pleban appreciation thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Stories for Boys

Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Mar 23, 2002
we've had something of this assort in lemonade stand, but i think the plebans are not necessarily in the "ls group"...and you girls deserve it. this is for special thanks for those special plebans!

in no particular order, and hopefully not forgetting anything...

i'd like to thank hippy for being an awesome encouragment for my everyday problems, as well as my spiritual are one of the most kind people i know.

i'd like to thank ellen for being my fellow single person on campus. also, mmm...sarcasm...:shifty:...i'd also like to thank you for being my roadtrip buddy. can't wait til danny lanois!

i'd like to thank moobers (tallarry twin :p) for NEVER failing to make me laugh...especially when i have a bad day...also for being a fellow princess bride expert. inconcievable!

i'd like to thank kristie for awesome times we spend with the male action hero role models. it was, after all, your idea ;)...i'd also like to thank you for being my porn guru well as an awesome friend all around.

i'd like to thank beth for being another roadtrip buddy, but also an all around nice person. i'm glad i met you :)

i'd like to thank kelly for being a sweet person and for having a wonderful afro ;)...

j and erin...if you happen upon this thread, i'd like to thank you guys for being so welcoming in midwest, and for making me laugh! erin~butt warmth buddy! j~"opps, i ordered it"...

i'd like to thank shannon for being my twin. we haven't been in contact much lately, but you're an awesome person and will always be my TWIN twin...the original...the real thing...the one, the's also nice to see eye to eye with someone :shifty:

topop...your stories about your mother still make me laugh. i'm glad you weren't hurt in your accident. mark clayton...heehee

bonochick, thanks to you as well for snorting your diet caffeine free mountain dew. i'm sure we'll get along famously...

i'd like to thank fishy as well for making me laugh...y'know, i got in trouble during class because of your cookie commentary...glad we'll meet at the convention!

i'd like to also thank gina for being a good also do a mean hoedown.

lately i've been especially thankful for every one of you girls. if any one of you weren't in here, it just wouldn't be the same. i guess i'd like to thank every pleban for that then.

awwwwww :hug: x a million

I'll be back later with some sap of my own...

in the meantime... I :heart: you guys so much... you'll probably never be able to know what you REALLY mean to me... awwww

And I'm back....

Though it's become somewhat of a joke between us, there's a reason we all call ourselves twins... Kristie, Gina, Laura, Ellen, Kelly, Moobers, Feesh, Olive, Beth... what can I say? I can't get over the fact that there are people like you all in the universe! Each of you has brought something special to me (no, not JUST porn) My life has been enriched immensely by such beautiful women! Beautiful in every single way! People knock PLEBA, saying it's just a droolfest and whatever... but for me PLEBA is more than that... when PLEBA is mentioned... I don't think of U2 lol I think of you all! :hug:

Kristie - what can I say? lol I think you know :D

Gina - haven't seen you much lately... but I love you just the same! Memories of last summer will ALWAYS be in my mind

Laura - dt, nothing can express the love I have for you... I know we've both been through a lot lately... and I know that I can always count on you to leave me messages that make me smile, and sometimes cry... but it's all good!

Ellen - you're such a loveable kook ;) You always make me smile and giggle and I'm so thankful for that

Kelly - you're a beautiful woman! I love reading your songs... you've got a talent there and you've also got an incredible talent for sending me PMs at just the right moment

Moobers - what can I even say? :D You and your wonderful silliness and extremely caring, loving self are a blessing!

Beth - thanks for always getting me to think :)

Olive - what would PLEBA BE without you? SERIOUSLY. lmaoooo :heart: you! It's been a wonderful treat to work with you... I hope things work out in life like you want them to... you deserve it!

Feeeesh! - you're another one of those "what can I say" people! lmaooo it's been sooo much fun and such a wonderful treat to work on our web... o_O everything you know is wrong... you're such a crackhead, I can't help but love you! hehehehehe

Unfortunately, I can't list EVERYONE individually... I love this place and it's the people who make it possible... I have met some of the most beautiful people here IN SPITE OF the drooling all the time ;) I hope you all feel special because you are... each one of you is a valuable asset and a wonderful friend. Because of you, I'm proud to call myself a PLEBA girl!

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Stories for Boys said:

j and erin...if you happen upon this thread, i'd like to thank you guys for being so welcoming in midwest, and for making me laugh! erin~butt warmth buddy! j~"opps, i ordered it"...

Awwww...shucks, I'm mentioned. :hug:

From not knowing you a year ago and basically meeting you 5 months ago, it's grand to be your butt warmth buddy. Next up, you'll be my afro wearing buddy. :lol:

I don't know many of you people here so I'll just say to the ones I know.....
You're all a grand bunch. And I'm happy I know you....all of you. I won't go for posting names, but you know if I chat with you, you count. :love:

And to the ones I'll meet in the future, I can't wait.
Eep likes to party (girl)! :dance:
A good idea for a thread.

I'd love to list names, but then I'd feel bad for leaving someone out.

So I'll just say this: I'm glad that I stumbled across the PLEBA area not just because of the main focus of the thread, but because I also got to meet a lot of incredibly cool people.

You girls always manage to crack me up with all the things you say there, be they U2-related or not.

And you're all really sweet people...I may disagree with some of you on certain issues in other parts of the boards...but in PLEBA, all is forgotten and we're all just a group of girls that are hanging out together and being goofy-kinda like an online sleepover thing...except it never ends! :D.

I also love meeting other teens out's great to find you all, you all understand where I'm coming from with my whole thing for one of the guys in the band and everything...I'm glad that there's people who get it.

Hopefully if all works out, I'll be able to go to the May 10th meet up of Midwestern U2 fans...and if that happens, I'll look forward to meeting some of you in person.

I'd also like to chat with a lot of you more often, too. That'd be great.

Hehe, ISHFWILF is on the radio right now...corny as this is going to sound, I feel like I found what I've looked for...a place that I don't feel out of place in (not that I don't have places like that offline...but you know what I mean).

Yay for PLEBA and all the girls who are a part of it! :).

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I'm going to stick my head in here for a second or two. There's no one in particular I want to name, but just everyone from PLEBA that I've talked to or has written anything funny-ish in the past little while. I know I haven't been around or vocal lately, in our lives we all have valleys and I'm just coming out of one these days.

It's nice just to know you guys are here, nice just to lurk, nice just to read all this when I can't sleep.


picking single person wouldn't be enoug. I love this place. It's really not just a droolfest but a community with good friends. :yes:

souly, jam, lok :sexywink:, phuzzie, kitty etcetc :hug:
kaaaaaaw.... thanks, tallarry twin and hippy.... :hug:

Just keep in mind that you make me laugh just as much.... and you have been there when I've been down (which has been a lot lately, hasn't it? :() I come here to be uplifted and really, I am.

I do surf through PLEBA, but my "home" is the never-ending thread. It's where I can pour out my heart, my feelings, post something silly about me rollerskating around the Skechers store, and any other thing that might be worthy of a mention and I know that y'all care. That's what makes this place great. I'm not one to do the drooling (well, if you show me a new picture of Larry - flaming june is good at that...) - I just like to read about the lives of people I've gotten to know over the past year.

I'm not sure if my rambling made any sense, but well, there you have it.

Moonie Moobers :D
Stories for Boys said:

bonochick, thanks to you as well for snorting your diet caffeine free mountain dew. i'm sure we'll get along famously...


*wipes a tear from my eye*


Wait a damn minute...

*licks finger*

That wasn't a tear...that was Caffeine Free Diet Mountain Dew!!!

Wow...I really DO drink too much pop!!! :ohmy:

:laugh: :hug:

I :heart: you guys!!!!!!! :wave:
SpanishEyes21 said:
:hug: to the Edge girl wanna-be's :)sexywink:) flaming june and erised.

Aww... Esther! :hug: But I repeat, I'm 100% Larry girl!!! :wink:

:hug: 's to the following:

Erised... my twin!!! You are the bestest. Thank God and U2 for having met you. And thank you for always being there. You are a true friend. :cute:

The Edge girls, Jam Jar, arw, roe, IWB, thanks for letting us invade your threads without retaliation... sometimes :laugh: and for being so smart and funny.

The Larry girls!!! Wertsie, Bona, soulnation, ILuvLarryMullen and everyone else, thanks for all the pics and the fun!

DSmith... :hug: I'm really glad I had the opportunity to meet you and share that great experience with you... I hope that won't be our last adventure together!

Moonie, ever since I started posting here, you've always been so friendly... you never fail to make me smile!

Olive, Mrs.Springsteen, BonosLoveSlave, U2Kitten, Hippy... thanks for being so gracious and sweet, I really admire all of you.

Everyone else... thanks for being around. When I'm here I always feel like I'm in a cozy living room full of friends. :)
man, if I thanked EVERYONE it'd be like a novel... but I DO have one special thanks for today :D

hippy - thanks for listening to me gush and smit all over you lately... you never complained once :) loveyoutwin

:hug: love you all!
Lessme see:

Kriste- Thankyou for being a fellow adam lover and sending me the cds and for being the Still Queen

Hippy- I :heart: you! thanks for letting me bitch and vent and rant to you :hug:

Laura- Thankyou for hooking me on to Jeff Buckley :drool: and :yes: I am the AfroHo :sexywink:

Feeshy- You rock! you have helped me from the first day I joined whether it was trying to set my aim account up or just questions in general you were always there to help me Thanks!!!

BC- Thanks for being my avatar making queen, I always know that if I send you a photo to make into an avatar it will return looking awesome

Elaine- what can I say!! so many laughs have been shared between us :laugh: and I love them all

Olive, AM, FJ and everyone else thankyou for all the sessy photos and the laughs!!!

Thankyou everyone that has helped in one way or another!!

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Aww, FallingStar and Flaming June, :hug: :heart: You both make this board a better place and I appreciate you so much!

If I were going to write a speech to thank people, like at the Grammys, it would run on and I'd get the music turned on over me! PLEBA is so much all in one. I cannot, and would not, burden anyone with it, but you all have no idea how rough my life is in so many ways, and how sometimes it's hard to even go on. To come here and find a bit of joy, happiness, and especially kindness, means more to me than I can say, and there are so many people I want to thank for that. The pics are great too of course, and I'd like to thank everyone who posts them, or helps me drool over the ones I post! Thanks for sharing my love of Bono and the band, and just being the wonderful people that you are.

I know by making a list I'll leave somebody out and I'll feel bad, but I want to give a big shout out and a big hug to some special people who have made this a good place for me, and and a pleasure to come here. I love and appreciate you all! :hug: FalllingStar, Flaming June, Moonlit_Angel, Scarletwine, U2SJ, Verte76, Soulnation2002, Tiny Dancer, Sherry Darling, Samantha Puff, Ana, Sue4u2, Bonofied U, wertsie, Melpop, Madonna's Child, thanks for being there and being you! :hug:

And I'd also like to thank Martha, Schmeg and Kariann the tandem posters, maddie, Diane L, Bonosloveslave, Tabby, elevation2u, MiniFly, Sevikins, also Niamh, Olive, and Mrs. Springsteen with news and pics, AdamsMango, adamswildhoney,hippy, Larry and Edge girls who help with the Bono threads like Erised, arw9797, dsmith, Iwasbored, JamJar, Spanisheyes21, rockonedge, Iluvlarrymullen, 'newbies' Bonoinakilt, Lori Hewson, Sweepie, Brittanynova, zewteevee, u2girl91289, mariana, mods Sicy, Bonochick,and Larry Mullen'sPopAngel, PLEBA guys RickFly, bloodysunday972, Mr. LeMon, Gabrielvox, Lemonboy, yertleturtle, Kristie with the stills, u2girl, u2sangel, and wherever you are, Mona, Icelady, Jessica Ann, Jenni-Ann, Disco, Rainbow, Naya, Miss Zooropa, Jody, ozzysgrrl, UV2001. :hug: :wave: Welcome back Spinny and Kate!

Sorry my list is so long, and still I know I've forgotten someone, but I wanted to give PLEBA love to some of the great people here who might not always get noticed or mentioned but they are a great and special part of the PLEBA heart and soul :)

Turn on the music and drag her off the stage!;)
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This is such a good idea!

Ok there is no way I am naming names because I am guaranteed to forget someone...but please know that you all make my life so much more interesting and I couldn't make it through some of the tougher days without you!

To my twins...I might be a newbie-twin, but I love you all very much! Thanks for all of the memories and the willingness to be just as dorky as I am! Besides...Goatzilla & Little Larry owe their creation to you...and because of you guys I will never look at cookies or sprinkles the same way again...and i would never be the proud owner of the AIM screen name DOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN without here's to all the cervix pee-ers...:hug:

To my fellow Phistos...honorary or otherwise...angels and demons...I love you all...I am glad we were finally abe to put down all of the flaming swords and battleaxes...*martinis to all and to all a good night*

To everyone who submitted to the Christmas Contest...that will ALWAYS be one of my FAVORITE memories from this place...we rocked.

And to all of my long lost friends, who never visit anymore...Disco...Mona...Julie...I miss you. Disco, I would never have come out of lurk-dom without you...I miss you babe.

To the long forgotten, but semi-replaced ORGASMATRON CLUB...I miss being the Bedazzled Merch-Maid and T-shirt Whore of Orgasmatron...LOL...YAY FREE-STYLIN FRIDAY!

To my partners in crime over at ZooSta...o_O...EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG...I :heart: you guys! One day we shall take over the world!

:heart: PLEBA :heart:
You guys are all the bestest girls ever :hug:

You all are very special to me, but I wanna send out a very big

MISS YOU!!!!!!

to MK and Steph, this place has been much too quiet recently - come back soon :sad:
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Oh...I must give a HUGE thanks to you, Beth...

Beth drove through bad winter weather so that I wouldn't have to spend my 21st birthday alone. :hug: I will never forget that.
Okay, I knew I'd start remembering someone I forgot! We should all thank Charlene/Bono's American Wife who paid for wireimages so we could get all the latest Bono and U2 action :applaud: Thanks to Charlene and Lies for posting them for us, and to SFB for starting this thread. We all really do need to feel the love!
U2Kitten said:
Aww, FallingStar and Flaming June, You both make this board a better place and I appreciate you so much!

If I were going to write a speech to thank people, like at the Grammys, it would run on and I'd get the music turned on over me! PLEBA is so much all in one. I cannot, and would not, burden anyone with it, but you all have no idea how rough my life is in so many ways, and how sometimes it's hard to even go on. To come here and find a bit of joy, happiness, and especially kindness, means more to me than I can say, and there are so many people I want to thank for that. The pics are great too of course, and I'd like to thank everyone who posts them, or helps me drool over the ones I post! Thanks for sharing my love of Bono and the band, and just being the wonderful people that you are.

And I'd also like to thank Martha, Schmeg and Kariann the tandem posters, maddie, Diane L, Bonosloveslave, Tabby, elevation2u, MiniFly, Sevikins, also Niamh, Olive, and Mrs. Springsteen with news and pics, AdamsMango, adamswildhoney,hippy, Larry and Edge girls who help with the Bono threads like Erised, arw9797, dsmith, Iwasbored, JamJar, Spanisheyes21, rockonedge, Iluvlarrymullen, 'newbies' Bonoinakilt, Lori Hewson, Sweepie, Brittanynova, zewteevee, u2girl91289, mariana, mods Sicy, Bonochick,and Larry Mullen'sPopAngel, PLEBA guys RickFly, bloodysunday972, Mr. LeMon, Gabrielvox, Lemonboy, yertleturtle, Kristie with the stills, u2girl, u2sangel, and wherever you are, Mona, Icelady, Jessica Ann, Jenni-Ann, Disco, Rainbow, Naya, Miss Zooropa, Jody, ozzysgrrl, UV2001. Welcome back Spinny and Kate!

Sorry my list is so long, and still I know I've forgotten someone, but I wanted to give PLEBA love to some of the great people here who might not always get noticed or mentioned but they are a great and special part of the PLEBA heart and soul :)

Turn on the music and drag her off the stage!;)
Thanks for the shout-out!! I'm proud to be a tandem poster. :D We need to get more people back into the Bono threads!!

I's like to thank the girls who gave PLEBA i's "scary girls" reputation, because that's why I came here. I figured if Bono knew about it, it must be good in one way or another. Thank you for also being nice people, even if you're a little bit scary. :evil:

I'd like to thank the Bono girls around here who got me into posting pictures. After I arrived and discovered the joy and wonder of Leather Day, and then FINALLY learned how to post pictures, I couldn't stop!!

Hugs to some randoom people I've been talking to a lot lately...Thanks for the compeition in [insert band member here] Day Threads and the help, the goofyness, the lyrics, the angry bj's...

Kariann- Go Gap! Go run-on sentences! We WILL get to 10 pages eventually, dammit!! Thanks for the stories, the dreams, and of course, the facts that I will NEVER look at bubble-wrap the same way again...

arw9797- Thanks for being my U2 supplier. I swear your stuff is coming soon! We WILL convert you if/when we meet up in Cleveland... :evil:

IWasBored- Thanks for being the Music soon as it doesn't take me hours to download songs I'll be listening to those bands you play on your show that I've never heard of. Maybe one day we'll discover the meaning to secret messages on bread...

Cujo/Mofo/Headache- Ahh, the Three Headed Beast! OR the OTHER PLEBA guys. Thanks for putting the P back in PLEBA. But I think Kariann wants her underwear back...

Thanks to anyone else I didn't mention for making me :combust:, :drool:, :faint:, THUD, :lmao:, and everything else that happens while I'm here that causes my family to peek in my room going, "What the hell are you doing?"
Schmeg said:

Thanks for the shout-out!! I'm proud to be a tandem poster. :D We need to get more people back into the Bono threads!!

Yes we do! :yes:

I'd like to thank the Bono girls around here who got me into posting pictures. After I arrived and discovered the joy and wonder of Leather Day, and then FINALLY learned how to post pictures, I couldn't stop!!

LOL! That's exactly how it was for me! I've seen so many people say pics lost their novelty, and they weren't fun after awhile, but I never felt that way! I LOVE Bono pics, I love posting, and I never get tired if them! There are always surprises, and some of the older ones are new again after awhile! Besides, they're BONO, who could get tired of looking at Bono?;)

Another add on- teehee, you always come through with great pics! Keep it up! :)
Schmeg said:

IWasBored- Thanks for being the Music soon as it doesn't take me hours to download songs I'll be listening to those bands you play on your show that I've never heard of. Maybe one day we'll discover the meaning to secret messages on bread...

:lmao: just imagine what would happen if you had actually ASKED me to recommend some music!

let's see....well, first, the reason i'm in pleba in the first place is cos of the edge-thread. so, :hug: for arw, roe, esther, dsmith, jam jar, the edge-girls who admit to being edge-girls. and then there's the larry/bono-EDGE-girls...hehehe...kariann and schmeg :hug: erised, flaming june, and fallingstar :evil:

mofo, headache, cujo :hug: some of the funniest posts here. i love you guys.

soulnation2002 :hug:

kristie made THE gif :hug:

everyone else :hug:

i suck at this...

anyone who's made gifs and stills :hug:

everyone who's been reasonable and mature about that slash discussion in fan fiction

and arw again
Aww, U2Kitten, thanks for mentioning me!!! That's so sweet of you!
This is my shout out to all of you, all of you PLEBA girls who make being a U2 fan so much fun! A friend of mine (she knows who she is) told me about this place about a year ago, and I'm so glad she did.
At this point, I'd come visit here even if my interest in U2 lessened (which doesn't seem very likely!) just to see how everyone is doing.
I'd looked for a virtual home for so long, and I've found it!
Hugs to all,

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