Review The Movie You Viewed Part VIII: Lance's Mom Takes Manhattan

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Magnolia is his best film, with out a doubt.

But in here?

Who the fuck knows, in here they write 29 pages about imaginary Star Wars scenes.

I write Mickey Rourke into most of mine.

I love TWBB, too. :drool:

See? I just drooled over it.

I simply love the man's work, don't truly care which is better, etc.

And all of his films have been awesome, to varying degrees. Batting 1.000 is always nice.

Really? I thought Boogie Nights was still seen as being too derivative to be called a true masterpiece. It's funny as hell, but it's watered-down and sexed-up GoodFellas, in a very obvious fashion.

Pretty much how I see it.

For me, Magnolia and TWBB are like the biggest and wildest of rollercoasters; audacious, epic, exhilerating without quite going over the top. Punch Drunk Love is more like an orgasm, a much more intimate, intense affair.

Depends on what mood you're in I guess.
Pretty much how I see it.

For me, Magnolia and TWBB are like the biggest and wildest of rollercoasters; audacious, epic, exhilerating without quite going over the top. Punch Drunk Love is more like an orgasm, a much more intimate, intense affair.

Depends on what mood you're in I guess.

So Magnolia and TWBB are more like tantric sex?

I think I know who should be in PTA's next film:

It's really pick your poison erection there. The Zooey or the Laurent.

We all seem to have loved Basterds, for what it's worth.
Have any of you seen 500 Days? I've heard it's also good.

btw - I'll definitely see Bastards (I worked my ass off to learn how to spell words correctly, I won't let Quentin take that from me) in the next week if I don't go tonight.
Have any of you seen 500 Days? I've heard it's also good.

btw - I'll definitely see Bastards (I worked my ass off to learn how to spell words correctly, I won't let Quentin take that from me) in the next week if I don't go tonight.

I loved 500 Days, for whatever it's worth. Favorite of the year besides my namesake.
Part of me wants to sit through that pile of shit for the sole purpose of seeing Robot Heaven with mine own eyes. It sounds like a place that has to be seen to be believed.
I'm partial to the Incontinent British Robot Who Can Somehow Teleport People.

Part of me wants to sit through that pile of shit for the sole purpose of seeing Robot Heaven with mine own eyes. It sounds like a place that has to be seen to be believed.

No, you don't.

Think of the sandworm place from Beetlejuice in the middle of a wind-tunnel, with tons of dry ice, and Shia LaBeouf talking to Giant CGI Robots.
As many reasons there are to love The Jesus, it's hard to forget he's made some very suspect choices.

No, you don't.

Think of the sandworm place from Beetlejuice in the middle of a wind-tunnel, with tons of dry ice, and Shia LaBeouf talking to Giant CGI Robots.

Mind = blown. Did you count how many times he said "no" whilst in Robot Heaven?
He and Buscemi both roll with the Sandler movies and Coens movies. Talk about different ends of the spectrum.
I actually got a kick out of him in Mr. Deeds for some reason, a stupid movie that has its moments and at least features Sandler not doing his old tired shtick. But between Anger Management, the Transformers duo (which will undoubtedly spawn a third), and Monkeybone, you have to wonder where his head's at sometimes.
They're both the best things about Deeds, but that's not saying much.
I actually got a kick out of him in Mr. Deeds for some reason, a stupid movie that has its moments and at least features Sandler not doing his old tired shtick. But between Anger Management, the Transformers duo (which will undoubtedly spawn a third), and Monkeybone, you have to wonder where his head's at sometimes.

The Sting talk is in the other thread, buddy.

They're both the best things about Deeds, but that's not saying much.

Don't forget how hot Winona was before (hell, and after, but especially before) the in-film makeover.
Well yeah, but my 11-year-old self wasn't thinking about that when I first saw it.
Where's your head at.

And it just hit me: McEnroe was funny in it.
Don't forget how hot Winona was before (hell, and after, but especially before) the in-film makeover.

Imperor loves the kleptos!

I like that Turturro, Buscemi, and Stormare do a wide range of shiz that way. All three have been the best parts of numerous movies that would have had next to no other redeeming qualities.
Well, she's a thief. What did you really expect? We already have something in common.

To be fair, Anger Management had no redeeming qualities.

Going through Buscemi's filmography now and he's been in more genuine clunkers than Turturro.
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