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I have one of those that I use on my beagle... it's awesome. :up:

thank you!!!

he needs something BAD, he's not really a cat i can take to get groomed

i just hope he'll let me use it on him

I didnt like the Furminator, neither did my cats. It just didnt work for me. :reject:

Slicker brushes work the best imo..

I love the Furminator for Marijke but she has long hair. She doesn't really like being brushed though so I have to distract her. Just don't over-furminate the cat! I've seen it happen.
I don't know if I like these. I'm not really into pink. But they were super cheap at TJ Maxx and the only pair so I bought them. I've been debating since Friday if I want to keep them or not but I haven't been able to find anything similar for the price I paid.

It only took me a year and a half to spend some Apple gift cards :reject:.....just bought an alarm clock for my iPod. I actually only wanted to buy speakers, and keep it within the price of my gift cards, but the speakers were way out of my price range. Had it on for an hour and so far I love it!!! :drool: Next purchase with the rest of my apple $ will be an iPhone in a few months. Can't wait!


Monkeyskin and my new house! well almost, we do the handover on Wednesday (fingers crossed).

I'm so excited!
NO CHICKEN SALT?????? oh god. i think i'm going to stop breathing in a sec. hang on, you might have mentioned this already that you discovered the joys of hot chips from a beachside takeway with chicken salt while over this side of the universe... did i black this out? like some form of cyber ptsd?

no chicken salt... no seasoned chicken chips... you do have regular chicken chips, don't you?
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