Pecker's Point, Newfoundland Superthread

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I can't tell the difference between John Lennon's and George Harrison's voices.
I'm Only Sleeping = John
Taxman = George :up: I had a hard time telling them apart at first, but John's voice is deeper and more nasal. George has a very soft voice.
Ha! I almost responded earlier to say that John's voice is the more nasal one, but I wasn't sure I was right. Thanks.


I think I'm Only Sleeping is my least favorite song on Revolver.
The cartoon av's he's been using?

No. He ditched that a couple of weeks ago.

This is his av:

I listened to "Love You To" and was certain it was Lennon till Wikipedia said differently.
Oh GOD, Love You Too.

I changed my mind - THAT'S the worst song on Revolver. I don't like Within You, Without You, either. Sorry, George. I love you, but your Indian-influenced Beatles songs aren't good.
Ok this album's kinda hit a lull, not really liking shiver or Dont' Hate me so much
Ashley, what album are you listening to?

I've got my iPod on shuffle. Now playing: Buffalo Tom - Soda Jerk
Oh GOD, Love You Too.

I changed my mind - THAT'S the worst song on Revolver. I don't like Within You, Without You, either. Sorry, George. I love you, but your Indian-influenced Beatles songs aren't good.

everything in this post I agree with 1000 %
Ok this album's kinda hit a lull, not really liking shiver or Dont' Hate me so much

I love Slave Called Shiver, Colin Edwin's bass is rockin', but yeah, Don't Hate Me is my least favourite song there despite the lyrical nod to railways.
Ha, the ending is the part I like the least. Damn gratuitous saxophone, go away, you do nothing to enhance the song.

Have I mentioned before I play saxophone? Lots of things should make sense with this revelation :wink:

What kind of effect do they do to this guy's voice? They do something right?
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