Rooty Hill Holiday Inn Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Quiet you :grumpy:

For some reason it feels strange that Chass is more pure than I am.

Seriously there's something wrong and debauched about that

Zooropa's got some good stuff. I love the title track. And I'll still play Acrobat and LIB, but otherwise fuck Achtung (UTEOTW and The Fly, I'll take live versions that slay the studio versions).

If somebody offered me money for ATYCLB, I'd give my copy to them. HTDAAB, I have the deluxe edition and like the packaging and stuff, so I'll keep that.

Well then, that is acceptable I suppose :wink:
A decent live version of Acrobat would slay the studio version, by the way.

I thought this went without saying.

I wish those lazy bastards would play it. Refer to earlier rant for more extended thoughts.
I thought this went without saying.

I wish those lazy bastards would play it. Refer to earlier rant for more extended thoughts.

Maybe you should just opload the text file, and send it to everyone, then we'll always have it for reference sake :wink:
I would not be surprised if Achtung became more of a favourite after hearing the remaster.

I've said before that my custom Achtung tracklist would probably place it about fourth in my ranking of U2 albums, especially if it were properly mastered.
:lmao: when I was driving back from U23D with my mom, Wire came on, and as I was singing the ending she just looked at me like this :ohmy: and went, "Well that wasn't very nice or happy at all" and i just laughed and told her TUF was U2's emo album
:lmao: I love how when she tried taking the purity test, she just posted the average score rather than her own.

Since I never offered to actually initiate her into the postwhorehouse, I figured I wouldn't correct her.

now i know who you are talking baout and yeah i was pissed ot see her here too .
What's this about a purity test? Can I take the test too? Just being curious :wink:

I did actually mention it earlier, but the thread's moving so fast that I'd hardly be shocked if you missed it - I'm afraid I'm missing posts!

Anyway, it's our postwhorehouse initiation ritual. You take the test and post your score: 100 Point Purity Test
I did put a caveat on it, such as half decent version. It wasn't a black and white, this is how it will be, comment!

If you score more points than the other team you'll win.

All right all right, I take it back :wink:
He strikes me as a douchebag. You have to be a douchebag to frequent all of those clubs and shit he supposedly visits.

absolutely. and all those fucking shit inside jokes. like for example. someone new went into b&c and started a radiohead thread about tour dates or something. and then it was merged with the in rainbows thread, and he full on ripped into the new member cos he started a different thread. get over yourself mate.

:lmao: when I was driving back from U23D with my mom, Wire came on, and as I was singing the ending she just looked at me like this :ohmy: and went, "Well that wasn't very nice or happy at all" and i just laughed and told her TUF was U2's emo album

:lol: my mum had the same sort of reaction when i said i find songs about drugs interesting
The only thing emo about TUF is that it came out at a time when traditional emo was being born (though fuck that term and I never figured out exactly what it really meant anyway).
He strikes me as a douchebag. You have to be a douchebag to frequent all of those clubs and shit he supposedly visits.

Fuck you. The only way you can be cool is to go to a club where Ian Curtis is the DJ. Otherwise, you're a worthless sack of shit. Here, I have reviews to prove it:

http://www. we'resoindiewe'

absolutely. and all those fucking shit inside jokes. like for example. someone new went into b&c and started a radiohead thread about tour dates or something. and then it was merged with the in rainbows thread, and he full on ripped into the new member cos he started a different thread. get over yourself mate.

:lol: my mum had the same sort of reaction when i said i find songs about drugs interesting

I'd take the time to reply, but i need to head out to The Dakota, i'm going to Bono's private, invite only party.

My mum asks what Wire is about:

Me: Drugs.
Mum: Ah.
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