Overused or Annoying Movie Cliches

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Oct 18, 2004
New York City
What cliches are you tired of seeing in movies today?

I'lll start naming some......

The geeky "ugly" girl (who isn't really ugly) who gets a makeover in order to go out with the hot guy in school.

The dumb cheerladers and dumb jocks who are the most popular kids in school.

In so many action movies the hero is surrounded by a group of the villian's minons yet they fight the hero one by one. :rolleyes:
Off-screen couples thinking their chemistry will be awesome ON-screen (Gigli...)

unnecessary remakes (Amityville Horror, The Honeymooners...)

and lastly...action movies having two girls, one the hero sleeps with in the beginning but turns out to be bad, and the girl who h8s the hero at the beginning but falls in love with him at the end and fights the bad girl (coughEveryJamesBondMoviecough)
The big speech given on horseback before a big battle, been there done that.
CGI armies fighting one another

The sidekick in a romantic comedy who gives great advice to the main character yet she's not involved with anyone

The stupid catch phrase the hero says before he defeats the villian.

The stupid speech the villian gives (telling all his evil plans) to the hero before he kills him. Why doesn't he just kill him?! Why tell him your plans?!

Movies that take place thousands of years ago in Greece, Egypt etc yet all the actors speak in English and have British accents or a mix of different accents.

The evil laugh from the villian

The kiss between the main characters as the music swells

The love/ hate relationships with characters who are in love

The gratuitous sex scene after the main characters confess their love
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*from moviecliches.com*

My favourtie is always "The Movie Telephone Time Vortex".

How often have you seen something like this:
Phone rings. Hero/Heroine picks it up. "Hello. Yes. O.k. Right. Thanks, Goodbye." (Total elapsed time on phone: 5 seconds.)

Hero/Heroine turns to other character: "That was John. He says that the Marilyn left for the lawyer's office about an hour ago, and she should have been there by now. He's called the lawyer's office but Marilyn apparently never got there. He also called Bill's, thinking she'd stop by there, but Bill hasn't seen her. John says he's going to call Anne, as Marilyn said she and Ann were going to go shopping sometime today. If she's not at Anne's, he's going to call the police. He suggests that we drive over to Mario's and check with him as to whether or not Marilyn told Wally about the statue. However, he thinks this is unlikely as Marilyn doesn't trust Wally, she only trusts us and Fransisco. John also suggests we try to get in touch with Fransisco . . . ."
Guns that never run out of ammunition. Or if they do run out, it's always during that pivotal scene with the bad guy.

TV shows being made into movies. Why pay $10 for something you watch for (almost) free.
Agree about the villiain ones. Geez, you'd think by now villiains would just shut up and get the job done.

Also agree about the big speech on horseback-yeah, in real life, while that guy's yammering on about fighting to the death and stuff, the enemy would've gotten there and started slaughtering his soldiers.

My family was watching "Halloween 2" tonight, so this is another one that comes to mind: the main character limping/practically going through an obstacle course just to get away from the killer. Not only do those kinds of scenes make me nervous as hell (I know, I know, the main character ALWAYS survives, but I still get nervous anyway), but they're definitely overused. Same goes for the killer coming back (okay, Michael Myers had his eyes shot out and was set on fire in this movie and he STILL managed to come back! WTF?!), as well as the main character always going UPSTAIRS to get away. I dunno, if I'm on the first floor and there's a door nearby, I'm outta there. Screw the stairs.

Heh, although, I remember there was a commercial out around last Halloween in which some channel was going to dedicate a week to horror movies. In the commercial, it showed clips from various movies in which the character goes upstairs, and the voiceover for the commercial was saying, "Don't go up the stairs. Do not go up the stairs! What are you doing, you're going up the stairs! Oh, great, now look what's gonna happen." I thought that was pretty funny :p.

No one ever reloads their weapon.

The best friend of the hero who will offer timely advice our hero will ignore, only to die a noble death, thus giving our hero the motivation he needs to finally kick some butt.

The little kid who is the progeny of the hero/heroine, who is stupid enough to get kidnapped by the baddy, but spunky enough to get himself free at the end of the movie.
It's not quite a cliche, but it's pisses me off nevertheless...

I'm tiring of Hollywood remakes of perfectly good foreign flicks, mainly for the sake of dull audiences who would rather go to the cinema to 'switch off' rather than trouble themselves with subtitles...

Apologies if I've vexed anyone.

Have you ever noticed that whenever a character looks out a window, or is outside, the moon is big enough to swallow the earth?

It's never a little tiny moon like we normally see. And it's always a full moon, never a crescent or half....
The "underdog" sports team rivaled against the top sports team. The underdog team starts off horrible but gets a special boost of help from a player/coach/miracle and they start doing well. They face the top team in the final round but lose their special player/coach/miracle that got them to the final round, now they have to learn to work as a team to accomplish their goals. they start off losing bad, but then at the end they... WIN!

(see angels in the outfield, mighty ducks, kicking and screaming, little giants, the longest yard, remember the titans, the big green, air bud, rookie of the year, and every other sports movie ever made)
If two people of the opposite sex take an instant dislike to each other, they will fall in love by the end of the movie. It happens ever single time.
tink said:
It's not quite a cliche, but it's pisses me off nevertheless...

I'm tiring of Hollywood remakes of perfectly good foreign flicks, mainly for the sake of dull audiences who would rather go to the cinema to 'switch off' rather than trouble themselves with subtitles...

I agree. It bothers me too. Some people will not see a foreign film because they refuse to read the subtitles. After enjoying Infernal Affairs it bothered me when I found out Martin Scorcese (sp?) will remake it for American audiences. There is no need to remake it. I also hate it when people will refuse to see a film if a big Hollywood star isn't in it or if its an independent film.
learn2kneel said:
The "underdog" sports team rivaled against the top sports team. The underdog team starts off horrible but gets a special boost of help from a player/coach/miracle and they start doing well. They face the top team in the final round but lose their special player/coach/miracle that got them to the final round, now they have to learn to work as a team to accomplish their goals. they start off losing bad, but then at the end they... WIN!

(see angels in the outfield, mighty ducks, kicking and screaming, little giants, the longest yard, remember the titans, the big green, air bud, rookie of the year, and every other sports movie ever made)

:yes: :up:.

LOL about the moon one, too.

A retired criminal/detective coming out for One Last Job.

A slo-mo death of an important character (although admittedly when it's done right it can be amazing).

Villain telling the hero, "we're not so different after all" or something along these lines.

Ingratiatingly cute and precocious children.

I agree about the foreign film remakes, although I must admit I liked the remake of the Ring much better than the original Japanese version. And I'm very much looking forward to Scorsese's remake project too.
The "split personalities" plot twist. It's so tired now.


Rain. Why does it always rain in sitcoms/movies like this: loud crack of thunder then pouring rain? Weather does NOT happen like that! :mad:
Halifax said:
*from moviecliches.com*

My favourtie is always "The Movie Telephone Time Vortex".

How often have you seen something like this:
Phone rings. Hero/Heroine picks it up. "Hello. Yes. O.k. Right. Thanks, Goodbye." (Total elapsed time on phone: 5 seconds.)

Hero/Heroine turns to other character: "That was John. He says that the Marilyn left for the lawyer's office about an hour ago, and she should have been there by now. He's called the lawyer's office but Marilyn apparently never got there. He also called Bill's, thinking she'd stop by there, but Bill hasn't seen her. John says he's going to call Anne, as Marilyn said she and Ann were going to go shopping sometime today. If she's not at Anne's, he's going to call the police. He suggests that we drive over to Mario's and check with him as to whether or not Marilyn told Wally about the statue. However, he thinks this is unlikely as Marilyn doesn't trust Wally, she only trusts us and Fransisco. John also suggests we try to get in touch with Fransisco . . . ."

:lmao: that is friggin hilarious and so true!!! lol
Sports movies that only show close-up shots because the actors actually have no athletic talent...particularly gross in baseball movies - Summer Catch, Angels in the Outfield, Bull Durham. These movie people need to fall the lead of Miracle and have athletes do the shots to make it work better.
The frenetic cutting during dance routines. I want to see the dancers, not the split-second close-ups of their arms or legs.

The Saving Private Ryan style of shooting battle scenes, especially close combat, is also getting old. I'd prefer to see what's actually going on.
I hate when people get wounded repeatedly, and not only do they keep fighting, but they walk off into the sunset at the end of the movie like they were never wounded at all. :huh:
The people always surviving explosions that would at least scar somebody pretty badly, if not outright kill them. "Twister" immediately comes to mind for this one-the two main characters drove that car through that huge fireball, and yet managed to come out totally unscathed (car wasn't in that bad of shape, either-my mom, while watching that part, said, "I want that car." :p).

And yet, the villains in that movie were sucked up into a tornado and had their car come crashing back down and explode, and they died instantly :huh:. Go figure.


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