the black levels were really cranked up in post processing. Interesting effect, but is seems overdone at times.
To those using a Blu Ray player to watch this disc, remember to change the audio setting to DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1. It defaults to Dolby Digital stereo and you would be losing the best audio possible (Provided that the player is connected to an audio system, of course).
I remember playing the Red Rocks remastered dvd and forgetting to do this until a couple of songs in....then when I made the switch, the sound was amazing.
Have it on blu-ray - the black levels were really cranked up in post processing. Interesting effect, but is seems overdone at times.

Perhaps it was shot underexposed, so they had to bump up the blacks in post? I remember complaints about the webcast looking dark...
I got the impression that the celeb guestlist for Rose Bowl would have been disgustingly long. It was the only US show on the west coast and being preserved for a long time.

Dennis Hopper almost certainly would have been there 8 months before he died. Beach Boys and Stones reference make me wonder if Mick Jagger and Brian Wilson were at the show, as both have LA homes.
Dennis Hopper almost certainly would have been there 8 months before he died.

I dunno ... he was awfully sick for quite some time, wasn't he? Although Bono referencing him during the show might mean he was there, or maybe he just got a shout-out because they're friends and he was sick and on Bono's mind.
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