People need to stop hiding behind names

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Resident Photo Buff
Staff member
Sep 1, 2000
Somewhere in middle America
[devil's advocate]
Since we seem to be in a "I'm going to tell you what to do" mode lately, here's what I propose: If you have a complaint about the way the forum runs, at least have the guts to say it up front using your main persona instead of hiding behind the safety of a new name. If anything, at least you'll be taken more seriously.

Notice this does not apply to people who just have multiple handles but we all know who they are anyway. This applies to the ones who create handles so they can escape responsibility and not have to stand up to their statements. If you don't have the balls to stand behind your statements, then you're in no position to be telling other people what to do.
[/devil's advocate]


That said, yeah, I do find some threads that say "hey ___, get in here" mildly annoying, and maybe it would be better if U2girl consolidated all of her questions and thoughts into one thread instead of spreading them over 10 threads in the same day, but really - does it really matter?? Does it inconvenience you in some way?

If you're so uptight that improper grammar in thread titles annoy you so much that you feel you have to [anonymously] order people not to do so, then I think you need to take a step back and learn some breathing exercises or yoga (
) to center yourself and see the bigger picture - this is a forum, lighten up a little.

You may now resume your regularly scheduled forum browsing.

[This message has been edited by Diemen (edited 08-31-2001).]
Originally posted by Diemen:

That said, yeah, I do find some threads that say "hey ___, get in here" mildly annoying, and maybe it would be better if U2girl consolidated all of her questions and thoughts into one thread instead of spreading them over 10 threads in the same day, but really - does it really matter?? Does it inconvenience you in some way?

In U2girl's defense though (not that she needs me to defend her), she has gotten better about that, and she isn't the only one to do such.

Personally, I really don't mind. We all love U2, and we're having fun, right?

To answer your question, no, it doesn't inconvenience me at all. If anybody out there is finding that to be an inconvenience for them, maybe they should get away from the forum more.

*beep, beep* You are too close! Step away from the forum!

"I Can Lose Myself, You I Can't Live Without"
Sorry - I didn't mean to pick on U2girl, I was just making a point that yes, perhaps things could be tidier around here, but in the end it shouldn't matter, since it's a forum and not a regime.
Dropping in after another little break, I have no idea what you are even talking about Diemen. However, I must say GO SOONERS!
One of the more intellegent threads Ive seen written by you Diemen,btw have you found a job yet?--Diamondbruno-numerial'9'...

"'s about breaking barriers, transcending boundries and conquering great divides"-Bono 1987

An open letter to Bono from myself
I thought Diemen was here going to OU?

Am I losing my mind?

Oh well, it wouldn't be MUCH of a LOSS!!!
I was going to OU, but then I graduated and moved out to here to Oakland (which is 1000x better than Oklahoma, btw). I'm still cheering for the Sooners though.
Originally posted by Bonochick:

If anybody out there is finding that to be an inconvenience for them, maybe they should get away from the forum more.

*beep, beep* You are too close! Step away from the forum!

LOL @ Bonochick's alarm!

But you're so right, this is supposed to be fun or I wouldn't be spending my free time here.
Originally posted by Diemen:
I was going to OU, but then I graduated and moved out to here to Oakland (which is 1000x better than Oklahoma, btw). I'm still cheering for the Sooners though.

Good for you then Diemen, if you ever make it back here then give me a shout. Radiers are my 2nd pro team, next to Cowboys of course. The job market here is bullshit(e), so i wish you all the luck in Oakland. If i hadn't just signed a year lease in my new house, i'd probably consider bailing too!
i know what you mean, Diemen, but i think it would look pretty weird if i was to start ONE thread including everything from "No. 1 hits from U2, about U2's tours, the funniest U2 related thing that has ever happened to you, ever thought about it when listening to U2?" etc...
so, i prefer dividing them. more people get to see it, so it increases the chance of getting an answer. also, it separates the thoughts and reduces the confusion.
but, like i said, i see your point.

"touch me, take me to that other place,
teach me, love, i know i'm not a hopeless case" - Beautiful day

"be uncool, yes be awkward" - Always

"and you can find your own way out"-Acrobat
Diemen! I wanted to complain but I didn't want to look bitchy, but since you already brought it up here goes:
I am a gigantic opponent of the 'Yo____get over here' thread. It has all but turned PLEBA into a chat room. Instead of sustaining long, pic-posting threads or discussions among all, threads come and go as quickly as Dorothy said the people in OZ did. They become chats between the same 4 or 5 friends, and slowly but surely the amount of interesting topics for all of us, as well as the number of regularly posting members, dwindles dramatically until the forum is almost taken over by those few people and the rest really have nothing to say. There is nothing wrong with chatting but can't it be kept off the message board? If you really want to talk to so-n-so why not get their email and talk in private? It's so annoying!

U2 girl may start a lot of topics but they are almost always interesting subjects or questions we can all ponder and participate in, her discussions are open to all, not just 'Yo' and her 'get yer butt over here' buddies.

[This message has been edited by Autumn454 (edited 09-01-2001).]
I see your point, Autumn, and for the most part I agree. It would be more courteous if people held private conversations in private, but in the end it isn't that big of a deal, at least in my opinion.

My main gripe is with people who can't own up to their complaints and have to hide behind new names. All the other points were secondary
. Although I really do believe that this forum shouldn't be taken so seriously.
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