Random Music Talk XXIV: Where there's CLICK!ing and NASH!ing of teeth

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Neither of my two jaunts with Shuttlecock come close to scraping even the top fifteen or twenty shows I've seen.
"Cock on Earth" would be a great way to kick off the first encore!

honestly, i couldn't give a shit that Bono says that. everyone bangs on about how it's one of the biggest atrocities in the history of music, and whenever someone on the internet doesn't like U2, as you say, that's what they go for. but it really doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Agreed. I really do not understand people who complain about that one moment.

Boner is a clown. He was a clown back in 1988. Why would anyone think the guy was being serious? "Play the blues" is a saying that pre-dates Rattle & Hum. It's not like he was saying anything unique that we're trying to dissect here. It was tongue-in-cheek, and if you can't see that, you should have a doctor check to see if your funny bone is missing, or if your head is somehow stuck up your ass.

Play the Blues
The question is why you would think he was not being serious. He was serious enough about U2's blues credentials to write a song for B.B. King, for god's sake. That line appears in the deathly earnest "Silver & Gold," if I'm not mistaken - a strange time to start making cheap jokes.

He also claims that Miles Davis and John Coltrane were influencing his writing at that stage of his career, and recently that No Line was "too challenging." I love the guy, but he says ridiculous things from time to time.
I remember watching that show when it was on tv and thinking it was hilarious. Remember Skank the sock puppet? "shut your stinkin' trap!"
Then I bought the DVD set out of nostalgia a few years back and realized it wasnt that funny after all. The U2 skit above and this are quite good though:

YouTube - Ben Stiller - Countin' Bruce
It was. He was one of the regular cast members on the show, apparently. I never watched the show, though. It was a bit before my time. I was watching Rugrats and Doug in '91/'92.
Janeane Garofalo was on it too... not that that information will really excite anybody
Oh, I absolutely think he was goofing around, I just don't think he knows that's not blues.

The question is why you would think he was not being serious. He was serious enough about U2's blues credentials to write a song for B.B. King, for god's sake. That line appears in the deathly earnest "Silver & Gold," if I'm not mistaken - a strange time to start making cheap jokes.

They knew who B.B. King was, right? You think they had heard any of his stuff? And that they could tell the difference between his music and the post-punk they grew up with, or Dylan, or Elvis? How about Billie Holliday? You think they had heard any of her work before writing Angel of Hardcourt? It's a good thing we didn't see a clip of him telling the horn arranger to give it "all that jazz" or there'd be another genre you think he doesn't get.

Give me a break.

As for Silver and Gold being a strange song to joke around in the middle of, this comment comes RIGHT AFTER "Am I buggin' you? Don't mean to bug ya", which is either Boner poking a hole in his own self-importance after his long Apartheid speech, or him getting mad at the audience for not listening to him. And the second option is a little ridiculous, no?
They knew who B.B. King was, right? You think they had heard any of his stuff? And that they could tell the difference between his music and the post-punk they grew up with, or Dylan, or Elvis? How about Billie Holliday? You think they had heard any of her work before writing Angel of Hardcourt? It's a good thing we didn't see a clip of him telling the horn arranger to give it "all that jazz" or there'd be another genre you think he doesn't get.

Give me a break.

As for Silver and Gold being a strange song to joke around in the middle of, this comment comes RIGHT AFTER "Am I buggin' you? Don't mean to bug ya", which is either Boner poking a hole in his own self-importance after his long Apartheid speech, or him getting mad at the audience for not listening to him. And the second option is a little ridiculous, no?

I know that U2 listened to these artists and understood what constituted a Blues or a Folk song at its musical core. But I also think that Bono believed that U2 was able to channel the spirit of those genres, or perhaps inhabit the Blues without actually playing them. Hasn't he said before that he thinks he is half-black or something like that? He probably believes that the Blues live in him, that the attitude is what matters rather than the chords. Obviously, though, I can't inhabit his thoughts, so I'll drop this now.
Is Shuttlecock going to add some Cairo/Alexandria shows?

What Egypt needs right now is a heavy dose of ATYCLC to help get them through this life-changing experience.
"This is a song, written in the penthouse suite at the Four Seasons outside Cairo, right about the time a friend if ours, Little Beavin', was putting together a record of ARTISTS AGAINST MUBARAK!"
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