PGP - Never Tear Us Apart

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Sad_Girl said:
GG :hug: Bri :hug

:heart: I'm so glad you guys are here :happy:

I'm having a good day, I signed on to yahoo this morning and got to chat with an old friend I hadn't chatted with in FOREVER, finally heard from Mark who vanished over the holiday ( :madwife: ) :lol:
and Jeffy is visiting, too

U2Girl416 :wave your real name will do, if we like it :wink:


Awww! I love when that happens! :heart:

Hi Jeffy!:cute:
greeneyedgirl said:
SG....good to see you this morning too :hug:

:grumpy: I have to make a new resume.
I can't find my old one...........6 yrs old now anyway.
I have an interview Fri morn :hyper:
They came to me :ohmy:

Smart employers! :yes: :flirt: :hug:

I hope it works out for you, you certainly deserve it

New Bono wall :drool: I find it very distracting

~BrightestStar~ said:
Oooo....perdy :drool:

Looks awesome too! :love: I like the edging or whatever...

Heh heh 'edge'-ing heh heh :giggle:

:edge: :cool:

thanks guys, I had forgotten how much I love putting these together :drool: or just the excuse to look at the pictures :wink:
Galeongirl said:
Hey Bri and SG :hug: I'm glad you still are here, usually everybody has left when I am here...

:uhoh: might that be me?

How are you? :flirt:

:no: it's more like bad timing :hug: stupid time difference :grumpy:

I'm doing pretty well today, how are you?
Unfortunately, I must go now! My duty as an Aunt calls :heart:

I leave you all with this to ponder:
Larry's hair in this pic: Rat-tail or whispy pseudo-mullet? :eyebrow: :hmm:


:hug: see you later!
Bri, I wouldn't care whereever in the house I was if I had Bono with me :wink: you can make fine use of any room...

I'm fine SG, my fingers are cold, but they usually here :D and my motehr blabs that she's worried about me getting depressed cuz I lie in my bed till 12/1 pm... :happy: can I help it that I"m just lazy when I'm having holidays?
Galeongirl said:

:lmao: Oh right, say the magic word and PGP girls come running to you!

Bri :yes: check her, I betcha she's watching porn!


when I worked downtown and had time to kill before, I would go to the library and all these people would be lined up for the computers. even though you could only sign up for a half hour at a time, there was porn everywhere around me!! I, of course am too good for that. :angel:
U2Girl416 said:

when I worked downtown and had time to kill before, I would go to the library and all these people would be lined up for the computers. even though you could only sign up for a half hour at a time, there was porn everywhere around me!! I, of course am too good for that. :angel:

:eye: oh rly?

:drool: if there existed Bono porn, I know I wouldn't be too good for it!

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