PLEBAn Girls Party: Celebrating 4 MAGNIFICENT years together

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I could live with the chaos except for two things:

1. I'm getting really tired of having all this stuff! and

2. The landlord lives in the main house and if he sees loads of books, magazines, boxes full of stuff, etc., etc., etc., I could very well be thrown out!!!

So, it's time to weed out a LOT!

Yes, I can tell you've worked in libraries: anyone else would say "throw out." :lol:
Yes, I can tell you've worked in libraries: anyone else would say "throw out." :lol:


I got a 100 on a Library Assistant civil service test for my county, and I'd love to upgrade to a job like that. But nothing yet. Two people at my library got 100s--the other got a promotion to that title, I'm still a Circ Clerk. :sigh: But with the economy being so bad, I'm hanging in there, and there are a zillion worse places to be.

I got a 100 on a Library Assistant civil service test for my county, and I'd love to upgrade to a job like that. But nothing yet. Two people at my library got 100s--the other got a promotion to that title, I'm still a Circ Clerk. :sigh: But with the economy being so bad, I'm hanging in there, and there are a zillion worse places to be.

My area libraries just are not hiring. Except for pages, or maybe substitutes. I am volunteering at my local public library to gain experience and to keep my skills up (and to have something to do besides jobhunt).
I could live with the chaos except for two things:

1. I'm getting really tired of having all this stuff! and

2. The landlord lives in the main house and if he sees loads of books, magazines, boxes full of stuff, etc., etc., etc., I could very well be thrown out!!!

So, it's time to weed out a LOT!

So wait, he'd throw you out for being book-smart???

You girls are NOT going to believe what I saw in Yonge/Bloor station tonight on my way home from stitch'n'bitch :hyper:

Look down...

Way down...

:lol: Considering the size of those things and the fact that the TTC guys need special tools to get the thing open... no :wink: (What you can't tell from my crappy cell phone pic is the fact that the huge ads in the stations are about 1" thick glass cases that the poster things go inside, then the glass tops are screwed back over top... saw them changing posters one night late coming home *g*)

The funny thing is that that poster was *NOT* up last night, as I was at a different night group which also involves me changing at Bloor/Yonge to go north.. and I would've noticed it then, especially considering I noticed that case and the one next to it were empty last night :wink:
Omg STEAL IT!!!!!! it's easy to open those things.. :shifty: Not that I would know ofcourse.

Just bring along a thick knife, or if you've one of those gadgets to open pots with... those work a treat..


People! :hyper:

Album! :hyper:

Giant U2 poster! :hyper:

Congrats Zooey! :hyper:

Well, that's all my energy used up. :yawn: :crack:

:hug: to all. Can't wait to hear what GG and the other album virgins think :D

GG!! :hug:

I was going to say, will your CAPS LOCK be on for the next 18 hours or whatever it is... :giggle:


Damn that doesn't work that way.

:shifty: I sorta forgot to do it, but I'll forward it right away.

Nice lazy day Jem! :up:
Dear subconscious,

If you're going to give me a dream in which I not only finally meet Adam, he calls me by my (full) first name and while we're discussing possible upcoming tour dates Larry joins us...



No love for pulling me away from that conversation before Larry got his two cents in,
Hey Jem! :hug:

I'm hoping I get a mostly lazy Sunday at least... I've been going non stop for weeks and I need a break before the next panic stations hit. *L*

Enjoy your day! :wink:

*goes to email*

Actually, I'm hoping you'll be typing in CAPSLOCK after hearing it too :D
And hi Drea! :hug:

At least you've had even half an interesting dream... the last one I had was completely surreal and I have no idea what it was. :huh:

All the same... :madwife: at Drea's subconscious.
Dear subconscious,

If you're going to give me a dream in which I not only finally meet Adam, he calls me by my (full) first name and while we're discussing possible upcoming tour dates Larry joins us...



No love for pulling me away from that conversation before Larry got his two cents in,

:giggle: You had an interesting dream aswell?

Heh, so did I. Tho mine was quite hot. And didn't involve any member of U2, it did involve a nice guitarist tho...*cough*

Got the email yet Ali? :shifty:
Nice dream Drea. Too bad it got cut short. And GG, I can only imagine what you and a certain guitarist were doing in the jungle, where it was soooooo hot. :wink:

Hi, Ali :wave:
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