PGP- Corupting the innocent by Wild's Request

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Dad got me into Journey we use to sing open arms together.

and thats awesome about all those bands, I was like I have no clue :lol:

I got into KISS when I was a kid I saw them on tv and they were performing on some show and I just started rocking out I was like 4-5 years old then Gene Simmons came on and stuck his tongue out and I screamed and yelled monster! and ran to my Dad then I saw Paul with his star and I was like oooo a star I like then Catman and it went on, then I became a huge fan a couple years ago when I saw them on tv performing on VH1 for some awards show but this time I didnt scream because of Gene Simmons:lol: I have a picture of me somewhere as Paul Stanley as KISS in high school I really messed up my Star on my face I kept messing up and it took me two hours to do the make up, I had this big gothic boots on and what not I'll see if I can find it I think I have saved on photobucket. I'll post it if interested.

I also into Heart and what not, Im just a classic rock kind of girl now I can go into just about anything from KISS To No Doubt ( which I just got back into) and yes Im ashamed to admit this one Britney Spears to Carrie Underwood to Disturbed. I grew up with country and classic rock cause of my Dad then got into everything else thanks to peers, I never got into rap though it never interested me.
I'm a huge Christina Aguilera fan. :hug:

Gene Simmons is scary in costume. When you find out he was a nerdy Jewish kid, all that kind of goes down the toilet.
Johnny Rotten scared the piss out of me when I saw him as a small child. He still kind of does, but for an entirely different reason.

That's just me being nerdy. It's sad that I can do that, really. Some people can do 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon. I can do 6 Degrees of Green Day.
Christina rocks!:up:

HAHA we're all nerdy in our own way.

OH look I found the pic:lol: This pic is scary and amusing all at the same time. It was my junior year
Christina rocks!:up:

HAHA we're all nerdy in our own way.

OH look I found the pic:lol: This pic is scary and amusing all at the same time. It was my junior year

Haha, that's awesome! One year, I want to go as my princess for halloween, but since it's been 4 years since the Holiday video came out, I don't think anyone would get it.
Haha, that's awesome! One year, I want to go as my princess for halloween, but since it's been 4 years since the Holiday video came out, I don't think anyone would get it.

HAHA you so should do it anyway! It would be awesome!.

I won best costume that day too it was rock day and all the girls were like doing the whole spandel excerise thing and I was like Im doing friggen KISS! I should of put stars on those boots I still have them I may do that, or save up money and buy ones just like Paul Stanely's that would be a hoot!
KISS, ftmfw. Spandex :rolleyes: Can we say 80's? And not even GOOD 80's music. Bleh. Hair metal. The only thing good that came out of that genre was Guns 'N Roses.

He's prettier than I am. :uhoh: I don't know where I'd find green sequined fabric like that, though.
Its Ghost Adventures. Im huge into the Paranormal one of my favorite tv shows is Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International cause I like the scientific approach they do, I also am ( or was) in a group myself I also like the history of the places they go to. Im extremely picky with my paranormal shows I hate the ones that the people are screaming cameras up there noises etc, I'm kind of a skeptic so Im picky with shows like that and Im not big into all those drama shows I do like House Md though, and NCIS

I played the violin Im trying to get back into that and I also sing which I do everyday I want to learn bass just have to get the money to get a bass and amp and I'll be fine I read music extremely well, I was trying to learn guitar but my hands were to small for me to play. I'm looking at school to see if I can get into the music program there or the arts cause Im extremely happy with music or doing something with art as well as science. I'm also fascinated in magic, I know Im a nerd.

whats funny this girl was the one that introduced me to here and now she hates it, I dont get it really :shrug:

When I was in high school I never really had friends, but I played sports, and was in the choir and what not then I was taken out and home schooled cause I was picked on all the time and the school volience got bad. Then I started hanging out online in chat rooms and forums. I made a couple good friends that in fact my friend kiki who is coming to Phoenix with me I met online that is where most of my social life is I know it sounds dumb but its true. I have a hard time relating or communicating with people

I'll admit I suffer badly with depression and emotional issues and I take things to heart very easy I get hurt easy etc because of it. Im trying to find something to get into so I can get myself out of that.

Even though I'm not into Paranormal tv have some good tastes in tv shows :up:

And it's sorta scary that we almost had the same high school experience, relationships with people (when we are actually talking to them) and personal stuff (don't know what to call it really) :ohmy:
Guns N Roses is pretty god I like that too.

hmmm Im not sure about the fabric not sure if you hobby lobby where you are at but try that or some sort of craft store where they sale fabrics

Now that KISS alfit of mine that is all that I had on. But basically thats just a leotard with a skirt and what not then I added some stores and what not later on. My Dad was like WTF when I came out from finishing all my make up and such and all I did is use stuff I found at my house except the boots i jacked from a friend and then it turned out she didnt want them anymore so I have them still.
Even though I'm not into Paranormal tv have some good tastes in tv shows :up:

And it's sorta scary that we almost had the same high school experience, relationships with people (when we are actually talking to them) and personal stuff (don't know what to call it really) :ohmy:

Thank yas :)

Its good to find someone that relates to you like that for me anyways
Awesome possem! The Beatles are awesome! Now one song that bigs me is yellow submarine and thats because my track coach in highschool use to sing it all the time and it would get in my head which annoyed me so he would sing it before each meet so I ran fast :lol:

I should hit the hay though its about 1am and I got to get up at 7. So night all!

Thanks Reggo, DG, Bright, Weldy and everyone for the cheer up!:hug:

BG you stay stay out of trouble:lol:

Night all :wave:
Thank yas :)

Its good to find someone that relates to you like that for me anyways

:yes:....that's true...but it's also rare.

Everyone expects you to be a brick wall....mindless and emotionless. I like to think the main reason why is that no one wants to hear your problems and they only want you to follow their trends, ideals, aspiriation and dreams (to name a few).
:yes:....that's true...but it's also rare.

Everyone expects you to be a brick wall....mindless and emotionless. I like to think the main reason why is that no one wants to hear your problems and they only want you to follow their trends, ideals, aspiriation and dreams (to name a few).

I coudnt agree more! I'm extremely emotional and Im very in touch with whats around me the littlest things can get me when most people just sit there motionless

My last psot was to BG I think forgetting to quote sometimes:doh:
I coudnt agree more! I'm extremely emotional and Im very in touch with whats around me the littlest things can get me when most people just sit there motionless

My last psot was to BG I think forgetting to quote sometimes:doh:

I'm emotional too...even when I'm on any forum. :yes:

That's ok......I knew it was meant for BG :wink:
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