Pleban Girls (and boys) party - into the wee small hours of the morning

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
:shifty: I'm so glad I don't have an accent :shifty:

:wink: :lol:

I used to have a pen pal from Manchester - he called me quite often for awhile, because he was in love with my 'American Accent' :laugh:
daygloeyes2 said:
Wild nd Jem aren't going to be able to understand anyone here. Bostonians tend to leave the R out of their vocabulary. :lol:

When scousers talk....we scratch the back of our throats.

I know that sounds weird :|


Famous scouse saying: Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaalm Doooooown Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Yeah....and I'm a scouser :reject:
bono_gal said:

When scousers talk....we scratch the back of our throats.

I know that sounds weird :|


Famous scouse saying: Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaalm Doooooown Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Yeah....and I'm a scouser :reject:

I don't even know how to SAY scouser :lol:
Sad_Girl said:
It could be worse, eh! We could ask yah if yah want to go oot and boot around, get some ketchup flavored potato chips and watch the Zamboni go round on the rink for a little fun.

:D :shifty: I'm not going to be well liked in Canada, am I?

:shifty: Eh!

Watch it missy, or there'll be no hotel-location-showing for you :shame: :wink:
Drea said:

Watch it missy, or there'll be no hotel-location-showing for you :shame: :wink:

:D :angel: watch what? I wasn't talking about Canadian,s Eh! :no: Thats they way we talk here in da yoo-pee!

(Translation - the upper penninsula of Michigan. the U P . We even have a slogan. "Say ya to da UP, eh?' it's a very popular bumper sticker :lol: )
greeneyedgirl said:

Didn't plan on 'listening to you anyway'


Just pucker up and you'll be fine.


Sad_Girl said:
It could be worse, eh! We could ask yah if yah want to go oot and boot around, get some ketchup flavored potato chips and watch the Zamboni go round on the rink for a little fun.

:D :shifty: I'm not going to be well liked in Canada, am I?

:shifty: Eh!



Have you ever seen the South Park movie?!

Why do the canadians have heads with a big split through their face?


Quote from the movie:

Excecutioner: Any last words?

Phillip: Yeah....hooz aboot...get me the fuck oot of this chair!

Sad_Girl said:

:D :angel: watch what? I wasn't talking about Canadian,s Eh! :no: Thats they way we talk here in da yoo-pee!

(Translation - the upper penninsula of Michigan. the U P . We even have a slogan. "Say ya to da UP, eh?' it's a very popular bumper sticker :lol: )

*snerk* I've told you before I've heard my sister coming home with your accent - I'll tell you again, people are going to think you're from Buffalo or Rochester :giggle: *snerks again at sister saying "pawp"*
Drea said:

*snerk* I've told you before I've heard my sister coming home with your accent - I'll tell you again, people are going to think you're from Buffalo or Rochester :giggle: *snerks again at sister saying "pawp"*

:eyebrow: I don't say it that way. I say Soda. Or P-ah-p.

But I do pronounce 'Creek' as 'Crick' :reject: unless I remind myself not to

and I don't say 'yes' or 'yeah' - it's 'yeh' :lol:
Sad_Girl said:
I LOVE South Park, including the movie :up: :up: I own the first few seasons and the movie :yes:

*Begins humming 'Blame Canada!'


I dont watch the show much, but i LOVE the movie!!

Classic music all the way....

Shut your f***ing face uncle f***a
You're a c**k sucking ass licking uncle f***a
You're an uncle f***a, yes its true
Nobody f***s uncles quite like you

greeneyedgirl said:

What would Bryan Boytano do?

"Who the fuck are you?'

"I'm Brian Denehy"

"Not Brian fucking Denehy! Brian Botano!"

Or something like that :lmao:

I think it's hilarious that Kyles little brother is canadian :lol:
Sad_Girl said:

"Who the fuck are you?'

"I'm Brian Denehy"

"Not Brian fucking Denehy! Brian Botano!"

Or something like that :lmao:

I think it's hilarious that Kyles little brother is canadian :lol:


His name is Ike to go with it!

Satin and Saddam are hilarious in that too!

Saddam: Satin, your ass is gigantic and red, who am i gonna pretend you are? Liza Minelli?

greeneyedgirl said:
:lmao: :lmao: I gotta go rent that agian.

I'm the proud owner of that movie! :lol:

It's not on DVD though...its a crappy video...but its an hilarious film!

German man: *something like* lick my shaiza again
Cartmens mum: Okie dokie!

Have any of you ever seen the movie 'French Kiss'?

It's really cute; Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline are in it...
and he plays a French Guy and Shes a Canadian woman, and he's trying to tell her they are going to see his friend Bob.

only when he says it, she can't understand him, she just hears "bub"

so he's like ' you know like Bob Dylan?' in his french accent. and she goes 'Oh! Bob!'

and he makes fun of her and is like oui, B-Ahhhh-b

:reject: it's not so funny written down as it is out loud
I killed the party thread :scream:

* Oh. BG's still talking to me. :D

No, I don't think it's a status changer, but I think we should celebrate every post!

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