PLEBA girls paty: BG & Wild went licking in Cardiff...

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So did you christen the showetr at the Hilton then Wild?

I wondered where you got off to???? :lol:

Did you see my post asking what you were saying about ruff&I?
U2MaNaIcWeIdO said:

:yes: It'll pull your hair out :crazy:

I know. :yes: I've given up on trying to catch up. :lol:

dazzledbylight said:

you don't wanna ask that question tonight.... :tsk:

SG's comp had a bad case of hiccups or worse

she saved the characters but lost all the houses etc

ACK!! Wonder how that happened? Ugh.... I hope she didn't lose anything else important. :( I'll have to give her a :hug: when I see her on later.

My puter's still on the mend, too. :madspit: My connection boots me after twenty minutes. :sad:
dazzledbylight said:
thanks VP!

I think I hope it'll be really fun, cool to do! :yes:

how's Sara?

She's very well, thanks! Just finished her exams this past Monday. Tonight, she's out with a bunch of friends. This one girl that she's been close friends with since they were 7 or 8 is moving about 5 hours away. :( So, Sarah planned a surprise going away party for her...about 10 of them met at a restaurant, and then they went bowling. :)
VintagePunk said:

She's very well, thanks! Just finished her exams this past Monday. Tonight, she's out with a bunch of friends. This one girl that she's been close friends with since they were 7 or 8 is moving about 5 hours away. :( So, Sarah planned a surprise going away party for her...about 10 of them met at a restaurant, and then they went bowling. :)

oh i hate when that has happened....good friends moving too far away :(

but how nice oi have a great so long party....
VintagePunk said:

She's very well, thanks! Just finished her exams this past Monday. Tonight, she's out with a bunch of friends. This one girl that she's been close friends with since they were 7 or 8 is moving about 5 hours away. :( So, Sarah planned a surprise going away party for her...about 10 of them met at a restaurant, and then they went bowling. :)

That sounds nice . Sarah's a sweet kid for giving her friend a party. :)

See ya later, Dazz. :hug:
elysithea said:

That sounds nice . Sarah's a sweet kid for giving her friend a party. :)

See ya later, Dazz. :hug:

She's a really sweet girl...Sarah will miss her a lot, and I will too. :( Really sucks that she has to move away for her last year of high school.
It was pretty good thanks for asking VP and Susan! :yes: Some questions I looked at and went "what in God's name is this" but overall it was good. :hug:

How's the hair lookin VP??? Are you Ali yet? :lol:
FlyYourKite said:
It was pretty good thanks for asking VP and Susan! :yes: Some questions I looked at and went "what in God's name is this" but overall it was good. :hug:

How's the hair lookin VP??? Are you Ali yet? :lol:

The hair is definitely getting there, just needs to be a bit darker.

Now I've just gotta work on the face and the body, and that man will be mine!! :love: :rockon:

:angry: Don't take him away from me VP! :laugh:

Have you got everything organized for the vacation yet? I'm so jealous of you and Sarah getting to be in resorty Ontario country :sad:

On an upside, I've decided on what tattoo I want! :up:
:lol: That's a phrase i use all the time - "What in the name of god is this/that"!!! Fly! :hug: :hug:
FlyYourKite said:
:angry: Don't take him away from me VP! :laugh:

Have you got everything organized for the vacation yet? I'm so jealous of you and Sarah getting to be in resorty Ontario country :sad:

On an upside, I've decided on what tattoo I want! :up:

"Organized" is such a relative term. :wink:


E-mailed stuff to school yesterday, haven't heard back, so I'm kinda leaving that hanging...hate to, but there's not much I can do.

I *think* I've got everything I need. Just need to tidy the house and pack tomorrow. Don't think I'm gonna go to Live 8. I'm sure I'll think of last minute stuff i need to do Saturday...and I'll just watch it on tv.

I keep forgetting to pick up bread for the ducks!! :ohmy:

Oooooh, what tattoo???
I'm off to bed girls as i'm really tired&i'm getting up early! :yawn: :yawn:

'Tis 2.10 Am here!!!! :ohmy: :wave:
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