Request: U2 Desktop Backgrounds?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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All of the recently posted wallpapers are beautiful but this one is my favorite. :drool: You've outdone yourselves!
Thank you for your warm words, friends :hug::hug::hug:
I'm glad you like my work :cute:

Let me know if there are any requests :)
Great job everyone! May I make a request to Edgefest?
Would you mind doing one featuring Bono with the In God's Country theme?
Nothing against Edge,:heart: but I would love a Bono themed one too! That's on of my all time fav U2 songs. :heart:
If you have time. No biggy! :)

I could do that for you, yes. I use layers so it's easy to take out Edge and put in the second best member of U2 in there for you.


If I don't get to it tonight I will sometime this week ;)
This is one of my favorite pictures of Bono, so I thought I'd make a wallpaper with it.

Thank you everyone! :grouphug: And yes, Casamares, Zoo TV sounds good to me too. :drool:
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