Prayers for my brother needed

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Russty Cat

Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Mar 29, 2005
in my dreams
I've been trying to get a hold of my family all night, since I received an urgent message to call them concerning my younger brother. My brother is schizophrenic and has been a very troubled man. I thought he was doing so much better.

But it seems that sometime last night he obtained tons of illegal drugs and injested all of them. Then when he probably couldn't sleep, he took a bunch of prescription drugs to bring himself back down. He ended up uncouncious and thankfully was found by his landlord this morning. He is at the hospital now in a drug induced coma.

He has tried to kill himself before, so I honestly don't know if he was just being a total drug addicted idiot or was truly trying to kill himself. All we can do at this point is wait and see if he will come out of it. I'm praying to God that he will wake up and be okay.

Thanks for all the girls who have given me support the past few weeks. I love you all. :hug:
OH Russty.....omg.......I am SO sorry! :sad: :sad: :sad:

I remeber a threAD where a whole bunch of plebanns here were talking about the own issues /or those of their families/frinds. But that was/seems to be? 2 months I'm only vagualy connecting you per se as someone on there.

I have pple in my own family/friends circles......

I've sent healing light already and will continue to pray and send light to your bro & you/fam... my strongest :hug: possible
:hug: :hug: :hug: :heart:

Thank you all so much! Its been a long day and nothing has changed with him. But somehow God has brought me a great sense of peace about it all. He is in Gods hands now and I figured God has a good grasp on the situation.

I was once told something by a very wise person.... "God gives us only what we can handle, but when it seems we are at our limit he gives us friends to come along and carry the weight with us." This is so true and you guys have been this for me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Russty, my fondest and strongest positive thoughts and prayers to you.

Mental illness runs in my Mom's side of the family, I have been through something similar more than once.

I'm very sorry that you and your family has to endure this, and I hope that everything ends as well as possible.

So sorry to hear about your brother, I will keep in my prayers and hope that everything does turn out right.
Thank you guys all so much! I did get some good news this morning. He has woken up finally. He is rather pissed off though and refusing treatment of any kind. So legally they have to release him this afternoon. I think it sucks that he won't let them help him, but there is nothing we can do till he is ready to admit he has a drug problem.
Russty, I'm so sorry. There is nothing more frustrating in life than not being able to help while someone is hurting themselves.

:hug: Hope things get better and I'll keep him in my prayers

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