Pleban Girls Party - Just another day in Plebaville

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I have no PS skillz either... (I don't know who made that)

my only big photoshop accomplishment was this
bonocomet said:
I have no PS skillz either... (I don't know who made that)

my only big photoshop accomplishment was this
POWDERED! TOAST! BONO! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Comet, you are officially my hero.
love2bmama said:
hey comet, how are you? :hug:

did you sleep over again last night? :giggle:

just going to back to try to catch up now...:crack:

I'm good! I almost slept over again but I did finally make it to bed for awhile :lol:
love2bmama said:

ok, that is totally not what I thought you were talking about when you said the Cheech was in your system :shifty:
bonocomet said:


you know him then?! :D

:nerd: *has a Powdered Toast Man action figure on my desk*
I watched Ren and Stimpy all the time when they were on Nickelodeon. I can stil sing the Log jingle by heart.
*snerk* I was just about to say that I had the Log song in my head Frankie :wink:

What rolls downstairs/alone or in pairs/or over your neighbour's dog? What fits on your back/is great for a snack/It's Log, Log, Log...
Drea said:
*snerk* I was just about to say that I had the Log song in my head Frankie :wink:

What rolls downstairs/alone or in pairs/or over your neighbour's dog? What fits on your back/is great for a snack/It's Log, Log, Log...
it's log, log, it's big it's heavy it's wood. it's log, log, it's better than bad, it's good!

:ohmy: My mom just calle dme from Dallas.

Apparently, she got to sneak into Clay Aiken's sound check for his tour kickoff tonight ... and she met him.
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