Oprah ABC Special Tonight

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
It's on tonight at 10 PM Eastern. It's all about her efforts for children in Africa, including in orphanages for children who have lost their parents to AIDS.

She is giving 10 million dollars to build a leadership academy for girls there :up:

You can get more info here in a link from her web site


She is one of my heroes! :applaud:

Building a leadership academy for girls :love: that's exactly where I would put money if I had those sort of funds. I'm so proud of Oprah. People can say what they want but she is a very inspiring and grace-spreading woman!!

:bow: :happy:
I didn't realize it was tonight-I'd heard a commercial for it during that Barbara Walters thing that my family was watching, but I didn't really pay attention to when it was on. But then my mom reminded me it'd be on-kellyahern, she did the same thing your sister did, she said, "Maybe Bono'll be on here", so we watched it.

Very interesting show. Some really nice things being done for the people over there. And yet it's so sad to see that people still don't have the drugs or any means to help themselves and their families. :tsk:.

Got a good discussion going in my house, too. :).

I'm glad you guys watched it :) I did, and it just broke my heart.

I was talking to my Mother about it, and she said that she thought Oprah must have been inspired by Bono to help out in Africa :cute: I'm sure she was interested/helped out before then, but maybe he did provide some additional inspiration.

The part where Oprah took the little girl to the hospital and her mother could not get any AIDS drugs and Oprah cried and said "that does not make sense to me"

And when the beautiful little girl, living by herself in a shack, said she was LUCKY for what she had been given..

I believe she is also having another special on the Oprah show next week

I don't know really what else to say about it, except that I wish I was in the position that Oprah is in to help like she does. But we can all do some small thing, even if it's raising awareness w/ your friends, family, co-workers. Awareness is the key I think to get things in motion.
MrsSpringsteen said:
The part where Oprah took the little girl to the hospital and her mother could not get any AIDS drugs and Oprah cried and said "that does not make sense to me"

I know, it's so unfair. Children should never have to know their parents are going to die simply because they can't afford the treatments necessary to help them. That shouldn't be a reality.

My parents were saying that if the U.S. really wants to throw their weight around in this world, helping with issues like this should be what we use it for. They were saying that maybe, instead of having our troops stationed in Iraq, we should bring them into these countries, go to the governments that might have some corruption going as well as other reasons to not allow the drugs to be brought to the people who need them, and force them to allow that stuff to be brought in and spread around. A rather drastic idea, yes, but if America's as powerful as we say we are...that'd certainly get those governments shaking in their shoes, and might help.

Course, there's other reasons why the medicines can't come in, too, that we need to deal with.

Originally posted by MrsSpringsteen
And when the beautiful little girl, living by herself in a shack, said she was LUCKY for what she had been given.

It amazes me that these people can smile and say things like that after all the hell they've experienced. I don't know if I'd be the same way. That just makes me admire these people even more.

Originally posted by MrsSpringsteen
I don't know really what else to say about it, except that I wish I was in the position that Oprah is in to help like she does. But we can all do some small thing, even if it's raising awareness w/ your friends, family, co-workers. Awareness is the key I think to get things in motion.

Yes. Exactly.

It made me happy recently to see a topic started on one of the boards I go to discussing the whole thing about the administration backing off on their promises with the aid to the countries. There was one person, however, who said a lot of the things that people who are cynical about this issue often say-they know someone who's worked with some of the people in Africa, and talked about how they have no sense of a Western education and need to learn how to get all the pee out of their water before they drink it because they don't know otherwise, and various things like that-if anyone's interested in the exact reply, or the link, I can post it here and see what you all have to say to it.

But just the fact that this issue is being discussed in other places makes me happy. Some people are listening. :).

That person sounds like Andrew Natsios.."Africans don't have wristwatches" :blahblah:..sorry, I can't remember the exact quote

That sounds plain ignorant and bigoted to me..granted, I've never been to Africa, but come on. I do firmly believe they "know better" and why do they need a "Western" education-to make them like us? :eyebrow: They need RESOURCES and support/encouragement.

It's much easier to sit back and critique/write off the beautiful African people than it is to deal w/ their problems I guess and to try to have a positive constructive attitude :sigh:
MrsSpringsteen said:
That person sounds like Andrew Natsios.."Africans don't have wristwatches" :blahblah:..sorry, I can't remember the exact quote

That sounds plain ignorant and bigoted to me..granted, I've never been to Africa, but come on. I do firmly believe they "know better" and why do they need a "Western" education-to make them like us? :eyebrow: They need RESOURCES and support/encouragement.

It's much easier to sit back and critique/write off the beautiful African people than it is to deal w/ their problems I guess and to try to have a positive constructive attitude :sigh:

I agree wholeheartedly. I've read some of this person's other posts...and they weren't trying to come across as bigoted, 'cause they really aren't, but that is what some people have accused this person of doing as well. But regardless, yeah, I didn't agree with them, either, particularly about the Western education part.

I'll go look for the link to that thread and post it here later.

Moonlit_Angel said:

I agree wholeheartedly. I've read some of this person's other posts...and they weren't trying to come across as bigoted, 'cause they really aren't, but that is what some people have accused this person of doing as well. But regardless, yeah, I didn't agree with them, either, particularly about the Western education part.

I'll go look for the link to that thread and post it here later.


I've read that stuff. The guy doesn't mean to be bigoted but he's short-sighted. That's where this stuff about "they won't take medicine because they don't wear wrist-watches" came from. Hell, some people with "Western educations" are dumb enough to claim that condoms don't stop the spread of AIDS. These people have attitude problems when it comes to the Third World. Good grief, Africans know how to save their own lives.
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Yeah, MrsSpringsteen, I was checking my Hotmail thing at the time, and by the time I went to post the link, it'd become inactive-didn't realize it until after it'd been posted and stuff.

But now I just went to the site itself, so let's try this again. :).


verte76 said:
I've read that stuff. The guy doesn't mean to be bigoted but he's short-sighted. That's where this stuff about "they won't take medicine because they don't wear wrist-watches" came from. Hell, some people with "Western educations" are dumb enough to claim that condoms don't stop the spread of AIDS. These people have attitude problems when it comes to the Third World. Good grief, Africans know how to save their own lives.

Exactly-short-sighted, a better term. And I agree completely.

thanks for the link Moonlit Angel..no offense, but ugh :| You must be a voice of reason there :)

I agree 100 % w/ verte :yes: attitude problems indeed..

Btw, I believe the Oprah Africa special on her show is tomorrow, for anyone who wants to watch or tape it.
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