painful to hangout with Republicans, Bono says

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I don't think Bono was saying he is in pain when hanging out with Republicans, but that due to his traditional company and the traditional company of most Republicans, it is an unfamiliar pairing for both sides, and yes, a bit awkward.


Thank you for your explanation. It is helpful but, what do you mean by
?traditional company of most Republicans??

butts in

I think he means the company that Republicans traditionally keep.

Thank you for your response, clarification. You are not butting in.

I?m not very political. After viewing other threads in here, it seems many U2 fans are. So does Bono really think Republicans are unhip?
Does anybody think Republicans other than Sideshow Bob are "cool"?
Bono seems to be putting one of them to sleep here...hehehe...
"Bono who?" "Just Bono." "What do you mean, he must have a last name, right?" "No, he doesn't." "Oh. I see.
Originally posted by lumpofcoal:

I?m not very political. After viewing other threads in here, it seems many U2 fans are. So does Bono really think Republicans are unhip?

::butting in also::

This is just my interpretation, I don't think the 'unhip' comment is necessarily a criticism of Republicans. Just a reference to the fact that you wouldn't normally expect a conservative Republican and a considerably less conservative rock star to be involved in a discussion on debt relief and other related issues together.
Originally posted by joyfulgirl:

I think he means the company that Republicans traditionally keep.

Correct; Republican politicians are generall more likely to "keep the company of" other politicos, bsiness people, etc. as opposed to rock stars. However, Bono is much more than a rock star.

Originally posted by U2Bama:
Correct; Republican politicians are generall more likely to "keep the company of" other politicos, bsiness people, etc. as opposed to rock stars. However, Bono is much more than a rock star.


I would agree. I don't think he was saying anything bad about republicans
Well it's a public secret that he never really liked Krusty but that he only hangs out with him because of the money. Does that sound Republican to you?

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