Restructure The SoE Tracklist!

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Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
I am growing to really really like this album, but I felt like the track listing was a little uninspired and didn't flow as well.

Now, obviously this is a very opinionated task, but here's what I felt is the ideal track order.

1. Love is All We Have Left
2. Book of Your Heart
3. Get Out of Your Own Way
4. American Soul
5. Red Flag Day
6. The Showman
7. Little Things..
8. Summer of Love
9. Landlady
10. 13
11. Lights of Home - String Version
12. The Blackout

This uses two tracks from the deluxe edition and removes two weak tracks. "You're the best thing..." just is not a good song. "Love is Bigger..." isn't terrible necessarily but feels a bit unnecessary (redundant?) on this album.

I fee like the songs flow into each other better in this listing. And I like ending with a bang on The Blackout.

Here's a Spotify playlist link if someone wants to check it out:

Next steps would be to actually rip and mix the tracks together into one long track and see how well that works.
Sorry, but you lost me at removing Love Is Bigger. It’s such a powerful song that removing it does a disservice to the album.
I have listened to the album on shuffle and totally agree with the band's choice of order. It's just a much better album to listen to in the current order. Listening on shuffle is kind of jarring at times.
The only switch I like better than the original listing is the Blackout for Lights of Home. The Blackout really feels out of place on the album.

I’ve gone both ways on this one. Blackout works great in the #2 spot but finding a home for Lights is a little more difficult.
To not put Blackout up front is a major mistake IMHO. Both album and concert should hit the ground running. My own playlist opens with it and works just great! Try and see...
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