Recent U2 in POPMART style!!! - NEW PICT

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Giant Lemon said:
What I find the most amusing about that picture is that back in the Pop era Bono usually had gave certain badass look when he wore a hood, and he has the same look in that pic! It's like wearing a hood gives him a whole new persona or something.

total :drool:

Ultravioletbabe said:

The best way to do this, I think, is to just stop commenting on stuff like this and let it die out!!

I agree. What's done is done. Let's talk about, uh, among other things, that sexy neck..........:censored: :evil:
*having naughty thoughts*:drool:
verte76 said:

I agree. What's done is done. Let's talk about, uh, among other things, that sexy neck..........:censored: :evil:
*having naughty thoughts*:drool:

Thank you!! Repeat after me ppl- it's just a stupid shirt with a hood- yeesh! :coocoo:
Re: give it a rest already

daisybean said:
Why does everything relating to POP always turn into a friggin argument!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

Because Gypsy always has to announce how much she hates pop even though everyone and their mom already knows.
For Sicy:

(Rod Stewart)

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do

For the morning sun in all it's glory
greets the day with hope and comfort too
You fill my life with laughter
and somehow you make it better
ease my troubles that's what you do
There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
Fill my heart with gladness
take away all my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do

There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one

And have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
take away my sadness
ease my troubles that's what you do
Take away all my sadness
fill my life with gladness
ease my troubles that's what you do
Take away all my sadness
fill my life with gladness
ease my troubles that's what you do

SpanishEyes21 said:

Oooooh. :ohmy: Larry in green. My favorite band member and my favorite color. Uh oh. I think I might spontaneously combust or something.

Meh. I love Pop. It was a record made before its time. Bono said it best in the Much Music interview - and I can't quote him word for word because I haven't memorized it or anything. ;) - he just said that the record was much more accepted in Canada and in Europe because it was a sound that was very much in place in the clubs, whereas it wasn't in America. Oh well. I still totally enjoyed the album and it's still in constant rotation on my CD player. As for Bono with no hair. Egads. He could be bald and I would still care more about the music and the message he sends than how many strands of hair he has on his head. Heaven forbid if he actually went as bald as Moby. It's just hair. What about the music and the message that music is sending? Isn't that more important? :bono:

Moonie :D
Sicy said:

Because Gypsy always has to announce how much she hates pop even though everyone and their mom already knows.

Well, gee, all me huh? What about Pinkfloyd getting a chip on his shoulder, he doesn't even belong in PLEBA! I tried to carefully word my post to him as not to offend everybody, but as usual EVERY post about Pop sends up a red flag and people fly off the handle and attack without even reading it or thinking through it. If 'everybody and their mother knows it' then why is it such a big deal? I really thought at this point my Pop hating was such a running joke and so cliche' no one would take it seriously and get riled up about it. Doctorwho understands that. Why do people have to get so fucking upset over any negative comment about fucking Pop??!!:shrug:

I mean on this website you have a right to 'announce' that you
like or don't like anything in the world, including world leaders, governments and other peoples' religions, but you are not allowed not to say you don't like this album! :ohmy: Does anybody realize how lame and sick that really is??!:coocoo: You know, that's what I hate most about it, that you are not ALLOWED not to like it without getting fucking flamed!!!! Then everybody has to go on about everybody having a right to different opinions? :huh: But this is one you are not permitted to posess or at least express, if you don't want to be branded. Why?? People who don't like it are made to feel :reject: so soon they are :censored: and afraid to say it! Take a minute to think about how lame that is !!!!:eyebrow:

Aw, now everybody's all upset and needs to be cheered up? :huh: :yuck: So, Gypsy said she doesn't like Pop! She actually posted about it! Earthshattering!! So that's big news. Who gives a fuck really? Why do you any of you care? Big fucking whoopee shit. Get over it.:yawn:

Well it's my daughter's birthday today, and I have better things to do. I'n not going to sit here and play this stupid game. Bye!
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That doll did look like freaky

Gypsy...I think that since Pop era(music, hair, whatever) is such a sore subject around here...people are bound to get riled when it comes up. So yeah...some people do the "cheering up" to keep things light so it doesn't turn into an all out battle...and people get mad over something as silly as Bono's flippin hair.

It was mostly newer girls who responded to your comments. They probably did not know your humor and thought that you were being critical and cranky.....and personally to me you did sound argumentitive, even though you meant it in jest. People are going to react more to your tone than they will your words.....

Yes, you have every right to express your opinion like PinkFloyd did, however you came across in an argumentitive was hard to tell that you were being sarcastic.

My apologies.

Gypsy, it would be a shame if you didn't post anymore...I'm not sure if you meant to say that you wouldn't post at all, or just in this thread. But it would be a distinct loss to the PLEBA community if you stopped posting over something like this. Some people seemed to be purposefully provacative to see how upset you would get. Please don't let them get to you. We respect your opinions and we know you respect ours.

So please people...can we have at least ONE civil discussion of Pop?
civil discuss , i agree , but when Gypsygirl starts talking stuff " it's thier worst album , i'm sorry for you , that u like it , they were terrible , thank god they came back " etc , that's not right .
Gypsy I just get kind of tired everytime I open a POP thread and see the first reply you saying how much you hate it. It just gets old. It didnt really come across as you were joking to me, because I know you hate it. And the newer people probly havent read all the pop bashing arguing threads and dont get the 'joke'. You say you're joking but you know you're not really. I just think you should avoid POP threads if you dont like them. And I dont get what pinkfloyds big deal was.. you said you hoped it wouldnt return, and he said he hoped it would, then you went off on him. And saying that he 'doesnt belong in pleba' is not very nice. Are only certain people allowed in pleba?

Nobody is saying you CANT voice your opinion but everytime you voice your opinion on POP it turns into a fight. And this attitude "Who gives a fuck really? Why do you any of you care? Big fucking whoopee shit. Get over it." stinks.. sorry. People could say the same about your obsessive hatred with POP.

Anyway, cant we ever just discuss POP without all this crap?
I dont mean to drag it on but this is how I feel.
I think we should be able to have a Pop thread *for* people who like the album. If you don't like the album, fine, don't post in the thread. Personally, I'm here to have fun with talk and pix of my favorite Irishmen, and that's that. We don't need any disputes. There is a Pop thread going now, and I hope it doesn't hit any obstacles.:hug: :hug: :hug: Pretty please, friends????:heart: :heart: :heart:
Well said, Sicy.

I personally can't understand why people focus on Bono's hair during that period. So he cut it off. OK. And? Seriously, if the only thing that's important is the fact that Bono's hair is short and it's not long like it was during Joshua Tree or even thick and black during ZooTV, how sad it is.

Really now. For those who are concerned that Bono's hair is falling out, that he has hair plugs, that he dyes it, that he's gonna chop it off, etc, etc, how about actually sitting down and *reading* through the lyrics of a few of his songs from POP?

Here, I'll post MOFO for you. It's not as lyrical as some of the other songs from POP, but just reading the lyrics, you can see where Bono has come from in his life and where he's going.

Lookin' for to save my, save my soul
Lookin' in the places where no flowers grow.
Lookin' for to fill that God-shaped hole
Mother, mother-suckin' rock an' roll.

Holy dunk, space junk comin' in for the splash
White dopes on punks staring into the flash.
Lookin' for the baby Jesus under the trash
Mother, mother-suckin' rock an' roll.

Mother, am I still your son?
You know I've waited for so long
To hear you say so.

Mother, you left and made me someone.
Now I'm still a child, but no one tells me no.

Lookin' for a sound that's gonna drown out the world.
Lookin' for the father of my two little girls.
Got the swing, got the sway, got my straw in lemonade.
Still lookin' for the face I had before the world was made.
Mother, mother-suckin' rock an' roll.

Soothe me, mother
Rule me, father
Move me, brother
Woo me, sister.

Soothe me, mother
Rule me, father
Show me, mother
Show me, mother

Show me, mother
Show me, mother
Show me, mother
Show me, mother.


I don't understand how some people can fixate on a particular look and be so adamant about how awful Bono looks when it's the music he and the other three members in U2 have made that should be important.

And, when there are people out there who say POP sucks, I ask you, no, I CHALLENGE you to sit down, without a CD player on and just read the freakin' lyrics from the songs. Read them as you would read a poem. Try analyzing what Bono is saying in some of his lyrics. He has some powerful messages and some powerful things to say in his songs. "Lookin' for the father of my two little girls" - gee, that's one powerful line for what some people think is such a stupid song. "Mother, am I still your son? You know I've waited for so long to hear you say so." Fer feck's sake... he's not going to ever hear his mother say that to him again. All he has is his memories of her - he hasn't heard her voice in years. Powerful stuff for such a stupid record.

I'm not arguing with anyone. I'm just stating my opinion on why I think POP is an excellent record. I am not voicing my opinion on the actual music, but have instead chosen to focus on the lyrics. To me, that's the most important part of a song. The message a song sends, the hook the song gives, is the most important part of the creative process. I will state that I think POP is a freakin' kick-ass record, but that's not what I'm arguing for or against. Words. That's what I'm arguing for.

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I am not a fan of the Pop look, but I think way too much is made of that. Why is it that always thrown up? Ever think maybe some people don't like the type of MUSIC either? For me, it's a package deal. I didn't like the look or the sound or the attitude. It just wasn't my thing. I really wish people would stop trying to change people's minds all the time. If you don't like it, you just don't, and there's nothing wrong with that. We should all respect each other's taste and not treat those with opposing views as lepers, or freaks who need to be straightened out.
verte76 said:
I think we should be able to have a Pop thread *for* people who like the album. If you don't like the album, fine, don't post in the thread. Personally, I'm here to have fun with talk and pix of my favorite Irishmen, and that's that. We don't need any disputes. There is a Pop thread going now, and I hope it doesn't hit any obstacles.:hug: :hug: :hug: Pretty please, friends????:heart: :heart: :heart:

:yes: I always hate it when I open "appreciation" threads for a certain topic and then someone is going off about how much they hate it...This isn't directed at Gypsy or anyone else, btw...just a general observation...

So I think that if you see a topic that you're not interested in, don't post...and if you are interested, do! :happy:
You know what they say, it takes two to tango, but it takes a lot of people to create a line dance. There can be NO fight, no controversial thread without active participation by several individuals. If no fight is wanted, then no comments should be made, by anyone. The best way to end something like this is just to not say anything, and let it go, let it go......
Re: Mooniemoonieloveyoumoonie!

hippyactress said:
*applauds Moonie*

Thank you for sharing. Thank you for making a strong point.

I agree wholeheartedly. Pop has some absolutely amazing lyrics. Mofu reminds me of John Lennon's primal-scream material--we're talking some *major* soul-baring. On the whole this album has some of Bono's most powerful lyrics. And I don't think the hair thing is that big a deal, either. OK, I drool over ZooTV and Elevation pix. What the heck? That's a blast. But it doesn't tell me which albums I like and which ones I don't or anything. I argued in another thread that sex is part of music. Yes, it is. But that doesn't mean something audial is to be judged by something visual. It's not the same thing.
U2Kitten said:
I am not a fan of the Pop look, but I think way too much is made of that. Why is it that always thrown up? Ever think maybe some people don't like the type of MUSIC either? For me, it's a package deal. I didn't like the look or the sound or the attitude. It just wasn't my thing. I really wish people would stop trying to change people's minds all the time. If you don't like it, you just don't, and there's nothing wrong with that. We should all respect each other's taste and not treat those with opposing views as lepers, or freaks who need to be straightened out.

Hey, that's cool. I'm not assuming that people *always* judge on looks. I understand that this is some people's honest opinion of the album, the songs, and the concept. I mean, hell, Shakespeare wrote some crummy plays ("Titus Andronicus"........oh, hideous) but he was a great playwright. Did his greatness make him screw-up proof? No. That's not possible when you're talking about human beings. They'll fall on their face because they aren't perfect. If someone honestly doesn't like "Pop" I don't care, I respect that preference, that taste.

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