Random Music Talk LXXVIII: Crashing Miley's Toluca Lake Pad

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I think I have mentioned it before but I have a very limited amount of music on my phone because of issues I have with iTunes.
you could've brought a discman with you! the sad thing is, i'm only sort of joking.

if you don't use itunes on your computer for music, you can always buy a different brand mp3 player to use when on the go. i hope you can find something that works. i can't live without having one.
My discman got to the point where I had to spin the cd, then close the lid and push play quickly or it wouldn't work. It could stay spinning once it got going, but wouldn't start up in its own. I have a box of misc old electronics that every once in a while I find something useful to scavenge, it's probably still in that box.
My discman got to the point where I had to spin the cd, then close the lid and push play quickly or it wouldn't work. It could stay spinning once it got going, but wouldn't start up in its own. I have a box of misc old electronics that every once in a while I find something useful to scavenge, it's probably still in that box.

Wonder Showzen - Shut Up Hippie! - YouTube
Listened to McCartney and Ram over the last few days. Those are damn fine albums. They have a rustic charm to them, and the sense of being slightly underdeveloped gives them a genuine feeling that I certainly don't hear in Band on the Run, for instance.
Anyway, the festival I went to yesterday. It was pretty crap, to be honest. Until Stone Roses at 740 my highlight for the day was Azealia Banks doing 212, which was fucking sick. She can rap. The rest of the afternoon was filled with overrated DJs playing decent sets, one of whom turned out to be this dude, who is 18 years old and played the 6pm set on the main stage. 18. Fucking ridiculous.

Madeon - Pop Culture (live mashup) - YouTube

Was at Dizzie Rascal and left to get a good spot for Stone Roses, thankfully a couple of peeps wanted to come with me, which was cool. Honestly I thought they were the highlight of the day. I only listened to the debut yesterday for the first time but I really enjoyed it... it's so joyous and euphoric and much of the live set was too. It was really cool to look around and see everyone with a big smile on their face. Bit of an older crowd, which was cool, you could tell who had grown up with the album, or had their early 20s soundtracked by it or whatever. Several of the songs were huge singalongs. I Wanna Be Adored, She Bangs the Drums, Waterfall and I Am the Resurrection were fucking awesome but I thought This is the One was probably the highlight. So euphoric, everyone was just so into it. A really great set. Due to Ian Brown's accent I could have sworn he kept saying "fuck you" to the crowd but I'm pretty sure he was saying "thank you". Awesome, awesome shit.

Stayed there for Bloc Party. They were great, but only played about 50 minutes, and it wasn't quite as amazing as I hoped it would be after all these years waiting to see them. Fitz is right about Kele's voice, they must do something with it on the albums cos it's not quite as good live. But nitpicking aside it was a great set. They opened with So Here We Are, played This Modern Love, Helicopter, Banquet AND Positive Tension, which I was hoping they'd do. So much fun screaming WHY'D YOU HAVE TO GET / SO FUCKING USELESS? They played a new track called Ratchet, which was pretty cool. It was kind of a disappointing setlist though, with the time restraints. I'm pretty sure Octopus and Truth were the only songs they played from the new album, there was nothing from Intimacy, and Song for Clay, which I've never really warmed to, plus some ordinary tracks like One More Chance and Flux which I didn't think was all that great live. Bit overrated. They were great though. The rest of the band was awesome, the drummer looks nerdy as but he came out shirtless and killed it, and the guitarist absolutely fucking shreds.

As I walked to our meeting spot I heard Aviici playing Levels, and wouldn't you know it, it sounded exactly the same as the first 500 times I heard it by every other DJ in the world.
At least he has The Blum to keep him company up in heaven.

I'm alive.


Work has been insane lately, but in as good a way as possible, if that makes sense. It probably doesn't.

I'm taking my first drum lesson on Thursday night, thanks for the encouragement a few weeks ago.


My drum kit was one of the better purchases I've made recently. It's gratifying as hell. I never took a lesson but I'm learning by just playing along to my favorite albums. It's been easier to pick up than guitar was, although I doubt I'll ever apply myself to it the way I did for guitar.
Good shit.

Thanks. D-Rose gonna step on the court before the playoffs?

My drum kit was one of the better purchases I've made recently. It's gratifying as hell. I never took a lesson but I'm learning by just playing along to my favorite albums. It's been easier to pick up than guitar was, although I doubt I'll ever apply myself to it the way I did for guitar.

That makes me happy to read. If I had any part with playing instruments, I'd try to learn on my own....but I'm so musically disinclined that I think the lessons will be a big help. Not sure how many I'll take but I'm excited.
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