Random Music Talk LXXXVIII: Don't mention your vacations

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I was not a huge fan of Weird Fishes when In Rainbows first came out, but damn has it grown on me.
I'm skipping Fuzz next week at the Satellite. It's a Friday night, but it's my school carnival and I'll be fucking dead on my feet when the first band comes on, and by the time Fuzz will come on, I'll be asleep no matter where I am.


Then Wooden Shjips are playing a Friday night in January at the Echo. It'll be almost the same story, but it's in January, a slow school month. I'll think about it.
I'm sure I don't need to mention again how much I love that song.

I will never forget how I felt when Phil did the drum count-in when I saw them last year, and then the song began...
I know it must be exciting to hear your news stories being aired, but this is fucking bullshit. If you wrote something for them and they used it, you should be paid. That's some shady ethics right there
If I were her, I'd shoot them until they are dead. Shoot them all, and then take their money, jobs, and sell their children and/or pets into slavery.
I've said it before, but I truly do love every song on that album. Fucking pristine. What an exciting time that was to be a Radiohead fan. The surprise announcement, the brilliant method of release, and then the music itself sure as fuck did not disappoint.
I was not a huge fan of Weird Fishes when In Rainbows first came out, but damn has it grown on me.

It was my ringtone for about a year. Now it's Flashing Lights.

I don't know what makes either of them good ringtones, beyond that I love hearing them every day.
I've said it before, but I truly do love every song on that album. Fucking pristine. What an exciting time that was to be a Radiohead fan. The surprise announcement, the brilliant method of release, and then the music itself sure as fuck did not disappoint.

You were at Lolla when they performed, yes? That was an amazing night/performance....fireworks were going off in the background, unconnected to the show itself....perfect confluence of music, weather, venue, vibe, etc.
Oh yes. One of my favorite concert experiences.

The body count is really high in Friday the 13th Part III.
I like Pete Yorn's musicforthemorningafter. Inevitably, some of you will tell me how shitty it is or how lame it is to like it.....but does anyone else enjoy it, out of curiosity?
I've said it before, but I truly do love every song on that album. Fucking pristine. What an exciting time that was to be a Radiohead fan. The surprise announcement, the brilliant method of release, and then the music itself sure as fuck did not disappoint.

It managed to disappoint Lance.


At risk of sounding trite, "Your Song" and "Tiny Dancer." The whole thing was killer though. Just him and his piano.

Someone Saved My Life Tonight or GTFO.

Right, NSW??
I've said it before, but I truly do love every song on that album. Fucking pristine. What an exciting time that was to be a Radiohead fan. The surprise announcement, the brilliant method of release, and then the music itself sure as fuck did not disappoint.

Truth. One of the few albums where I remember my first listen very clearly. Reckoner especially blew my mind.

I saw Elton John tonight and it was dope as fuck.

Nice. I need to see him at some point. The new songs are pretty good, yeah?
Someone Saved My Life Tonight or GTFO.

Didn't play it. Didn't play "Mona Lisas" either despite it being on the setlist, which is easily on my Elton Mt. Rushmore.

Nice. I need to see him at some point. The new songs are pretty good, yeah?

Wouldn't know as he only played one. Everything else was one stone cold classic after another.

I like Pete Yorn's musicforthemorningafter. Inevitably, some of you will tell me how shitty it is or how lame it is to like it.....but does anyone else enjoy it, out of curiosity?

It's a great album, and it reminds me of a very specific time in my life when I had just begun figuring out who I was (both as a person and as a music lover). I think that one will always mean a lot to me.
U2.com essentially engendered a two-month argument over the merits of reading anything into this song/album based on 40 seconds being talked over by Idris Elba. U2: Catch the fever!
I don't know if I can possibly say enough about how great Blue Sky Black Death are, but this new album, Glaciers, is killing it.
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