Randooomdumdoooomdum Doozer-style

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think I read that "fans" caused a problem here during his concert.

Everytime I flipped by the game on tv the score kept going up and up and up............Gonna be a short Series if the games are like this.
By the end he was making fun of them and they didn't even know. At least I think he was; he started whispering into the mike, "Yeah, we're at a concert, mumblemumblemumble..." and asked, "Do you people yell at Titanic when you see it the second time? 'DON'T SINK!' or do you yell at Friends? 'Ross, don't get married! Rachel will marry you in the last season!'" and then he made up a song about Ross and Rachel...that half the audience missed because they were either leaving early or talking about the rims on their car. :mad:

Every time we looked at the score of Jeff's Blackberry, the Sox were up and the score was up. They went through the entire lineup every inning and a half. :huh:
People sporadically shouted song requests, which he ignored, just as he generally ignored the crowd altogether. But he eventually got annoyed, barked that he had a list of songs he was going to do, and then he got down on his back and just lay there for a while. I often had the sense I was watching someone give a concert who didn't wish to be noticed while he did it.
That is what I remember reading about his concert..........

I am off today and am listening (at very high volume) to Bruuuuuce. Magic is :drool: . Can I start my begging that he come here on the third leg...........pleaseohpleaseohplease.

I've had one exciting day..........I thought our final dessert portfolio for our 10 plated desserts was due on Monday. Uh nope. Today. I only had a list of desserts, sauces, and garnishes and that list wasn't very thorough. I found out last night, when almost half my class skipped, that it was due today. I can't believe no one mentioned the due date in class this week and that I'm a dumbass and overlooking that little detail. We had to type out recipes and procedures for 10 plated desserts which include a main item, sauce, and multiple garnishes. Plus, type out a list of events on how we're going to utlize our time during the 5 days plus a detailed grocery list. We had to add up everything in ounces and pounds. If we needed sugar 10 times, we could just put sugar 10 times; it had to be the exact amount, give or take a little, in pounds. I need 70 eggs :crazy:

My Chef realized everyone was in a mad panic about it so she let us go before 10 last night. By 10:30 I was typing away all the way until 3:00 AM :sad: I had 7 recipes done, my grocery list up to that point and that was all I could handle.

This morning in speech at 9:30 am :yawn: I told my teacher I needed to work on my baking homework. She's told us multiple times that as long as we show up and check in, she'll let us go to the library, lab or wherever if we have other homework because we're obviously going to school to be Chefs, not public speakers. She's cool like that. So while in class, I drew up pictures and colored detailed diagrams of all 10 plates :crazy: I'm definitely not an artists! :der:

Then by noon I was home again and working away. I just finished.

I'm not happy with some of my items. I feel like I did a half ass job because I rushed. But I'm also a little pissed off at my Chef because we've all been begging her to teach us how to plate sauces and fruit garnishes and so far she hasn't shown us. So how can she expect us to pick out this stuff if we don't know what to do? :mad:

Tomorrow and Saturday I have to make a gigantic cake in the shape of a turtle. Hayden will be 1 already! :yikes: Sunday I have to create a 6 minute persuasive speech. Monday I start the new job. :help:

Ok...I feel better now that I go that out. Time to change and sit in traffic :happy:
Got some chocolate-peanut butter brownies in the oven.

Got my Youkilis jersey on.

Got the remote controller ready to flip between the BC-VT game and the World Series (he's the college football fan, not me, but hey, another first-place Boston team is good to me!), and then the World Series and The Office when appropriate.

I am ready for Game 2. Go Sox! :hyper:
Lucky you! 9 hours until my day off! :D Once again they screwed up my schedule; I asked for a morning shift Sunday the 4th as we have concert tickets, and I am scheduled 11 am to 7 pm. :happy: I really hate being a pain about my schedule, but I have stuff going on!!! I need to get my weekends back somehow...these issues stink, and I'm getting homesick but I don't know if I'll see my family before Christmas. :(
Also: I think I found the song I will have my synchro kids skate to in the March show! It's San Tropez by Pink Floyd, but it's not about, like, drugs or anything; it's upbeat without being too fast, and it's kinda pretty and a little bit tropical. It's pretty much the most un-Pink Floyd-like song Pink Floyd ever made.
the turtle cake looks like crap. :scream: It really doesn't look that bad but I've done better work before. Allis came to help me today. We both did the best we could with the equipment I have at home. I'm happy with the work we got done but of course my mom has to point out a few goofs in the frosting. :| Love it. One day when I'm a world famous Pastry Chef with people raving about my work, my mom will still see the flaws and point them out. :sad:

Off to deliver the cake.......
Everyone loooooooooooved the turtle! My cousin didn't think a 12 x18 inch double layered cake would be big enough :| so she bought TWO sheet cakes from Costco. She barely need 1/4 of the turtle so now she has 3 cakes!!!!! I'm a tad annoyed because I spent almost $30 on ingredients. If she didn't think it was going to be enough and was ordering these cakes all along, I could have bought the kid a toy and saved the stress of having to deal with it.

I'm really really really crabby. I'm tired from my schedule. I can't wait for my double duty at school to be done. It's almost as tiring as it was working and going to school full time.

Amy and I have had plans for weeks for tonight. I texted her 2 times today and no response so I decided to have dinner at the birthday party. We had talked about us going out to dinner after I was finished at the party. I called her to let her know I ate but I'd still go for a drink. She "forgot" we had plans so she went to a friends party about an hour away from here. I've told her for months that after today, I'm booked solid on Saturdays between working Saturday nights, baking for Thanksgiving and a wedding shower then probably the Dec holidays so I guess she doesn't want to see me until the new year. Whatever. It only adds to my crabbiness right now. I wanted to go out for a much needed, and well deserved, drink :scream:

That's all. :|
Happy vacation to me! And to celebrate it I will have my mother announce to me that, "In this container is your grandmothers and grandfathers wedding rings..............they are located (insert location here)"
Me ~ :yikes: going somewhere mom? :yikes: Something you want to share with me?

WTF brought that on??????!?!?!?
Schmeg ~ yopur place of employment seems to have taken scheduling lessons from my place of employment. Pink Floyd has music that has a tropical sound? *mind blown away by that thought*
arw ~ I am sure that the turtle cake did not look like crap. Sorry that your plans got screwed up.
kelly ~ You sound so excited :happy:

Where is New York girl?
shari schultz said:
also wondering about fah and Blue Room.............


I'm suffering from an insane work load both at work and home.

We are soooooo short staffed at work that I have just finished working 6 days in a row (2 of them at overtime) and I go back to work tomorrow after a day and a half off when I should have four.

The mini fahs are back at school and if they take on one more thing my head will explode :wink:

All three play soccer, all three swim (2 diving, 1 regular lessons), the 2 older play basketball in the Steve Nash league and then just for one, the oldest plays in school too. The older 2 have also made the rep league for their age group in softball and those practises start sometime next month :sigh: Mondays and Wednesdays are the only days that we really don't have scheduled events but that changes regularly.

How is everyone?
shari schultz said:
Schmeg ~ yopur place of employment seems to have taken scheduling lessons from my place of employment. Pink Floyd has music that has a tropical sound? *mind blown away by that thought*

I fortunately have awesome coworkers that switched shifts with me so I can go to Broken Social Scene AND the Game of the Year Party (Colt vs. Pats) and enjoy beer and a $5 taco bar. I will be all tacoed out, after good old Jacoby won us all a free taco by stealing a base the other night.

I had to look at my iPod three times to make sure; my mind was blown, too. But it's definitely the Floyd, from Meddle. :up:
fah said:

The mini fahs are back at school and if they take on one more thing my head will explode :wink:

All three play soccer, all three swim (2 diving, 1 regular lessons), the 2 older play basketball in the Steve Nash league and then just for one, the oldest plays in school too. The older 2 have also made the rep league for their age group in softball and those practises start sometime next month :sigh: Mondays and Wednesdays are the only days that we really don't have scheduled events but that changes regularly.

How is everyone?


I got tired just from reading all of that.
:wave: fah!
The mini fah stuff sounds busy but fun. Add in the OT at work and things get a wee bit overwhelming ............any end in sight with the work stuff? Hopefully sometime soon some people will be hired to help out.
Hang in there!
:applaud: I missed the Vikings game today :drool:


I had a lovely day. The school girls and I went to the big Chef store in Stillwater :love: We started the day at Caribou with pumpkin muffins :drool: and caramel coolers. That's usually my Sunday treat. I try to stay far away from Caribou during the week! I didn't find anything I needed for my dessert presentation at the store or at any of the antique stores. :madwife: I think that's the first time I've ever left the Chef store without buying anything :sigh: I saw tons of stuff I wanted but.......

The leaves on the St Croix are just beautiful. Such a nice day to wander around there.

but now.....I have to write a 4-6 minute persuasive speech for tomorrow morning :scream:
shari schultz said:
It's good to know that I can be creeped out even when watching The Exorcist in daylight.

Sometimes I think that I'm the only person who was not freaked out by The Exorcist. Let me explain . . . :shifty:

My sister and I went to see it in the theaters a few years ago when it was re-released. "Wow," I thought, "this will be really good." I had never seen it before, she had.

The film opens and one priest guy is wandering around Africa for about 20 minutes it feels like. "When is something scary going to happen?" I ask my sister. She tells me to sssh.

The the movie goes back to the states and we see the actress/mother, her daughter and their normal life problems. "Okay," I tell my sister, "something scary is going to happen soon right?" She tells me to be quiet.

Then the movie focuses on the other priest and his angst about his mom, and some other stuff I don't remember, but in general he seems to be an unhappy guy. "This is a horror movie, right?" I ask my sister. She tells me to shut up.

Then Regan pees on a rug. My sister is now very annoyed at me for pestering her - which I understand, but I'm still waiting for the scary stuff.

Then when the creepy stuff finally starts happening, I'm confused as to what is so scary about this film by having to sit through what seems an endless not scary yet movie. And most of the scary stuff I've seen in TV clip shows before. Great. Woo hoo pea soup.


eta: My sister tells me the priest at the beginning of the movie was wandering around Iraq, not Africa. And she's still very annoyed that I bugged her during the movie and she paid money for the experience of seeing it in the theater. Sorry.

Now The Exorcist II - that's a hilarious comedy :up:. It's not supposed to be, but it is.
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kellyahern said:

Sometimes I think that I'm the only person who was not freaked out by The Exorcist. Let me explain . . . :shifty:

My sister and I went to see it in the theaters a few years ago when it was re-released. "Wow," I thought, "this will be really good." I had never seen it before, she had.

The film opens and one priest guy is wandering around Africa for about 20 minutes it feels like. "When is something scary going to happen?" I ask my sister. She tells me to sssh.

The the movie goes back to the states and we see the actress/mother, her daughter and their normal life problems. "Okay," I tell my sister, "something scary is going to happen soon right?" She tells me to be quiet.

Then the movie focuses on the other priest and his angst about his mom, and some other stuff I don't remember, but in general he seems to be an unhappy guy. "This is a horror movie, right?" I ask my sister. She tells me to shut up.

Then Regan pees on a rug. My sister is now very annoyed at me for pestering her - which I understand, but I'm still waiting for the scary stuff.

Then when the creepy stuff finally starts happening, I'm confused as to what is so scary about this film by having to sit through what seems an endless not scary yet movie. And most of the scary stuff I've seen in TV clip shows before. Great. Woo hoo pea soup.


eta: My sister tells me the priest at the beginning of the movie was wandering around Iraq, not Africa. And she's still very annoyed that I bugged her during the movie and she paid money for the experience of seeing it in the theater. Sorry.

Now The Exorcist II - that's a hilarious comedy :up:. It's not supposed to be, but it is.

That is EXACTLY what happened to me when I watched Cujo. It took so long to get scary, the scary part was funny. Oh no! We're stuck in a car on a hot day with a big rabid dog not letting us out! Who will save us?!
I hated Cujo. I was rooting for the dog :|

kelly was the the re-release with Regan crab walking down the stairs..........I have never seen the whole re-release but I did see that part in a preview and it sent shivers down my spine *shudder*

ETA I completely agree about Exorcist 2 :yes:
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