Random TV Talk III - Do the Russell Coight

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Last night I was thinking "Oh boy, I can't wait for the finale of Broadchurch next week!" And then today I realized I could find it somewhere to watch early. Huzzah!

Man, it's been a long time since a TV show has made me cry, but the finale of Broadchurch sure did. *sigh*

Now I'm on to The Fall, a recent BBC (?) production with Gillian Anderson. It's very dark, graphic and creepy so far, only two episodes in.
There's something I don't quite understand, what's up with American talkshows? There seem to be like a million of them, was just reading a bit about the Tonight show brouhaha from a few years back. But NBC showing 3 similarly styled talkshows in a row? Leno, Fallon and Carson Daly? Seems like overkill and I wouldn't think it makes for interesting television.
Man, it's been a long time since a TV show has made me cry, but the finale of Broadchurch sure did. *sigh*

Now I'm on to The Fall, a recent BBC (?) production with Gillian Anderson. It's very dark, graphic and creepy so far, only two episodes in.

Belfast is just full of psychopaths...it's a good show, and it was interesting seeing something quite slick production wise set in my hometown.
I have two more episodes to go. It's just deliciously creepy.

I was a little let down by the finale, but I suppose that's just me liking to have everything wrapped up in a neat little bow.

Will there be another season of the show? It all felt like a stand-alone miniseries, but it certainly was open-ended.
I think they dropped a few hints in the penultimate episode.

Especially with Ellie's accusatory "How did you not know that was going on in your own house?" line to Susan. That was some big foreshadowing there.
There's something I don't quite understand, what's up with American talkshows? There seem to be like a million of them, was just reading a bit about the Tonight show brouhaha from a few years back. But NBC showing 3 similarly styled talkshows in a row? Leno, Fallon and Carson Daly? Seems like overkill and I wouldn't think it makes for interesting television.

Never really understood the point either. Never liked any of them, either.
Starting to think cooking shows are just as bad, if not worse than singing competition shows. At least there's potential for hilarity on the latter.

Give me Big Brother over them erryday.
So... Agents of Shield is basically an Iron Man 3/Pursuit of Happyness crossover fanfic?
Guys...I think we need to talk about something. It's going to be difficult, but I think it needs to be done:

WTF is going on with The Michael J. Fox show? I just watched the long trailer for it to finally see just what the premise of it was, beyond Michael J. Fox - The Man with Parkinson's. By the time the trailer was over, I'd laughed out loud and hard twice, but I felt horrible about it. I mean, he's the one making the jokes, so laughing should be OK? Right? I mean, he's cool with it, but...

The simple fact of the matter is: How can this show fail? Who is going to be the critic to have the audacity to pan Michael J. Fox the show?

Your Thoughts?

Well, I watched it.

It was awkward.

I laughed.

I'll keep watching, but it's not that special. GREAT cast though.
Oh my God, The Crazy Ones. I think my favorite part was saying, halfway though the episode, "You know why I love this show? Because it's Denny Crane, but played by an even crazier Robin Williams." I had no idea at the time that it was a David E. Kelley show. I about blew a gasket when I saw that in the closing credits.

Also, the blooper at the end of Kelly Clarkson just absolutely losing it was wonderful, even if it wasn't actually a part of the episode.

I only plan on watching one more pilot, and that's We Are Men.

As it stands now, I'd say:

The Crazy Ones
The Black List
The Michael J. Fox Show
Agents of Shield.

But I think I'd even give Agents of Shield a 6.5/10, so, really, not bad.
I wasn't impressed at all. Coulson was great, I expected that. I'm going to keep watching because I don't want to miss something relevant to the Avengers franchise, but that didn't do much for me.
What did you guys think of the pilot episode of The Bridge?

it has been pretty good, one of the better new shows this last year

this guy


is real interesting, the actor was also in Top of the Lake
He looks vaguely familiar.

The last episode of Burn Notice managed to hit my top 5 points on what would have been my list of "ways to make the show end on the worst note possible," had I made such a list beforehand. Aside from painfully over the top melodrama, there were:

1) constant weird decisions that are plot-induced but wildly flying in the face of tactical logic--when characters chose to use phones is my favorite. Don't use this phone ever or they will track us! *uses phone because the plot requires the bad guys to track them* oh noes they found us!
2) let's reference every little thing we can think of to hearken back to the first season--whether we mention characters we haven't seen in years, or use some of the oft-repeated jokes and phrases from commercials
3) actual character death of the wrong character. I'm all for character death, and have been known to hold the opinion that my all-time favorite fictional character should have been killed off two books ago from the series in which he hails. But this one was sheer bullshit. Especially the violations of point #2 that followed. Cheapest comic relief attempt I've ever seen
4) fake character deaths of the right characters to kill for real. lamest plot device ever=make the audience think you killed the main characters, only to end with their triumphant return for that happy ending.
5) weight of decision vs persuasive argument falling short of the persuasive argument every single time. I know there's only 40-something minutes to work with, but come on. The previous two episodes had almost successfully built up the change in the first place. Some wishy washy love conquers all shouldn't have shattered that set up so easily.

The entire season was pretty lame, the last few seasons weren't exactly good, and the show was really mediocre at best from the start. Two of those five things alone could make a final episode bad. All five together, and we're talking ability to make me hate the entire show.
I enjoyed The Crazy Ones - it was a lot better than I was expecting.

I watched about 20 minutes of Agents of Shield and then realized I had no interest in it, Joss Whedon or no.
It definitely wasn't a thrilling premiere. Some people on another forum I frequent talked me into watching Sleepy Hollow (both episodes...). Also not all that great. I'll probably stick with both for an episode or two more to see if they improve. Tons of others on the net seem to be loving both shows. :shrug:

South Park's new episode was enjoyable this week.

Sunday is going to be ridiculous. I've had set my DVR to record reruns, because there are too many things on at the same general time. Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Homeland, Eastbound and Down.

I watched that Masters of Sex early premiere on demand as well. Yowza.
Stupid Sundays ... Revenge, The Good Wife and Homeland are all on at the same time. At least Homeland will air multiple times in the 24 hours following, so ... sorry, Homeland, you have to wait until Monday to be watched.

Along with Masters of Sex, and that new Stephen Merchant HBO show, Hello Ladies.
Oh my God, The Crazy Ones. I think my favorite part was saying, halfway though the episode, "You know why I love this show? Because it's Denny Crane, but played by an even crazier Robin Williams." I had no idea at the time that it was a David E. Kelley show. I about blew a gasket when I saw that in the closing credits.

Also, the blooper at the end of Kelly Clarkson just absolutely losing it was wonderful, even if it wasn't actually a part of the episode.

I only plan on watching one more pilot, and that's We Are Men.

As it stands now, I'd say:

The Crazy Ones
The Black List
The Michael J. Fox Show
Agents of Shield.

But I think I'd even give Agents of Shield a 6.5/10, so, really, not bad.

I liked The Crazy Ones, aka Mork and Buffy. Was actually impressed with Kelly Clarkson, she was good in her guest spot.

Agents of SHIELD was so so, I'll give it a little more of a shot, but it needs to pick up.
Also watched The Goldbergs after Shield, not good. Not good at all.

Missed the premiere of The Blacklist, plan to catch it on demand, was told it was good.
Kelly was really wonderful in the scene in the restaurant. "Make us feel." :lol:

I absolutely refuse to watch Masters of Sex until at least a month or so has passed and I'm still hearing positive things. It just ooozes cable show showing off how much sex they can show cause they're a cable show. If it turns out to have some substance, I'll probably check it out
Having the same star in the remake makes me more interested in watching it .... but since I already know whodunnit, I'll pass. What's the point?
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