Review the last movie you viewed (NO LISTS) III

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When I saw Sweeney Todd on Friday, the theatre had free 11x17 mini posters for There Will Be Blood, the one with the close-up of DDL.


Lance: "Why don't I own this?"
lazarus said:
When I saw Sweeney Todd on Friday, the theatre had free 11x17 mini posters for There Will Be Blood, the one with the close-up of DDL.


Lance: "Why don't I own this?"

I grabbed three of those exact posters when I saw No Country For Old Men the first time. ;)


Fuck, but that was a really great movie. I figured it couldn't live up to all the hype I'd heard about it. It did.

Please to give me the soundtrack now.
corianderstem said:


Fuck, but that was a really great movie. I figured it couldn't live up to all the hype I'd heard about it. It did.

Please to give me the soundtrack now.

I rented it over the weekend and I agree 100%.

I went right to my laptop after it ended (ok, before it ended) to buy the soundtrack. :drool:

Two quick "reviews" for other movies I've seen in the past couple of days:

Simpsons - eh, eh and eh. :shrug:

No Country For Old Men :up:
I Am Legend. Mild :up:

Scary movie. Will Smith does a decent job of carrying it -- he has to. He's alone for about half of it. Except for the zombies. :uhoh:

I knew I should have seen an arthouse movie or a comedy for Christmas day. :huh:
No Country For Old Men.

I don't know what to make of this movie. The performances were incredible, the cinematography was great (definitely got the feel of the book). I didn't love it the way I thought I would, though. It might just have fallen victim to impossible expectations?
anitram said:
No Country For Old Men.

I don't know what to make of this movie. The performances were incredible, the cinematography was great (definitely got the feel of the book). I didn't love it the way I thought I would, though. It might just have fallen victim to impossible expectations?

Watch it a 2nd time, at some point, and then see how you feel about it.
I actually just said to my brother that I'll see it again on DVD, because I do feel it's that type of movie.
Just saw "Walk Hard"

We thought it was funny! O'Reilly can sing....anyone who saws him in Chicago knows this, though:wink:

I thought the midget song was the funniest
^^"In my dreams, you're blowin' me.... some kisses." Me and hubby have been singing that since the first time we saw the trailer. :lol:

As for my latest reviews,

No Country For Old Men - 9/10

Excellent movie, excellent performances. The ending was a bit sudden, but i thought it was perfect for the movie. Javier Bardem is creepy as hell, and every scene he was in was intense and gripping. Had me on the edge of my seat for almost 2 hours!

Into The Wild - 9/10

Loved this movie! The story intrigued me and the acting and cinematography were amazing. Props to Sean Penn for finally making this movie after 10 years of trying. I think this is the breakthrough role for Emile Hirsch, who's one of my favorite young actors. Hal Holbrook was awesome! His last scene almost had me in tears! And how can I forget the amazing soundtrack by Eddie Vedder... :drool:
Went to go see There Will Be Blood today at the Arclight in Hollywood, and apparently there are no matinees because it's a "holiday period". What the fuck is that? All the shows are $14 and I'll be damned if I'm going to give those greedy assholes my money. I've always hated that theatre and have only gone there twice, when it was the only place showing a particular film. As much as it's going to kill me, I may have to wait for this to get to central Florida as I'm going back to work there on the 2nd. It could be a long wait.

To make myself feel better I went next door to Amoeba Music and blew $40 on used laserdiscs.

corianderstem said:
$14!!!! Holy crimony. That's ridiculous. And it sucks.

How much are movies where you are?

We're routinely paying $12-14 here unless you go for a matinee or have a student or senior discount.
Living in LA for 10 years spoiled me (at least movie-wise). You'd think There Will Be Blood would be playing somewhere in a bit city like Chicago, but I cannot fucking find it anywhere.
No spoken words said:
Living in LA for 10 years spoiled me (at least movie-wise). You'd think There Will Be Blood would be playing somewhere in a bit city like Chicago, but I cannot fucking find it anywhere.

They're doing sneak previews in 14 cities this Saturday night, and Chicago is definitely one of them. Couldn't tell you which theatre, though.
lazarus said:
Went to go see There Will Be Blood today at the Arclight in Hollywood, and apparently there are no matinees because it's a "holiday period". What the fuck is that? All the shows are $14 and I'll be damned if I'm going to give those greedy assholes my money. I've always hated that theatre and have only gone there twice, when it was the only place showing a particular film. As much as it's going to kill me, I may have to wait for this to get to central Florida as I'm going back to work there on the 2nd. It could be a long wait.

To make myself feel better I went next door to Amoeba Music and blew $40 on used laserdiscs.


It's going to be a hell of a long wait for Central Florida like you said. We just got Juno in more major theaters, so I'm seeing that tomorrow.
Well I got to see There Will Be Blood tonight. Finally.

And it met and even far exceeded my expectations. I'm way too tired right now to write up anything thorough, and a good night's sleep will do me well for analysis (drove to NYC and back from South Jersey for this).

But it's definitely one for the ages, has the most stimulating and rewarding script Anderson has ever written (the parallels between scenes and characters are fucking brilliant, and always unpredictable, anyone complaining about the way PTA handles character in his films won't be able to make such claims after this one). The scenes are really so deep, and the content so rich it's nearly impossible to wrap my mind around it all after just one excited viewing, and I'll definitely be waiting anxiously to get the chance to see this again in theaters.

Film this year has been fantastic, and they seemed to get better as the months went along. I know I already said this a few times this year, but now I've seen (not quite) all the films I wanted to see this year (a few exceptions I'll be taking care of this month), and this really is the best of 2007.

And it's already given my friend and I the best film quote of the year, from the jaw-dropping finale:

I drink your milkshake!

Trust me, it's the best line of the year, just wait.

edit: and I didn't even mention Greenwood's score, which is really one of the finest aspects of this film's design. It's truly one of the best film scores in recent years, if not ever, up there with the best stuff Morricone's ever done. PTA takes a cue from Kubrick here as well with an inspired non-original musical selection that appears here and there.
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anitram said:
How much are movies where you are?

I think the last regular-priced movie I saw was American Gangster, and it was ... was it $10? If it was more than $10, it wasn't more than $11. I don't know if that's standard in Seattle, or if that's just the one, independent theater in my neighborhood. It's locally owned, and really lovely.

I really like going to a few theaters that have $5 movies on weekends for shows before noon. I saw I Am Legend at one of those theaters, but it was a 1:00 show, and it was $8.25. THAT'S a matinee? Sheesh.

I guess I'm old and crotchety. :wink:
I rented Eastern Promises last night. Not bad, but I felt there was something missing, just as I did with History of Violence. But it was pretty good. Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts both did a great job, though I don't think Viggo would get the Golden Globe for it.
Oh yeah, and that steam room fight scene was overhyped, IMO.

7.5 out of 10
corianderstem said:

I think the last regular-priced movie I saw was American Gangster, and it was ... was it $10? If it was more than $10, it wasn't more than $11. I don't know if that's standard in Seattle, or if that's just the one, independent theater in my neighborhood. It's locally owned, and really lovely.

I really like going to a few theaters that have $5 movies on weekends for shows before noon. I saw I Am Legend at one of those theaters, but it was a 1:00 show, and it was $8.25. THAT'S a matinee? Sheesh.

I guess I'm old and crotchety. :wink:

We pay $9, and $6.75 for matinees. And I thought $9 was a lot!
Margot at the Wedding. So much potential, but it completely failed. I liked the young boy, though.

I found Nicole Kidman's lip job distracting in not a good way, especially next to the completely natural Jennifer Jason Leigh. I do not understand Hollywood's obsession with bad lip jobs. Hers isn't as bad as, say, Melanie Griffith's, but it's still quite obvious.
joyfulgirl said:
Margot at the Wedding. So much potential, but it completely failed. I liked the young boy, though.

I found Nicole Kidman's lip job distracting in not a good way, especially next to the completely natural Jennifer Jason Leigh. I do not understand Hollywood's obsession with bad lip jobs. Hers isn't as bad as, say, Melanie Griffith's, but it's still quite obvious.

[insert generic Lance's Mom/lip job joke]
Walk Hard

Wasn't expecting much, but it was had me laughing the entire time the Dylan spoof & the Beatles part were some of my favorite scenes. If only Paul Rudd could ever have a bigger role.
John C Reilly was good as usual and Jenna Fischer was adorably cute.
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