PGP: Brb, gone off to party in Montreal

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
We need someone to pull a Norma Rae in the line or at the show, where they have a big-ass "NO MORE GA LINE BULLSHIT" sign that they parade around.
We need someone to pull a Norma Rae in the line or at the show, where they have a big-ass "NO MORE GA LINE BULLSHIT" sign that they parade around.

I'll make bracelets that will outsell the ONE bracelets. That is how I will get Bono involved. Then he and Wyclef Jean will record a tribute song to benefit those who now suffer Post-GA-Line-Stress-Disorder.
If I were younger, I'd harvest some eggs and do Red Zone for the next tour. Maybe I should try to make tour money while in Montreal. I took a pole dance class once....4 years ago. :ohmy:

Oh my god I read this and started cracking up.

I thought you were going to say harvest eggs and get the fetus in line so he/she will have a decent spot when he/she enters adulthood. :|

But then I read this and :lmao:
Okay, I'm off to bed. My body is saying it's 8:30, but it's 11:30 here, so I should get some sleep. I'll check back in the morning to see if you've responded, snow. I can PM you my phone number so you can text me, if you want. I don't have your number on my phone. If you still have my number from way back when, I still have the same number. :) It would be great to see you, but since you're here for work, it's totally understandable if you've got too much on your plate.

G'night, all! :hug:
I'm doing really good, thanks! :D Keeping busy with work and life and all that. Nothing new or interesting, really, but it's all good.

You're in the city?! Awesome! That's awesome you didn't know about the shows! :laugh: It would be great to see you for a drink or something. You could always come to our interference gathering tomorrow night... :wink:

Glad to hear things are going good, sometimes that's better than new!!

I'm here, but my flight out is at 3 something tmw :( Otherwise I would love to meet up!)

I'm very well, thanks! Still in Seattle.

Glad to hear it!! Are you going to any (many?) shows this leg?

I'm bringing my husband, but we had not planned that. :huh:

If we did, he might enjoy himself more!

Well now, it's a good thing I showed up isn't it...YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!

Why yes we do. It's a picture of your face! :wink:

Just kiddin'. How are you??

Ha! How long are you there for?? You should grab tickets to a show. I was supposed to, but I have a new job, no time off, yada, yada. I'm heading to Toronto on Sunday, though. Are you doing Toronto?

:reject: :hug::angry:

good, busy as hell but good!

I'm here till tmw afternoon....the only reason I even came on here was because as I was leaving my hotel to go for dinner tonight I turned left for the way I usually walk to old town and there were massive hoards of people at the next intersection...I turned away but got thinking of the hotel next door and the last time I was here some hockey team was staying there....then slowly it occured to me that I'd seen a reference to U2 somewhere in the day and then got thinking - those people seemed pretty rabid...kinda like u2 fan rabid....anyway, kept going and didn't think any more of it till I just got back - less people but the ones that are there all look like zombies, and really really really focused (that's the most polite way I can put it) - there were a bunch of security peeps in suits on the next hotels steps and as I walked in my own little world ( I know I know, piss off :p) by I got lots of "the nerve of her!" type looks from all involved...I got around one group of females to get in the doors of my hotel and thought I'd come here to see if the boys are in town and where they're staying :hmm:

I'm going to the show on Monday - the one you'll be in line for tomorrow morning I'm guessing :lol: I've got a GA for it - I wont be doing any of this nonsense - much more enjoyed hanging at the back with you and Sarah and the others last time. Couldn't and wont be arsed waiting in lines when the sights and dancing were better at the back (cn tower etc.).
Toby Keith has his own bars????

Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill

There's one in the complex where I work. Usually some of my coworkers and I will go to a Chinese place about a mile away and just have cheap drinks and shoot the shit after work. But some people wanted to go to Toby Keith's. So I went there. BIG mistake. I had a decent margarita, but the bartenders were so fucking rude it just ruined the experience for me. I almost didn't tip 20%, but I didn't have the heart not to. :reject: Still didn't leave as much as I usually leave though.
I had Seattle and Minneapolis scheduled originally, and I said "well, that's it, because I'm going to Ireland in the fall" (yay!).

Then I made a last-minute trip to Anaheim for the second show at the persuasion of friends, and am so glad I went.

..... and then I decided I really wanted to be at the final show of the tour, as I was still bitter I didn't go to Hawaii last time.

So I'm hauling my cookies to the middle of nowhere. Damn, Bono. Why is loving you so hard????

I had Seattle and Minneapolis scheduled originally, and I said "well, that's it, because I'm going to Ireland in the fall" (yay!).

Then I made a last-minute trip to Anaheim for the second show at the persuasion of friends, and am so glad I went.

..... and then I decided I really wanted to be at the final show of the tour, as I was still bitter I didn't go to Hawaii last time.

So I'm hauling my cookies to the middle of nowhere. Damn, Bono. Why is loving you so hard????


I thought you were coming for me. :sad:

Guess what peebles? 2000 posts before Montreal! I did it!!! :happydance:
Okay, I'm off to bed. My body is saying it's 8:30, but it's 11:30 here, so I should get some sleep. I'll check back in the morning to see if you've responded, snow. I can PM you my phone number so you can text me, if you want. I don't have your number on my phone. If you still have my number from way back when, I still have the same number. :) It would be great to see you, but since you're here for work, it's totally understandable if you've got too much on your plate.

G'night, all! :hug:

Don't have but will PM you - depending on where you are and when you are up can maybe grab a coffee real quick?!

Sleep well, rest those elbows, you'll need them!

fuck i can't PM, just remembered...shite.

If you remember my name can you send me a FB message with your #? I don't go on there but I will try to tmw before I leave for work and will text you when I get it....
So I'm hauling my cookies to the middle of nowhere. Damn, Bono. Why is loving you so hard????



I had Seattle and Minneapolis scheduled originally, and I said "well, that's it, because I'm going to Ireland in the fall" (yay!).

Then I made a last-minute trip to Anaheim for the second show at the persuasion of friends, and am so glad I went.

..... and then I decided I really wanted to be at the final show of the tour, as I was still bitter I didn't go to Hawaii last time.

So I'm hauling my cookies to the middle of nowhere. Damn, Bono. Why is loving you so hard????


haha - that's why I've not been paying attention - the whole getting sucked in - after seeing the people and reading the last few posts I'm so glad I get to go on Monday and have waaaay too much other stuff lined up to be able to go to's really hard not to cave to peer pressure....

Jealous of you going to the closer - that will be awesome!!!
I thought you were going to say harvest eggs and get the fetus in line so he/she will have a decent spot when he/she enters adulthood. :|

VP, it's what any good mom would do. Unfortunately, my first child is a lost cause. I need to think of the new generation.
I actually made cookies last night. Chocolate with white chocolate chips. :drool:

Oh my god, you guys. So I went over to the @u2 forums to see if anyone else was up in arms about GA (the newish poster who just went off on a big rant in the Chicago review thread started a similar thread over there), and I read this:

There were a lot of other messy things going on in Nashville. People were really rude and mean. A girl I know got pushed off her rail spot by an entitled chick who told her that she had to get off "her spot."



We need someone to pull a Norma Rae in the line or at the show, where they have a big-ass "NO MORE GA LINE BULLSHIT" sign that they parade around.

I would totally do it if others would join me. Viva la revolucion, and all that. But then they'd probably cave like...caving things, and I'd be alone, and think "damn, it's no fun being Norma Rae alone," and then I'd go and meekly take my place at number 58,982. :sigh:

:reject: :hug::angry:

good, busy as hell but good!

I'm here till tmw afternoon....the only reason I even came on here was because as I was leaving my hotel to go for dinner tonight I turned left for the way I usually walk to old town and there were massive hoards of people at the next intersection...I turned away but got thinking of the hotel next door and the last time I was here some hockey team was staying there....then slowly it occured to me that I'd seen a reference to U2 somewhere in the day and then got thinking - those people seemed pretty rabid...kinda like u2 fan rabid....anyway, kept going and didn't think any more of it till I just got back - less people but the ones that are there all look like zombies, and really really really focused (that's the most polite way I can put it) - there were a bunch of security peeps in suits on the next hotels steps and as I walked in my own little world ( I know I know, piss off :p) by I got lots of "the nerve of her!" type looks from all involved...I got around one group of females to get in the doors of my hotel and thought I'd come here to see if the boys are in town and where they're staying :hmm:

I'm going to the show on Monday - the one you'll be in line for tomorrow morning I'm guessing :lol: I've got a GA for it - I wont be doing any of this nonsense - much more enjoyed hanging at the back with you and Sarah and the others last time. Couldn't and wont be arsed waiting in lines when the sights and dancing were better at the back (cn tower etc.).

The zombie thing...sounds so familiar. I think I feel old instincts kicking in...

:crack: :lol:

It's very likely that I may be soundboarding it, too, so get in touch if that's what you decide to do! Jem is back here, she's in Montreal now and will be in TO. :) I...think the last number I had for you was your dad's? :lol: Email if you get a chance, dlw at

My number is still the same.

I had Seattle and Minneapolis scheduled originally, and I said "well, that's it, because I'm going to Ireland in the fall" (yay!).

Then I made a last-minute trip to Anaheim for the second show at the persuasion of friends, and am so glad I went.

..... and then I decided I really wanted to be at the final show of the tour, as I was still bitter I didn't go to Hawaii last time.

So I'm hauling my cookies to the middle of nowhere. Damn, Bono. Why is loving you so hard????

: wink:

I'll make bracelets that will outsell the ONE bracelets. That is how I will get Bono involved. Then he and Wyclef Jean will record a tribute song to benefit those who now suffer Post-GA-Line-Stress-Disorder.




So I fell asleep during Raw on Monday night :)lmao:), and so I've decided I need MORE sleep. Which is hilarious because I usually go to sleep at 12am, and get up at 9:30 am.

Maybe I need less sleep.... but that would mean less chances to dream of U2 :shifty:

My point is: G'NIGHT ALL! :grouphug: I'm sufficiently jealous of all who are going to the Montreal/Toronto shows, but right now it's because I've never been to Canada and I so want to. And not just because U2 is there currently... I just wanna go. :reject:
I actually made cookies last night. Chocolate with white chocolate chips. :drool:

Oh my god, you guys. So I went over to the @u2 forums to see if anyone else was up in arms about GA (the newish poster who just went off on a big rant in the Chicago review thread started a similar thread over there), and I read this:

There were a lot of other messy things going on in Nashville. People were really rude and mean. A girl I know got pushed off her rail spot by an entitled chick who told her that she had to get off "her spot."




This is when I wish my steel-toed Doc martens still fit. I'm hoping to get close to back rail inner pit. I just want to see. I'm short. Maybe Bono will see me suffering in my shortness and give me a geetar. :pray:
Okay, I am turning in. We leave in 8 hours. I have 6 hours to sleep. I've emailed medical consent for my daughter. Inlaws know where we are staying. Water bottles are in freezer for 6 hour road trip. I need to power up the phone and iPod over night. Passport and correct tickets are in luggage. Camera is set out to grab.


I'll be checking in from the road and when I get into Montreal. See you all later!
I have to go back to that crazy place tomorrow and for the second night in a row, I'm up way past my bedtime.

Night all. Good luck to the Montrealers. :hug: Cori, keep that righteous GA indignation burning while I'm asleep. :wink: Lizbunny, email me your number, and don't be a stranger. :kiss:
I'm continuing the righteous indignation because a) it's fun to make jokes about it, rather than just sit here and seethe over something that doesn't even involve me; and b) it's distracting me from my growing nerves over tomorrow.

Meeting the biodad for breakfast. :uhoh:

I know it'll be fine, but .... jeez, you know?

I'll be yammering about it in here just to yammer at someone, because I'm not going to really be talking about it on Facebook.
I'm continuing the righteous indignation because a) it's fun to make jokes about it, rather than just sit here and seethe over something that doesn't even involve me; and b) it's distracting me from my growing nerves over tomorrow.

Meeting the biodad for breakfast. :uhoh:

I know it'll be fine, but .... jeez, you know?

I'll be yammering about it in here just to yammer at someone, because I'm not going to really be talking about it on Facebook.

Oh wow, that's HUGE! Good luck, I'll be thinking of you, let us know how it went. :hug:

Night for reals.
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