Question about boys

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MonaVox: I wonder which is cuddlier, Michael or Auto-Pilot...
ReillyMon: Michael is cuddlier
ReillyMon: I am
MonaVox: are you sure?
ReillyMon: yes am cuddlier
MonaVox: prove it ?_?
ReillyMon: well, firstly, I don't have multiple personalities
ReillyMon: "Auto-pilot" doesn't exist
ReillyMon: therefore, Auto-pilot CANNOT have a quality of cuddliness
ReillyMon: while I do
MonaVox: O_O
ReillyMon: therefore, despite the logical inability to compare something existent to something non-existent, my level of cuddliness is tangible, which is what matters
ReillyMon: no
ReillyMon: I lied...
ReillyMon: ::hangs head in shame::

ReillyMon: warning:
ReillyMon: you should never ever be within my physical vicinity this late at night...I get cuddly when I'm sleepy
MonaVox: but cuddly isn't bad, except when it is.
MonaVox: and anyway it's morning ?_?
ReillyMon: when is it bad?
MonaVox: good question . I have no clue.
ReillyMon: well, when it's unwanted cuddly
ReillyMon: but when does that happen?
MonaVox: yeah true dat...I would ASSUME
MonaVox: I dunno!
ReillyMon: certainly when I cuddle with Ananth, right?
MonaVox: LOLLLL no I'd want pictures of that

ReillyMon: you know, you never asked me about my academics...that's one of those things I can usually mention offhand in a pseudo-modest fashion so as to impress girls
ReillyMon: you just want me for my body, DON'T YOU!
MonaVox: what do you mean?
MonaVox: of COURSE
ReillyMon: well, people usually ask me about my academics at some point
MonaVox: like, what aspect of it?
ReillyMon: and I use it in a very manipulative way so as to impress people
MonaVox: !
ReillyMon: and then I get my ego boost
ReillyMon: but you never did that
ReillyMon: and...thus
MonaVox: well I mean you can kinda tell
without asking
ReillyMon: you never let me cheapen that
MonaVox: is that good?
ReillyMon: by being all arrogant and bragging and stuff
ReillyMon: yeah
ReillyMon: it's good
MonaVox: ah
MonaVox: well.....YAY ME I guess then
ReillyMon: heh
ReillyMon: what do you mean you can sort of tell without asking?
MonaVox: that you're like....uber smart
MonaVox: and stuff
ReillyMon: :-[
MonaVox: no that's not BAD
MonaVox: I mean you don't do it in a show-offy way
MonaVox: like some ppl do and you can tell they do
ReillyMon: and all this time, I thought that the reason you were looking at me on the first day of class is because you thought I was cute!
MonaVox: it just to impress ppl
MonaVox: :-X you saw me lookin at you
ReillyMon: :)
MonaVox: AAH
ReillyMon: some day you'll make the cxn too
MonaVox: the wha?
MonaVox: which one
ReillyMon: as in, if I saw you looking at me...doesn't that mean I was looking at you?
MonaVox: o_O
ReillyMon: no
MonaVox: what the
ReillyMon: yes?
ReillyMon: maybe!
MonaVox: AHH
ReillyMon: ah ha!
ReillyMon: but then sometimes, you can FEEL someone looking at you
ReillyMon: and then you look at them too
MonaVox: o_O
MonaVox: true dat
ReillyMon: or maybe I was looking at you?!
MonaVox: *vibes*
MonaVox: o_O maybe you WERE
MonaVox: WERE YOU?
ReillyMon: but that could be vibes too
MonaVox: AHH
ReillyMon: so you see
ReillyMon: we really know nothing
:huh: :lol:
how many times have we used this word in this thread?

Mona...if this gets any cuter we'll all combust from cute. Is that possible? I dunno...I'm startin to think so. Carry on!

:heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart: :heart:'s all about the, sexual or otherwise... :shifty:

you just be good, Miz Mona :cute: :angel: ....they's too much 'sessay' stuff goin on in the world anyways....

awwww...M:love:NA & MICH:heart:EL, sittin' in a tree....

[drat these edits!] :yell:
OK I don't wanna let my ratings slip by leaving too many cliff hangers :lol:

But I really have to shower.

OK but real quick


This is what is called just getting home after spending like 18 hours with Michael.


OK so first of all NO THERE WAS NO :kiss: :lol:

Maybe someone should start a lotto on that.

There was touching though.



O yeah....we slept together



But even that was just like...... :drool: kaaaawesome

not to mention Boston DVD :silent:

OK I will def tell everything but my appearance is already Groundhog's Day. I don't even know what day it is but I know I've been wearing this shirt for too long.
MonaVox said:


O yeah....we slept together

OW OW OWWWWWW!!!! :sexywink:

Sings: *LOVE IS IN THE AIR* :heart:

But OMG Mona!!! HE HELD YOUR HAND??? WOOHOOOOO!!!! :happy:
*jumps up and down* shower faster, dern it!
I gots class in an hour, and there's no way I'm learning about the Byzantine Empire [edit] (which I never finished reading about, by the way Gina :shifty: ) [/edit] if I can't use this smilie: :love: first! :wink:
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Mona better shower fast and then spill the beans! lol

Cause, like Ellen, I've gotta go to work and then lunch with friends in like 10 minutes...

P.S. Monita, please don't think you HAVE to tell us this stuff...some stuff really is a private matter.... even though we'd REALLYREALLYREALLY like to hear all about you and Michael :D

OK so first at 2 we had Philosophy of Song together. Then he had Chorus after that and then after THAT he IMs me and he?s meeting his roomie and their friend Ryan fer food, and invites me to meet them there. Now THAT in itself was AWESOME because the advantage of growing up with three brothers comes up then?.. While we were waiting for Ananth and Ryan to get food and sit with us, Michael starts looking around randomly, and I go ?What, is yer Spidey Sense tingling?? AND HE WAS LIKE SO impressed by the superhero reference. THAT?S ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BOYS. COMIC BOOKS. :lol: And Ananth and Ryan come and Michael?s like ?GUESS WHAT MONA SAID? :laugh: (Yes he calls me Mona J They have a GUY friend Andy and our last names are the SAME except for the vowel. So it?s weird.) And Ananth who is SO cool and yet SO reserved had to like PHYSICALLY remove himself from the situation, he was HYSTERICAL. It was GREAT. And so we sat there eating and talking about super heroes and Transformers (THEY?RE BACK) and cartoons and music and stuff?..

It was ALL so nerdy and yet ALL so cool. BC fer 18 years I?m like ?DOOD having only brothers SUCKS? And then later when we were walking back from the Incon at like 1 am Michael?s like?.commenting on how cool it was that I was probably the only girl who had been able to hang out with them and not change the group dynamic. Like they didn?t have to NOT be themselves just bc a girl was there. Which was cool. Like I would HATE for them to get all awkward because of me. I mean that even happens with other GIRLS from like different groups?..and that?s bad enough.

So then Ananth was spending the nite with Ryan who lives off campus. (LOL bc everyone needed to know that?..)

And Michael?s gonna rush Alpha Phi Omega or something like that? a Service Frat. And last nite at 7 they had this open meeting which was like?a regular meeting of members but interested ppl could sit in and watch. So he dragged me along with him and IT WAS THE COOLEST THING. It?s co-ed and he wants me to join with him.

At first I was like WTF. Bc he?s not the standard frat type. But this is different. Like it?s a service frat. They don?t even have separate housing or anything. So at first I?m like ?this is gonna be sketchy. This is not my scene? but it was like a bunch of nerds! No offense. IT WAS SO COOL THOUGH. We had the BEST time. EVERYONE was SO friggin nice and just seemed REALLY cool. I can?t explain it?.but it was good. Like I?m not a big party person. And these people didn?t seem too wild. But it was just COOL. And they gave us CANDY. O_O So you know I was set. They?re having some more open meetings and like dinners and stuff before the actual pledge thing or whatever?so I dunno, we?ll see what happens with that. Just a VERY good experience being at the meeting. Good vibes. Awesome.


Geez. :lol:
Youse guys are gonna beat me. But I have to get ready to go to class.

I got a random nosebleed in the shower.

Is that bad? o_O

OK but.....more to follow.


*runs to class*
*doesn't pay attention*
chem prof: so laura, what is the symbol for yttrium
laura: miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiichael
prof: :eyebrow:

you'd best post before i get back...
Me: *sits impatiently through history class (we talked about the Reformation, suprise suprise)* *gets back* *runs to this thread* :scream: *drums fingers on desk till Mona gets back*

The plot thickens! dun dun dun!
Olive, he will NEVER know about PLEBA :silent: EVER as long as this thread is alive

OK on with the show y'all

OK so after the meeting .....after that we went back to his place?.and I don?t wanna say too much in this part. But his friend Julian wanted him to meet him and do stuff?that I don?t really approve of. Like it?s not my bag, baby. Personally. But I?ve always hated when ppl try to push their own beliefs onto other ppl without lettin them figure it out fer themselves. So I didn?t wanna be like that. But anyway?.And he?s like ?I?ve always had control. It?s not a frequent thing at all.? And I believe him. BUT THE POINT IS HE GOES ?The reason it would make me feel bad is I?m scared of losing people like you?

ME: :ohmy:


So we just hung out for awhile?.he turned Julian down eventually and he goes ?I feel good?

It was just cool.

Also at one point he just LOOKS at me. And I like LAUGH and go ?WHAT?? And he goes ?I just wanted to see you do that.?

OK I just have to take a time out to thank you guys again......for being interested.

:) This is seriously so cool fer me. I mean OVERALL I am happier than I have been in a LOOOONG time. So. Yeah. Tanks :tongue:
OK and then?.we hung out fer awhile and he?s like ?You wanna do a movie marathon?? and I?m like DOOD SURE. Bc the nite before I had been bugging him about never seeing Elevation in Boston DVD. Now I?ve actually never seen the whole thing. So I wasn?t completely manipulative. And I?m like HE OWNS IT. HE SHOULD WATCH IT. WIT ME. HA. And also the nite before he had been talking about like?.did I post the Cuddliness Report? Yeah, all that. And I was like?.. O I kinda KNEW how it would turn out. MWAHAHAHA yeah. But it was??omd yeah?.

So after just hanging out fer a bit I?m like ?OK well I know I won?t get a chance to shower before class, so let?s go back to my dorm and I?ll shower and you can play my geetar in the lounge? :lol: So that?s what he did, and he was thrilled. Houdini was happy too. Hehee. I mean he never said anything but I pretty much KNEW I?d be spending the nite. I?m like?.I?ma get me a hand held? THAT HAS BEEN MY BIGGEST ROMANTIC GOAL :lol: SO FAR. WHY AM I YELLING.

OK so I get myself together and all and we go back to his building and we?re sittin on the chairs watching Elevation? O WAIT. Bc he had been bugging me about wearing my hair down and he?s like GIRLS WITH WET HAIR?. Like last week or something. And I come back to where I left him after I?m showered and dressed and I had totally forgotten about it. (Bc if you knew me?and you knew my HAIR?.you would know we don?t get along. It?s just HUGE. Ask Fishy.) And he looks up from playing and like SMILES and I?m like ?DOOD? It was SO funny, I knew exACTly what he was smilin about.

OK so THEN I get myself together and all and we stop fer ice cream at the diner first. And I?m like ?I?m already eating ice cream but I also want a chicken sammich? And he?s like ?CHOCOLATE NAPOLEAN I?ve never SEEN one?

ME: What?s a chocolate Napolean?
HIM: It?s a Napolean, only chocolate.

And he?s like ?You?ll think I?m fat? which is one our big jokes?.the fat thing and the carrying thing. BC one time I was like ?girls are weird? and he?s like ?YOU?RE a girl? and then I dunno what happened?and then he?s like ?so does this mean I have to be the girl and pretend I?m fat even though I?m not just so you?ll pay attention to me?? And I?m like ?OK but if you?re fat then I will eat your food so you can?t? I dunno, you had to be there. IT WAS FUNNY

O_O OMD ON THE WAY BACK FROM THE frat meeting I was like WE ARE SO LOST bc I have the worst sense of direction and it was DARK etc etc and he friggin PICKS me up and is like I WILL CARRY YOU?it was SOOOOO funny??.I think I posted the original carrying thing?.it wasn?t even anything BIG, but it just STUCK in our minds for some reason. And he?s like ?You?re really light but I?m really weak? so he had to put me down after awhile.

What else?. O so then we got our food and we went back to his dorm and he?s like?. Doing his Physics hw and watching Elevation at the same time bc HE ALWAYS HAS HOMEWORK. Then like?.


I dunno? we were singing along together to some songs.

I don?t know exactly when the hand holding thing started. I remember during the ?Elevation? bonus video I think that?s when he leaned his head on my shoulder and I?m like KAW and like?I DUNNO YOU HAD TO BE THERE. I can?t describe how it was?.I?ll like do a paint picture with stick figures if you want. :lol: But there were like hands?. And like my arm?. And we had hands?.on hands?. And you KNOW I have a thing about hands. Actually I dunno if?.yeah I think there were hands at that point.


DURING THE FLY when Bono bites that girl?s wrist I?m like :ohmy: bc I had forgotten aboot it and he?s like ?What?? And I?m like ?THAT WAS SO HOT? and he?s like :rolleyes:

I did have a couple bites of his chocolate napolean. So I do have his cooties now. Yeah. Um. Yeah. And um. Yeah. We talked U2 and like?. yeah.

Aw then he?s like?.he got a tummy ache. :lol: It was so cute and sad?.and after Elevation we went to the Incon? was like 1 or 2 am maybe. And we got Tostitos and beverages. And then we came back and? O I FORGOT.

Before we left to take me to bathe the phone rang like when we?re IN the doorway, and it was his friend asking about the SAME homework. And I?m like in the hallway and he?s standing in the doorway talkin on the phone and he reaches out his hand O_O; and I?m like *hold the hand* So I did. :drool: anyway

OK that boy has a thing about tickling. Not that I?m complaining. I?m just stating that as a fact. Thank you.

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