Rank this century's albums

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Sep 29, 2001
BD 4 Vertigo 2 NLOTH 3 Miracle 1
Stuck 3 MD 2 Magnif. 1 EBW 4
Elevation 1 SYCMIOYO 3 MOS 4 California 2
Walk on 3 LAPOE 1 UC 4 SFS 2
Kite 3 COBL 1 Crazy 2 Iris 4
IALW 4 ABOY 1 Boots 2 Volcano 3
WH 2 AMAAW 4 SUC 1 Wolves 3
POE 2 Crumbs 1 Fez – BB 3 CR 4
WILATW 3 OSC 1 WAS 2 Sleep 4
New York 3 OOTS 4 Breathe 2 TIWYCRM 1
Grace 1 Yahweh 2 COL 3 Troubles 4
TOTAL - 29 TOTAL - 22 TOTAL - 27 TOTAL - 32

So you wanna know how you rank their output in this century? 4 albums, 4 x 11 songs. Compare 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 and give 4 points to the winner, 3 to the runner up etc. Overall winner will have scored the most points.

So my list would be:

Copy/paste, fill in, and enlighten yourself! :wink:
I'll change this algorithm a bit by ordering the songs on each album according to how much I like them, then cross comparing them. Also, I am giving 1 point to the winner, 2 to second, etc. Lowest Score wins, like golf.

1-Walk On__2-SYCMIOYO__4-NLOTH___3-EBW

So according to this: SOI, ATYCLB, HTDAAB, NLOTH.

But my actual rankings are: ATYCLB, SOI, NLOTH, HTDAAB

A better way to do it would be for me to list all the songs together, ranking them from best to worst, then adding up the places of each song on each album to weight it a bit. For example, choosing the best out of the last place songs doesnt really mean much to me, theyre all pretty bad.

That being said, I do find there to be a nice evenness to SOI, which was demonstrated here. It's nice to have an album with no grace, yahweh, SUC, and so on. There's nothing on SOI that makes me cringe.

Bomb on the other hand makes me cringe through about half the album.
I'm doing this based on the OP's method.

BD 4 Vertigo 3 NLOTH 2 The Miracle 1
Stuck 2 MD 1 Magnificent 3 EBW 4
Elevation 1 SYCMIOYO 3 MOS 4 California 2
Walk On 4 LAPOE 1 UC 3 SFS 2
Kite 2 COBL 4 Crazy Tonight 1 Iris 3
IALW 3 ABOY 2 Boots 1 Volcano 4
Wild Honey 3 AMAAW 4 SUC 2 RBW 1
POE 1 Crumbs 2 Fez 3 CR 4
New York 4 OOTS 2 Breathe 3 TIWYCRMN 1
Grace 1 Yahweh 3 COL 2 The Troubles 4
29 26 27 28

According to this:


Which is very accurate. However, I'm really surprised by how close the numbers are. I like this type of ranking.
I'm a pretty big fan of their 2000s work, so this should be interesting.

Beautiful Day 4, The Miracle 3, Vertigo 2, No Line On The Horizon 1
Stuck In A Moment 4, Magnificent 3, Every Breaking Wave 2, Miracle Drug 1
Elevation 4, California 3, Sometimes 2, Moment Of Surrender 1
Song For Someone 4, Love And Peace Or Else 3, Walk On 2, Unknown Caller 1
Kite 4, City Of Blinding Lights 3, Crazy Tonight 2, Iris 1
In A Little While 4, All Because Of You 3, Volcano 2, Get On Your Boots 1
Wild Honey 4, Raised By Wolves 3, Stand Up Comedy 2, A Man And A Woman 1
Fez 4, Cedarwood Road 3, Crumbs 2, Peace On Earth 1
When I Look At The World 4, One Step Closer 3, Sleep Like A Baby 2, White As Snow 1
Original Of The Species 4, Breathe 3, This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now 2, New York 1
The Troubles 4, Yahweh 3, Cedars Of Lebanon 2, Grace 1

SOI- 29
BD 4 Vertigo 2 NLOTH 3 Miracle 1
Stuck 1 MD 2 Magnif. 3 EBW 4
Elevation 2 SYCMIOYO 1 MOS 4 California 3
Walk on 4 LAPOE 1 UC 3 SFS 2
Kite 4 COBL 3 Crazy 1 Iris 2
IALW 4 ABOY 2 Boots 1 Volcano 3
WH 1 AMAAW 3 SUC 2 Wolves 4
POE 2 Crumbs 3 Fez – BB 3 CR 4
WILATW 3 OSC 2 WAS 1 Sleep 4
New York 1 OOTS 2 Breathe 3 TIWYCRM 4
Grace 2 Yahweh 1 COL 3 Troubles 4
28 22 27 35

SOI - 35
NLOTH - 27
BD 4 Vertigo 2 NLOTH 3 Miracle 1
Stuck 1 MD 2 Magnif. 4 EBW 3
Elevation 1 SYCMIOYO 3 MOS 4 California 2
Walk on 4 LAPOE 2 UC 3 SFS 1
Kite 3 COBL 4 Crazy 1 Iris 2
IALW 2 ABOY 3 Boots 1 Volcano 4
WH 2 AMAAW 3 SUC 1 Wolves 4
POE 1 Crumbs 3 Fez – BB 4 CR 2
WILATW 4 OSC 1 WAS 2 Sleep 3
New York 3 OOTS 1 Breathe 4 TIWYCRM 2
Grace 1 Yahweh 2 COL 4 Troubles 3

NLOTH - 30
SOI - 28

Last edited:
BD 4 Vertigo 1 NLOTH 3 Miracle 2
Stuck 1 MD 2 Magnif. 4 EBW 3
Elevation 2 SYCMIOYO 1 MOS 4 California 3
Walk on 4 LAPOE 2 UC 3 SFS 1
Kite 4 COBL 2 Crazy 1 Iris 3
IALW 3 ABOY 1 Boots 2 Volcano 4
WH 4 AMAAW 2 SUC 1 Wolves 3
POE 1 Crumbs 3 Fez – BB 4 CR 2
WILATW 2 OSC 3 WAS 1 Sleep 4
New York 1 OOTS 2 Breathe 3 TIWYCRM 4
Grace 1 Yahweh 3 COL 2 Troubles 4

NLOTH - 28
SOI - 33
Short on time so can't post a track breakdown, but here's how I rank them overall.

2 Tied: SOI & NLOTH
Interesting way of doing this.

BD 3 Vertigo 2 NLOTH 1 Miracle 4
Stuck 4 MD 2 Magnif. 1 EBW 3
Elevation 1 SYCMIOYO 3 MOS 4 California 2
Walk on 3 LAPOE 1 UC 4 SFS 2
Kite 4 COBL 3 Crazy 1 Iris 2
IALW 4 ABOY 3 Boots 1 Volcano 2
WH 1 AMAAW 2 SUC 3 Wolves 4
POE 4 Crumbs 3 Fez – BB 2 CR 1
WILATW 4 OSC 3 WAS 2 Sleep 1
New York 1 OOTS 2 Breathe 4 TIWYCRM 3
Grace 1 Yahweh 3 COL 2 Troubles 4
TOTAL - 30 TOTAL - 27 TOTAL - 25 TOTAL - 28


Track 4, 5 and 8, 9 were the hardest to pick a favorite from, for me.

Also, because of all of those hard choices, NLOTH ended up under Bomb, but I would never rank it that way, normally.
BD 3 Vertigo 2 NLOTH 4 Miracle 1
Stuck 1 MD 3 Magnif. 1 EBW 4
Elevation 1 SYCMIOYO 3 MOS 4 California 2
Walk on 4 LAPOE 1 UC 3 SFS 2
Kite 2 COBL 3 Crazy 1 Iris 4
IALW 3 ABOY 1 Boots 2 Volcano 4
WH 2 AMAAW 3 SUC 1 Wolves 4
POE 2 Crumbs 1 Fez – BB 4 CR 3
WILATW 4 OSC 1 WAS 2 Sleep 3
New York 1 OOTS 2 Breathe 3 TIWYCRM 4
Grace 1 Yahweh 2 COL 3 Troubles 4
TOTAL - 24 TOTAL - 22 TOTAL - 26 TOTAL - 35

1. SOI - 35 (boy, that last half was the difference maker)
2. NLOTH - 26
3. ATYCLB - 24
4. HTDAAB - 22
ack! I just saw this thread, and I love it. Don't have time at the moment but I will be back.
I just did a full listen of ATYCLB right back to back with SOI.

Pretty striking. Beautiful Day actually sounded excellent, So good musically, but the lyrics when you really take a look are not great. But a powerful song still.

Stuck sounded a little better than I remember.

Elevation is elevation, fun but nothing fantastic

Walk on, I just don't like anymore. So bland and paint by numbers.

KITE - nothing touches it from SOI,

And then In a Little While all the way to Grace is just ok to downright bad.

SOI by a mile.

Thanks for this thread, I will come back when I can spend a little time
OK, Here are mine. Not much of a surprise. Except I wanted to give every #10 a 1 or 2 rating... :huh:

BD 3 Vertigo 2 NLOTH 4 Miracle 1
Stuck 2 MD 1 Magnif. 3 EBW 4
Elev. 2 SYCMIOYO 1 MOS 4 California 3
Walk on 2 LAPOE 4 UC 1 SFS 3
Kite 4 COBL 2 Crazy 1 Iris 3
IALW 3 ABOY 2 Boots 1 Volcano 4
WH 2 AMAAW 3 SUC 1 Wolves 4
POE 1 Crumbs 2 Fez – BB 4 CR 3
WILATW 3 OSC 1 WAS 2 Sleep 4
NY 1 OOTS 4 Breathe 3 TIWYCRM 2
Grace 1 Yahweh 2 COL 3 Troubles 4
TOTAL - 24 TOTAL - 24 TOTAL - 27 TOTAL – 35

SOI = 35

NLOTH = 27


BD 4 Vertigo 2 NLOTH 3 Miracle 1
Stuck 2 MD 1 Magnif. 3 EBW 4
Elevation 1 SYCMIOYO 2 MOS 4 California 3
Walk on 3 LAPOE 2 UC 4 SFS 1
Kite 2 COBL 3 Crazy 1 Iris 4
IALW 2 ABOY 1 Boots 3 Volcano 4
WH 1 AMAAW 3 SUC 2 Wolves 4
POE 2 Crumbs 1 Fez – BB 3 CR 4
WILATW 3 OSC 1 WAS 2 Sleep 4
New York 4 OOTS 3 Breathe 2 TIWYCRM 1
Grace 1 Yahweh 2 COL 4 Troubles 3

SOI: 33

sounds about right
BD 4 Vertigo 1 NLOTH 3 Miracle 2
Stuck 2 MD 1 Magnif. 3 EBW 4
Elevation 1 SYCMIOYO 2 MOS 4 California 3
Walk on 4 LAPOE 1 UC 2 SFS 3
Kite 1 COBL 4 Crazy 2 Iris 3
IALW 1 ABOY 2 Boots 3 Volcano 4
WH 1 AMAAW 3 SUC 2 Wolves 4
POE 1 Crumbs 2 Fez – BB 3 CR 4
WILATW 2 OSC 1 WAS 3 Sleep 4
New York 1 OOTS 2 Breathe 4 TIWYCRM 3
Grace 1 Yahweh 3 COL 2 Troubles 4

19 22 31 38

SOI 38

SOI has such a strong second half. ATYCLB is the opposite for me. Never was huge on Kite or IALW either.

Really surprised how many people love WILATW. Seems like a throwaway track for me.
BD 4 Vertigo 1 NLOTH 2 Miracle 3
Stuck 2 MD 1 Magnif. 4 EBW 3
Elevation 2 SYCMIOYO 1 MOS 4 California 3
Walk on 4 LAPOE 1 UC 3 SFS 2
Kite 3 COBL 4 Crazy 1 Iris 2
IALW 4 ABOY 1 Boots 3 Volcano 2
WH 2 AMAAW 4 SUC 1 Wolves 3
POE 2 Crumbs 1 Fez – BB 4 CR 3
WILATW 3 OSC 1 WAS 4 Sleep 2
New York 1 OOTS 3 Breathe 4 TIWYCRM 2
Grace 1 Yahweh 2 COL 3 Troubles 4
TOTAL - 28 TOTAL - 20 TOTAL - 33 TOTAL - 29

Not terribly surprising.
1) No Line On the Horizon
2) Songs of Innocence
3) All That You Can't Leave Behind
4) How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb

With SOI and ATYCLB very close. This is pretty much exactly how I'd rank them under any system, although I'd consider switching SOI and ATYCLB.
BD 4 Vertigo 2 NLOTH 3 Miracle 1
Stuck 4 MD 1 Magnif. 2 EBW 3
Elevation 1 SYCMIOYO 3 MOS 4 California 2
Walk on 3 LAPOE 1 UC 4 SFS 2
Kite 3 COBL 1 Crazy 2 Iris 4
IALW 4 ABOY 1 Boots 3 Volcano 2
WH 3 AMAAW 4 SUC 1 Wolves 2
POE 4 Crumbs 3 Fez – BB 2 CR 1
WILATW 2 OSC 1 WAS 3 Sleep 4
New York 1 OOTS 2 Breathe 4 TIWYCRM 3
Grace 1 Yahweh 3 COL 2 Troubles 4

1. NLOTH: 30
2. ATYCLB: 30
3 SOI: 28
4. HTDAAB: 22

That was difficult. I think this is mostly correct.
BD 5 Vertigo 1 NLOTH 4 Miracle 3
Stuck 4 MD 2 Magnif. 3 EBW 5
Elevation 2 SYCMIOYO 1 MOS 4 California 4
Walk on 3 LAPOE 1 UC 4 SFS 5
Kite 4 COBL 3 Crazy 1 Iris 5
IALW 4 ABOY 1 Boots 3 Volcano 4
WH 4 AMAAW 3 SUC 1 Wolves 4
POE 3 Crumbs 2 Fez – BB 3 CR 5
WILATW 3 OSC 1 WAS 4 Sleep 5
New York 4 OOTS 1 Breathe 4 TIWYCRM 5
Grace 3 Yahweh 3 COL 5 Troubles 5

ATYCLB: 39/55, 71%
HTDAAB: 19/55, 35%
NLOTH: 36/55, 65%
SoI: 50/55, 90%

ATYCLB is a better than the sum of its parts, though.
Songs of Innocence isn't as good as the sum of it's parts.
BD 4 Vertigo 2 NLOTH 3 Miracle 1
Stuck 4 MD 1 Magnif. 2 EBW 3
Elevation 1 SYCMIOYO 3 MOS 4 California 2
Walk on 3 LAPOE 1 UC 4 SFS 2
Kite 3 COBL 1 Crazy 2 Iris 4
IALW 4 ABOY 1 Boots 3 Volcano 2
WH 3 AMAAW 4 SUC 1 Wolves 2
POE 4 Crumbs 3 Fez – BB 2 CR 1
WILATW 2 OSC 1 WAS 3 Sleep 4
New York 1 OOTS 2 Breathe 4 TIWYCRM 3
Grace 1 Yahweh 3 COL 2 Troubles 4

1. NLOTH: 30
2. ATYCLB: 30
3 SOI: 28
4. HTDAAB: 22

That was difficult. I think this is mostly correct.

I love to see the difference of everyone's taste and respect it, but:
POE 4 Crumbs 3 Fez – BB 2 CR 1

That's a shocker.
I have them ranked the exact same way. That was the hardest spot to rank, for me.
BD 3 Vertigo 1 NLOTH 4 Miracle 2
Stuck 4 MD 2 Magnif. 3 EBW 1
Elevation 3 SYCMIOYO 1 MOS 4 California 2
Walk On 4 LAPOE 2 UC 3 SFS 1
Kite 4 COBL 3 Crazy 1 Iris 2
IALW 2 ABOY 3 Boots 1 Volcano 4
WH 2 AMAAW 3 SUC 1 Wolves 4
POE 3 Crumbs 1 Fez – BB 2 CR 4
WILATW 3 OSC 1 WAS 2 Sleep 4
New York 2 OOTS 1 Breathe 3 TIWYCRM 4
Grace 2 Yahweh 1 COL 3 Troubles 4

SOI: 32
Beautiful Day 4, The Miracle 2, Vertigo 1, No Line On The Horizon 3
Stuck In A Moment 1, Magnificent 3, Every Breaking Wave 2, Miracle Drug 4
Elevation 1, California 2, Sometimes 3, Moment Of Surrender 4
Song For Someone 1, Love And Peace Or Else 4, Walk On 2, Unknown Caller 3
Kite 3, City Of Blinding Lights 2, Crazy Tonight 1, Iris 4
In A Little While 2, All Because Of You 1, Volcano 4, Get On Your Boots 3
Wild Honey 1, Raised By Wolves 4, Stand Up Comedy 3, A Man And A Woman 2
Fez 4, Cedarwood Road 3, Crumbs 2, Peace On Earth 1
When I Look At The World 4, One Step Closer 1, Sleep Like A Baby 3, White As Snow 2
Original Of The Species 2, Breathe 1, This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now 4, New York 3
The Troubles 4, Yahweh 3, Cedars Of Lebanon 1, Grace 2

SOI --- 33
NLOTH --- 28
HTDAAB -- 25
ATYCLB --- 23

It was hard but it confirms my album ranking.....:up: ----> no it doesn't actually, I put HTDAAB better than NLOTH
Would be fun to do it with all 13 album together (but damn hard!)
BD 3 Vertigo 2 No Line 4 Miracle 1
SIAM 2 MD 3 EBW 4 Magnificent 1
Elevation1 SYCM 3 MOS4 California2
Walk On 4 LAPOE 1 UC 3 SFS 2
Kite 4 COBL 3 Crazy 1 Iris 2
IALW 2 ABOY 4 GYOB 1 Volcano 3
Wild Honey2 AMAAW 3 SUC 1 RBW4
POE 2 Crumbs 1 Fez 3 Cedarwood 4
NY 1 OOTS 4 Breathe 2 Reach 3
Grace 1 Yahweh 3 COL 2 Troubles 4

All That You Can't Leave Behind: 26
Atomic Bomb: 30
No Line: 23
Songs Of Innocence: 31
Beautiful Day 4, Vertigo 2, No Line 3, Miracle 1
Stuck 4, Miracle Drug 3, Magnificent 1, Every Breaking Wave 2
Elevation 1, Sometimes 3, Moment of Surrender 4, California 2
Walk On 4, Love and Peace 2, Unknown Caller 1, Song for Someone 3
Kite 4, City of Blinding Lights 3, Crazy Tonight 2, Iris 1
In a Little While 4, All Because of You 1, Boots 2, Volcano 3
Wild Honery 4, A Man and a Woman 3, Standup Comedy 1, Wolves 2
Peace on Earth 3, Crumbs 2, Fez 4, Cedarwood Rd 1
When I Look at the World 4, One Step Closer 3, White as Snow 1, Sleep Like a Baby 2
New York 4, Original of the Species 1, Breathe 3, Reach Around 2
Grace 2, Yahewh 1, Cedars 3, Troubles 4

No Line - 25
Songs of Innocence - 23
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