PGP: Meet me at the e stage

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Did I just got called out for being a nerd by the biggest nerd in this thread?




:hug: Merry christmas all.

Shoutout in particular to GG,
Thanks for an awesome U2 year. You and Marty , the Aussies in London, made it possible for me to enjoy 6 f*cking amazing gigs and I'm very VERY thankful and lucky.
Merry Christmas everyone :) Nope not late, it's 2nd Christmasday here so stsill counts!

:hug: Love ya too Domo. You tiny grumpy Zeeuw.
:hmm: it seems to be working best for me now. The website that is maybe because I needed windows 10? IDK but I'm here and it's working better than before. Hello, I hope u all had a wonderful Christmas/Hanukkah/Ramadan and Kwanzaa. If u don't celebrate any of these then hope u had a nice month. See y'all in the new year. Happy New Year in case I don't come back before then. :heart:
might be some malware on old browser, Edge works in a sandbox so a bit different to infect ;)

Yeah, I'm on win8 and it works fine, and I assume there would've been loads of complaints already if win7 and win8 stopped working... when you hear trampling, think horses, not zebras? :wink:

Reliving the best moments of this tour.
This must have been one of them.
:tongue: Pardon Jari and me for getting technical. You enjoy the image of The Edge in an actual sandbox. :wink:

What can I say , i understood the reference, its just that my mind enjoys the latter mental image more. :giggle: Ridiculous one. But funny.

Lol, mudcakes.
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