Random Facts and Confessions!

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I can quote every line of the movie Akira :drool: best movie ever.

"but someday... we ought to be able to..."

able to what? finish your sentences you dumb bitch?
I'm afraid to like someone because my best friend is a guy and bisexual. I don't want either guy getting jealous, and I don't want my current, very conservative crush not liking him because he's bi. :huh:

Oh, and I have a "this is never going to happen" crush on my twenty-something year old drumline instructor. I'm seventeen. :reject: He's adorable! The way he clicks sticks together and waves his hands around when he talks. And compliments me and smiles when I do something good with the music! ...eww this is creepy, Tracy. stfu. :lol:
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LikeNoOneBefore said:

Oh, and I have a "this is never going to happen" crush on my twenty-something year old drumline instructor. I'm seventeen. :reject: He's adorable! The way he clicks sticks together and waves his hands around when he talks. And compliments me and smiles when I do something good with the music! ...eww this is creepy, Tracy. stfu. :lol:

it's cool I had a crush on my humanities teacher and he was like 40 or something

he was only my teacher freshman year though...he was gonna be again junior and senior year but he left to take another higher paying job as vice principal because his marriage fell apart and he needed more money to support his kids :( i was pisssssed and sad. seriously i felt really bad for him.

but yeah he was fucking hot and i would hit on him today if i saw him (assuming he's still single?)
phillyfan26 said:
When I was 9 I watched Pokemon. Does that count?

:uhoh: I've seen every episode up to Master Quest, and I still watch it when I can... :reject: and I'm 18 in three days...

LikeNoOneBefore said:

Oh, and I have a "this is never going to happen" crush on my twenty-something year old drumline instructor. I'm seventeen. :reject: He's adorable! The way he clicks sticks together and waves his hands around when he talks. And compliments me and smiles when I do something good with the music! ...eww this is creepy, Tracy. stfu. :lol:

:shifty: see the guy in my sig? :wink: very sexy music teacher... been having a crush on him for years... :giggle: so yea, I'm right with ya in the teacher crush department!
unico said:
oh gosh...so many...
well for series:
sailor moon
the whole dragonball saga
rurouni kenshin
inu yasha
saber marionette
fushigi yuugi
ah my goddess
cowboy bebop
...that's what i can remember now.

i realize most of these have since been dubbed. but we were too hardcore for that crap! we'd sit down and watch it in japanese with subtittles. lol thats where i got my foundation for the language.


Have you seen Berserk? really good series which follows the standard Anime format of ending badly :huh:

Beav, I've seen Evangeleon, the series was good but the "movies" which were supposed to answer all the questions at the end left me with more questions than answers, very disapointing IMO... :tsk:

:hmm: Anime thread in ZS any one?
elevated_u2_fan said:


Have you seen Berserk? really good series which follows the standard Anime format of ending badly :huh:

actually, the ONLY scene i've seen in berserk is that disgusting arm rip. the sound effects were just too perfect!

start the thread, start the thread, start the thread! :dancing:
I drank some liquor in this dream I had last night. :lol: I think it was some sort of mango-flavored rum. :hmm:
^ Hey, didn't you hookup with that guy a few weeks ago, your shattering my idea of true love :wink:

I drank a highball of scotch and listened to records all morning :drool:

The virtues of shift work sound really bad without context :wink:
love_u2_adam said:

ya we did but he's in Newfoundland, it was pretty innocent and we aren't dating. im just not that single as i was ahahah:drool:

I'm exactly as single as i've been for a while, but the difference between today and the past is that i've got everything I need, now it's just a matter of executing my evil plans.
I love earthy men...I have a crush on this guy at my local coffee shop. He's got longish stawberry blonde hair and it's always up. He's tall and such a hunk, but in a sweet, earthy way. And he long-boards around town and he makes jokes and plays soccer and acts like a big kid, but he's also just so ... DREAMY. :drool:

It's so fun to have this crush, but he's probably not available. I mean it's like sometimes I crush on clean-cut, short haired men with the whole sharp-dressed look, but I want them to be earthy as well. I think it fits perfectly in a brand of t-shirts my friend is making, called Urban Earth (TM). It's so amazing! It fits exactly what I want my style would be. .. or the style of a guy I am looking for.
LikeNoOneBefore said:
I'm afraid to like someone because my best friend is a guy and bisexual. I don't want either guy getting jealous, and I don't want my current, very conservative crush not liking him because he's bi. :huh:

Oh, and I have a "this is never going to happen" crush on my twenty-something year old drumline instructor. I'm seventeen. :reject: He's adorable! The way he clicks sticks together and waves his hands around when he talks. And compliments me and smiles when I do something good with the music! ...eww this is creepy, Tracy. stfu. :lol:

Ummm, well, I've been hooking up with a 34 year old woman who was the trainer at my job...and I'm 17 (yes, I know, it's considered bad, whatever, we're obviously both fine with it, and have had many a discussion about our comfort levels with the "relationship"). I'm turning 18 in two months though. And, I'm totally with you on the teacher crush thing...I had the biggest crush on the band teacher at my high school, he's 31 now I think, but he was absolutely hilarious and adorable...anywho....:reject: I'm going to stop talking now too :lol:
i only smoke cigarettes because blowing out the smoke is fun

i don't see why some girls would refuse to date a guy because he drinks. why not? there are good guys who like to have a drink (me included :wink: )
LikeNoOneBefore said:
Oh, and I have a "this is never going to happen" crush on my twenty-something year old drumline instructor. I'm seventeen. :reject: He's adorable! The way he clicks sticks together and waves his hands around when he talks. And compliments me and smiles when I do something good with the music! ...eww this is creepy, Tracy. stfu. :lol:

Yeah I'm quoting myself. I found out he has a girlfriend today. My life is over. :lmao: Just kidding. That'd be pathetic.
My literature teacher is seriously hot as.

It annoys me that I won't be able to get the really hot popular girls.

I had my second full cigarette last night.
COBL_04 said:

I had my second full cigarette last night.

Why? Are you trying to pick up the habit? Just curious.
I hope for your health its just a phase,
but even then, damage is being done.

Sorry if im being preachy, it's just i have seen the end result of a nicotine habit a few times.
No, no chance. I will never, ever be a smoker. I think they taste horrible. I think it will just be a phase. I mean I don't want to sound like a snobby, ignorant kid or anything, but they do make me feel pretty cool. Sorry. I'm never going to be addicted though, I'm smarter than that.
It's like I tell all my younger cousins, don't smoke - unless you want to look cool!

Of course I am a non-smoker, at least until they have a cure for cancer, emphysema, cardiovascular issues and nicotine stains.
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