Random Music Talk LXXIV: No witty reference, but at least it's not Cobbler?

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I like "quotation" marks. I don't know. Should have said "best work friend" I guess. In other words, he's not my bestest friend evar, but he's the person I go to lunch with 4 or 5 days a week, sit next to at work, and go to the gym with.
If he really is a devout Mormon, I would believe that he could get elaborately involved with the persona that he did. The Mormons I have known have been extremely intense about the whole spiritual romance thing.
I think he made the whole thing up, from beginning to end. He was not the victim of a "hoax". Regardless, I'm sure the real truth will come out eventually.
The Mormons I have known have been extremely intense about the whole spiritual romance thing.

There are so many sad aspects of the culture in this regard that I could probably write 20 pages about it.

I think he made the whole thing up, from beginning to end. He was not the victim of a "hoax". Regardless, I'm sure the real truth will come out eventually.

I'm inclined to agree.
As I've mentioned a few times over the last few weeks, I have been going through some select parts of Mr Bob Dylan's catalogue. I listened to Time out of Mind a few days back, and damn was I impressed with it. It might be my favorite of the lot at the moment. Not saying it's his best or anything, just that it struck me the most on first listen.
Ok, so this is an actual thread title in The Other Place:

Man On The Train - Better The Second Time?

Might be time for me to go on another torching of that foul realm.
If you actually read the thread, it's awesome, because apparently the answer to the question is no.
Mofo, (or anyone really) have you ever heard of Cornelius? Listening to that album right now and it's pretty great. I would listen to a lot more Japanese music if I heard anything besides J-Pop ever.
I've heard of Cornelius, but never actually listened. I forget, what's the music like?

MONO are Japanese. Probably one of the major reasons I buy all their albums. :reject:
I want to hear more of anything in Japanese, I'm forgetting the language like crazy :(.

It's very glitchy and psych with some poppy little songs. It kinda reminds me of Super Furry Animals, but it's on tons and tons of crack.

Cornelius - Count Five or Six - YouTube

For example.
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