really useless question. i mean there is no point to this. it's pointless!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 16, 2001
the ether
you know when you're walking through an intersection and you have to push the walk button?
does it help to push it more than once or is it just an on/off type thing?
why would anyone even know this?
im bored.

I hate those stupid buttons.

Like, when you can see that the lights are going to turn green in a couple seconds I have to run and push the button before they. turn green.

Why can't the walk symbol just come on?

I'm not living
I'm just killing time
I am also VERY, VERY bored.

I don't think they work either.

It's probably going to be one of those things that old people will get laughed at in the future.. like the "Does the lightbulb in the refrigerator REALLY go off when you close the door?" thing.

"I dance much better horizontally than vertically." - Bono
LMAO elevated mole!!!!!!

sorry this thread lack me arse up with licotine!!!!!


anyway yes, but what f*cks me off more than pedy lights are car-lights which one junction allows more time for cars than the one ur at, and u sit there blargin a big fuker!
Those buttons don't work. They just like to toy with us like that.

"Frisbetarians believe that when they die their soul goes up on the roof, and they can't get it down."

Bonochick's Place
It works best when you hold down the button for 3 seconds, pause for 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, etc.
And for the record, the fridge light does go off. If you look closely at the botton of the fridge, there should be a little stick thing sticking out. If you press it in with your foot the light goes off! I have waaay to much free time.

T? m? ?seal.
T? m? ard.
T? m? tana?.
T? m? ramhar.
T? m? bean.
I think they're just there to give us something to do while waiting for the light to change

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
-Albert Einstein
Acutally I've seen two kinds of these buttons... One of them is just like what you've said, buttons which don't like to response... But I've seen another one which really turn the lights green immediately after you pressed it!! I had a great time with this kind of buttons... (Erm... I press the button when I saw a car coming... This is fun!
my take on the whole pedestrian crossing thing...
The button does make a difference, but pressing it more than once doesnt...obviously there's some sort of time delay between them.
Anyway, if you didnt have to press the button then the cars would all be stopped in the middle of the night when there's no-one crossing the road.
I really have too much spare time!

Love is a very powerful thing. There's nothing more radical than two people loving each other. When I talk about love I'm thinking of an unselfish love. Emotions can be bought and sold just like anything else, but I think real love is about giving and not expecting anything in return...I think that love stands out when set against struggle.
-Bono (on love in 'War')

LOL Risti! We have the 2 types here, those on a timer, and those on request, ie that weight thingy in the road that sets them off, ot a button if you are a pedestrian. When I was up in Surfers once, they had those ones that turn green automatically. We did the same thing, there was hardly any traffic so we were running across the intersections anyway but still pressing them to piss of the cars.

I always hit them a few times cos I get bored at the instersection plus think if I keep pressing it, it may make a diff and change quicker as its might be less likely to hurry up if it thinks only one person is crossing.
Originally posted by kobayashi:
you know when you're walking through an intersection and you have to push the walk button?
does it help to push it more than once or is it just an on/off type thing?
why would anyone even know this?
im bored.


why dont you take a good watch and try both
(1st time push as many times as possible, second time just once )and record the time.

for better result chose an intersection with few people around. Do that on all intersections and then publish a report.
I think it is some sort of physiological comfort they made up for us and that it makes us feel like we as pedestrians are in control. Or maybe I am over analyzing.

When life hands you a lemon, say "Oh yeah, I like lemons. What else you got?" --Henry Rollins

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