PGP: los pantalones en el fuego

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
We did have quite a conversation going. Such a slacker I am. :shifty:

One of my friends who works here (as opposed to a "coworker," who works on my team - there are too many people I know who work here to call them all "coworkers"!) read my Facebook post about being overwhelmed with all my notes and paper for Ireland.

He brought me a binder labeled "Ireland or Bust 2011," complete with a flag and little shamrocks. AND some fancy dividers. :love:

I don't think I'll have room to lug a binder with me, but I will definitely use it to organize my notes at home in these last few weeks. That was so sweet of him!

Aw, what a nice thing to do!
Love it!! :up:

I've been SO damn productive since getting home an hour ago. Laundry is drying now, did two sinks worth of dishes (I don't have a dishwasher, which is why the dishes always end up piling up, because I HATE washing them by hand), garbage/recycling is all out to the street for pickup tomorrow morning, and am now having a cocktail before getting back to it (not much left now, yay!!). WOOT.
I'm not turning on the TV or sitting down for long so I can get this over and done with so I can enjoy the rest of my evening. :) Better to just suck it up and do it now. :yes:

squee! :love: :drool:
Love it!! :up:

I've been SO damn productive since getting home an hour ago. Laundry is drying now, did two sinks worth of dishes (I don't have a dishwasher, which is why the dishes always end up piling up, because I HATE washing them by hand), garbage/recycling is all out to the street for pickup tomorrow morning, and am now having a cocktail before getting back to it (not much left now, yay!!). WOOT.

Thora, you are a motherf*cking adult! :up:
Yeah, I'm always surprised when younger people love U2 with all their heart. I think it's great. Almost cooler than those of us that have hung on since the early 80's - before most of you were born.

i love it when i find younger people say mid-late teens through early thirties who are U2, Who, or Springsteen/E St fans! :hyper::love:

ilove R rock music from the Beatles onwards every decade had some good to incredible bands in it!

:der: ETA:

and Television/Talking Heads, Patti Smith Group

loike to love alot of alt 80's groups as well!
I have that performance... and 3 rehearsals of it on video. The third one doesn't even have Bono :sad:.

It's mostly the video stuff they showed while playing the song, but it does feature a nice close up of Mr Mullen...

Zu, I'm 26. My birthday is a week before Edge's.

Is there a link to this vid???

PM on it's way Tara
See, now that I've seen. Many, many times. It's sooooo good. Between that one and the Europe VMAs where they did Mofo? Daaaaaaaaaaamn.

No idea there was a making of. Thanks for posting the video, but did GR say it was also on that new Popmart compilation I'm downloading via torrent?

Yeah, that version creeps me out a bit. It also makes me laugh that the other 3 just appear right at the end, and Edge just shows up long enough to mouth "Oh noooooo" and then bow his head slowly. :lol:

I have both versions on one of my slapdash U2 DVDs that I made via YouTube and various crazy programs.

Today started off super shitty - our annual enrollment window is closed, and already today I've had 4 calls from people who are freaking out and/or pissed off that they missed it. This is the part of my job that I loathe.

Thankfully, my boss just came over and told me she was really gunning for me to get a big raise this year (with perhaps the promotion to come later, although I don't know what's going on there). I will take money. Yes, money motivates me. GIMME.

Well I wouldn't exactly call those 3 videos "making of" vids, they seem to be more like something someone who works for MTV might have shared or misplaced. :wink:
Is there a link to this vid???

PM on it's way Tara

Zzooey all 3 videos are on my vimeo account. I posted a link earlier last nite maybe someone can repost or you can find.sorry I'm on my blackberry and can't do it myself!
Ok, first day of classes...classes suck butt. I have crazy annoying homework like 'make a wig representing things that you want to keep hidden...and don't use any hair.' What? Fucking art school.

But—one of my suitemates is actually really awesome, she was only being antisocial because one of her relatives died recently. She's in a couple of my classes with a girl who's willing to make her friend drive me to a place to dye my hair for Halloween and who cooks so well she was accepted at Cordon Blue but went to art school instead...and my suite mate, another Katie (though I'm going by Phoenix here when necessary :laugh: wheee), and the other girl are willing to be my music buddies and navigate me around so we can see music.


It's getting a little better except for the shitty homework which may ruin my life—and my art supplies will cost a small fortune if the tiny amount I just bought was $70...also, groceries cost way too much! How do you guys survive? (Because you have jobs, probably ;)) But seriously...monetarily, the money my dad meant for me to travel around and have fun spending is going to groceries and art supplies. Fff.

That was just ranting because I can. Seriously, life is so much better today. I'm sitting in the kitchen making brownies in the shitty oven and listening to Baltimore radio with Other!Katie. Guess what, she also plays bass though her bass isn't with her. And a little guitar. Yay :)
Well I wouldn't exactly call those 3 videos "making of" vids, they seem to be more like something someone who works for MTV might have shared or misplaced. :wink:

Zzooey all 3 videos are on my vimeo account. I posted a link earlier last nite maybe someone can repost or you can find.sorry I'm on my blackberry and can't do it myself!

I saw the one link - will watch later.

Katie - the first grocery trip is always crazy expensive b/c you're buying stuff that lasts a long time, like butter and salt and stuff like that. When you just have to get the necessities for the week, it's not as bad. (my weekly trip is usually $95 for a family of 3 - and we go out to eat at least once a week and Mr.Z sometimes buys incedentals AKA beer).

Your homework sounds funny - just have fun with it! It's art school - what'd ya expect? Essays on The Illiad and The Odessey?

Oh and brownies :drool:
Wait, brownies or brownies? hey, it's college, right?
It was about $40 but I don't even have anywhere near to get flour or sugar or chocolate chips...:( cookies...goodbye cookies...

Art History I already hated, so...Like, the class was interesting because we talked about cave paintings and the teacher is awesome. But the homework reminds me of AP English. In a too-much-work-ugh-it's-boring way.

As for Elements Of Visual Design, I just...don't even know what to say. Posterboard for a wig was an easy way out and it was effing expensive in the store. But yeah. It's kinda funny.

Nah, I don't feel special.

And Zooey, what was that you PM'd Tara? :shifty: I'm hell-bent on not doing homework tonight...

If any guy on campus wants to ever try to win me over, brownies with melted chocolate chips would be the way. Or a good ole Bono-esque eyefuck. *happy sigh*
I have 2 DVDs from Netflix, and a DVR half full of movies I've taped over the last month. And what am I watching?

Yet another U2 bootleg DVD.

(Note: this is not really a bad thing.)
I have yet to listen to much more of New Order than Blue Monday but I'm having a seriously huge thing for Joy Division this week anddd...

But Blue Monday, oh good lord Blue Monday :drool: New Order...your very Joy Divison-esque guitar. Your drum machine. Your slightly different singer. Your peppy dance-ness and strangely still depressed-ness. :heart: I need to listen to some of their earlier stuff.


Gonna be checking them out at 10ish on Thursday. Means I have to wake up before classes start (otherwise could have slept in till...3 pm :lol:) but seriously...this is exciting. *preparing to DJ if I have time*

I've tried several times to get into Joy Division and just cannot. I love Love Will Tear Us Apart (of course), and I like Atmosphere and She's Lost Control. Beyond that, just can't get into them.

My absolute favorite New Order song:

The beginning has been my phone's ring tone forever. :heart:
I saw New Order in concert with the Sugarcubes and Public Image Limited. Yes, you may bask in my 1980's hipster self.
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