Random Music Talk XCVI - Counting Down Cobbler's Return to America

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Got drunk with Laz tonight. Good times. In a cab back to the hostel now gotta get a bus to Coachella in like five hours.

Yeah but this is the guy who drinks VB back home when there are heaps of good microbreweries in Melbourne. Friggin' Cobbler.

Hey man VB is fucking good. You just have to drink it ice cold.
I like VB. It's beer. I like beer. Far from it being one of the better beers I tried, but I wouldn't complain if somebody bought me one. Or sixteen of them for that matter.
I thought you all drank Fosters. Are you telling me there is more than one beer in Australia?

djerdap's not joking. I've almost never seen Fosters for sale here by the can, and I'm pretty sure I've never been to a pub with it on tap.
Drank them warm at the behest of my new South African friend.

Got drunk with Laz tonight. Good times. In a cab back to the hostel now gotta get a bus to Coachella in like five hours.

Hey man VB is fucking good. You just have to drink it ice cold.

All disappointment this Cobbler.
I like VB. It's beer. I like beer. Far from it being one of the better beers I tried, but I wouldn't complain if somebody bought me one. Or sixteen of them for that matter.


Fosters is atrocious. I've had it once in my life. It's actually hard to find here, unless you go to a big grog shop like Dan Murphy's or First Choice.
How am I just learning of this Life Without Buildings band now? Every music fan I've ever known has failed me.
This festival is so amazing. I was meant to meet some Australian friends but they didn't text me back so I'm just camping with some Americans and Canadians and South Africans that were setting up next to me and now we're all mates. We played Murica vs Rest of the World in a game of soccer yesterday with some bins, there was like 40 of us (Rest of the World won 3-1, we joked the Muricans didn't wanna slide due to lack of health insurance haha). I got really fucking drunk and passed out and woke up and now it's packed. I'm wearing my 36 Chambers-print jumper right now and people actually recognise it, they don't just think I'm on fire, like they do in Australia.

Aaaaaand I'm getting a little emotional thinking about the fact I'm seeing Outkast in like 14 hours. I know I come across like a bit of dickhead here when I talk about them all the time but they're literally the reason I spent like $2000 getting here and I didn't think it would ever happen. Damn damn damn James.
Aaaaaand I'm getting a little emotional thinking about the fact I'm seeing Outkast in like 14 hours. I know I come across like a bit of dickhead here when I talk about them all the time but they're literally the reason I spent like $2000 getting here and I didn't think it would ever happen. Damn damn damn James.

Good stuff.
I'll echo everyone's sentiments. I hope you have a blast. Looking at last week's set, it'll probably be amazing.
Aaaaaand I'm getting a little emotional thinking about the fact I'm seeing Outkast in like 14 hours. I know I come across like a bit of dickhead here when I talk about them all the time but they're literally the reason I spent like $2000 getting here and I didn't think it would ever happen. Damn damn damn James.


have an awesome time!
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