Random Music CXXV: Least necessary thread edition

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I think I unsynced scrobbler from spotify so I couldn’t be silently judged somehow by anyone who still may have had my username (which I’m sure was iwb or iwasbored, but I can’t remember). I should figure out how to get that thing working again though, now that I really don’t care/am smart enough to just use youtube if I want to avoid there being a digital trail.
I don't know how many of you are familiar with Sporcle, but it's this quiz website (I actually first discovered it through here when someone made a thread about a U2 quiz on there). They've introduced a new feature now where you can compete against people head to head on random quizzes, so I got this one where you had to name a band via a painting of them. When I got to the U2 one, I had to stop for a minute because I couldn't stop laughing:


Why does Edge look like Pete Townshend?
I was also going to comment on how Edge is strangely inaccurate but then I stopped and thought “I’d draw stick figures and fail miserably.”
Okay now I'm considering giving last.fm that 3 bucks they want so I can see the last time I used it (and what it counted).
Okay now I'm considering giving last.fm that 3 bucks they want so I can see the last time I used it (and what it counted).
I was a very happy subscriber until they took away the radio station and replaced it with glorified YouTube. That was so disappointing. My last.fm station was the greatest radio station of all time.
Lol I got like 11. But also not my fault Elvis Costello copped Buddy Holly’s style and virtually everyone from the late 60s/70s looks the same.
I was a very happy subscriber until they took away the radio station and replaced it with glorified YouTube. That was so disappointing. My last.fm station was the greatest radio station of all time.

Last.fm radio was amazing. RIP.

Also rest in peace Dick Dale. Misirlou is unmatched.
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23/25. I missed Floyd(didn't recognize any of them in their younger forms) and Sex Pistols(I never cared for them, never even occurred to me it could be them).
RHCP might be a bit lame at times, and especially so since they lost Frusciante, but damn if his replacement Josh Klinghoffer doesn't have good taste. He's done solo covers of Lady Grinning Soul and Push the Sky Away during sets on their tour of Australia these past few weeks, and they just played a gig at the Pyramids of Giza where he dropped Pyramid Song (starts at about the 2hr mark):

RHCP are one of my favorite groups ever, and I never get a chance to talk about them with people here because nobody likes them. This was a great cover. The video's been taken down, but here's another(partial) one:

Seems like it's always Anthony people have a problem with. Everyone always respects Frusciante, Flea, Klinghoffer, Chad Smith(the drummer), but Anthony always turns them off, which I think is unfortunate and not wholly deserved. If you can take Anthony, there's a really great fucking band behind him, especially in the Frusciante years. BSSM, Californication, By The Way, Stadium Arcadium, some of the best rock albums of the last few decades.

This concludes my mandatory RHCP-fan post upon seeing someone else mention them.
Holy shit how was that REM. And since when was Aretha Franklin was white. I couldn't stop seeing John Travolta in Hairspray for some reason.

I actually think the REM one is decent except for Peter Buck. That does NOT look like Peter Buck.
I missed the Eagles one and REM. I was looking at that one from across the room, saw the hat and thought it was Tom Morello.
Holy shit how was that REM. And since when was Aretha Franklin was white. I couldn't stop seeing John Travolta in Hairspray for some reason.

The person I was playing against asked the same question about Tina Turner, hah.

That REM one killed me more than U2.
I missed Lynryd Skynyrd, Eagles (who gives a shit), Tina Turner, Grateful Dead, Ramones, Aretha Franklin and Marvin Gaye. Coincidentally all artists I haven't listened to or aren't immediately recognisable. REM was easy cos of Stipe and Pink Floyd because of Roger.

RHCP are one of my favorite groups ever, and I never get a chance to talk about them with people here because nobody likes them. This was a great cover. The video's been taken down, but here's another(partial) one:

Seems like it's always Anthony people have a problem with. Everyone always respects Frusciante, Flea, Klinghoffer, Chad Smith(the drummer), but Anthony always turns them off, which I think is unfortunate and not wholly deserved. If you can take Anthony, there's a really great fucking band behind him, especially in the Frusciante years. BSSM, Californication, By The Way, Stadium Arcadium, some of the best rock albums of the last few decades.

This concludes my mandatory RHCP-fan post upon seeing someone else mention them.

Man I think they cop way more shit than they deserve. I've listened to them a lot and while I wouldn't really call myself a big fan, I am sympathetic to them for sure. I spent a lot of time listening to their music and watching live clips and reading books about them with a good mate of mine when I was a teenager and young adult. They've got a lot of good output.

I've never seen them live, but I deeply regret not going to see them on the Stadium Arcadium tour. I didn't like that album much but I adore By the Way (comfortably their best album if you ask me) but that was the last time they played with Frusciante. I don't think I had the money. BUT, on that tour, they did a half-hour live improv jam at Fed Square in the city, it was billed as a Chad Smith drum solo but ended up being him, Frusciante on guitar and Flea on trumpet, and Josh on keys, and it was fucking absolutely amazing.

Anthony is definitely the weak point, but you're right in the band around him, and when the band around him is great it doesn't really matter that he's not a great singer or rapper. He is perfectly fine and that's all you need. I adore By the Way, Californication and Blood Sugar less so but both pretty iconic albums, and I think there's a lot of great music to be found on their earlier records as well, like Freaky Styley, for instance. I think I've heard every album, aside from the newer ones. I don't think I can say that about many bands to be honest.

I also just found a clip of them doing a cover of Bowie's What in the World. They've seriously got great taste. Introduced by Flea, who is one of the world's best people.

RHCP are a lot like the doors - excellent musicians playing behind an okay frontman who's an absolute mess in his personal life and has his head up his own ass just a little too much.

that being said, to me they remain very listenable. by the way is a really good album that i still listen to front to back on occasion. and they'll always conjure up a nice california vibe to me because the first time i was in LA they seemed to come on the radio every time i was in the car.
I like RHCP. They’ve faded on me over the last half decade. I’ve seen them twice live.

Would agree that Anthony is just ok.

I would say I grew up with them, and really it’s just they’re not necessarily where my musical tastes went.
RHCP are a lot like the doors - excellent musicians playing behind an okay frontman who's an absolute mess in his personal life and has his head up his own ass just a little too much.

that being said, to me they remain very listenable. by the way is a really good album that i still listen to front to back on occasion. and they'll always conjure up a nice california vibe to me because the first time i was in LA they seemed to come on the radio every time i was in the car.

I mean, he was a mess(if you've read his book, it's kind of amazing he's alive), but he's been clean for close to twenty years now, which is more than Morrison(or Cobain or Staley or any number of others) was ever able to say. That ought to be applauded.
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