Ongoing Mass Shootings Thread pt 2

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God, I don't even want to hear what Trump will say about this. I'd prefer he just not talk at all.

So what on earth will it take for us to ever actually get on board with proper gun control, then? Children being murdered at an elementary school didn't do it. The fact we keep having new "worst mass shootings" clearly won't do it. So what will? Is the body count going to have to be in, like, the hundreds or thousands for us to finally do something, or...?

I just don't understand how the hell anyone can still dig in their heels at this point on this issue.
Apparently Alex Jones and his brand of fuckwits are already calling this a left-wing false flag operation.

I wish nobody had ever taught them the term "false flag".
This is just horrific. And another attack on the world of live music.

And because he's white our dipshit fearless leader will never call this terror.

When will the guns go away? How many times do we have to wake up to the same fucking horror before we decide as a country that enough is enough and put in some basic god damn gun control laws?
My coworker is talking about some of her friends that were there that were injured. Apparently some of our staff was there but are ok. Surreal.
Good day to own gun stock though!

Nothing will ever change. This is our way of life. It's insane to think otherwise.
Glad your fellow staff members are okay, david. Sorry about the co-worker's friends who were hurt, though-hopefully they pull through.

It appears the suspect's father was a former bank robber, once on the FBI's 10 most wanted list, and was finally captured by the FBI in the early 70s... in Vegas.

That's freaky.
If there's any saving grace to the location, there are more video cameras in a Vegas casino than any other location on earth... so officials should be able to track his movement leading up to the incident fairly easily and very accurately.

That he didn't pop up in advance tells you that he was on nobody's radar, as Mandalay Bay uses facial recognition software that's linked against FBI databases.
I am so sick of everyone on the right screaming "you're POLITICIZING tragedy" every time gun control is brought up appropriately. No, you know what, it's not TOO SOON to discuss, it's too fucking late, you ingrates.
Saw this unfolding last night online and was sick to my stomach. Had friends and family there for various things. All are unharmed.

Apparently, the gun laws in Nevada are practically non-existent. The sad thing is if nothing happened after 20 first graders were murdered, I can't imagine anything that will be able to stop the gun lobby.
I am so sick of everyone on the right screaming "you're POLITICIZING tragedy" every time gun control is brought up appropriately. No, you know what, it's not TOO SOON to discuss, it's too fucking late, you ingrates.

Every time I hear this complaint, I always want to ask those people, "Okay, so when do you think should be a good time to discuss this issue, then? Tell us a specific date and we'll pencil it in and arrange a meeting."

Not to mention, as somebody pointed out in another discussion elsewhere, politicians' jobs ARE to make issues political. That's kind of the whole point.

Glad your family and friends are all right, trojanchick.
Yeah, because if everybody in that crowd was armed, they'd be able to pop off the guy on the 32nd floor like the trained snipers that they are. (And nobody else in the hotel would have died in their rooms).

As if we all didn't know that line was bullshit before... but I'd love to hear the first asshole to throw that out today.
If there's any saving grace to the location, there are more video cameras in a Vegas casino than any other location on earth... so officials should be able to track his movement leading up to the incident fairly easily and very accurately.

That he didn't pop up in advance tells you that he was on nobody's radar, as Mandalay Bay uses facial recognition software that's linked against FBI databases.

Yet with all that sophisticated surveillance he got "more than 10" rifles to his room.
I assume packed in suitcases or similar, so now do hotels start to x-ray luggage like airports?
Yet with all that sophisticated surveillance he got "more than 10" rifles to his room.
I assume packed in suitcases or similar, so now do hotels start to x-ray luggage like airports?

Probably duffel bags. And honestly given how many bachelor parties and other things like that happen in Vegas where guys are lugging gallons of booze in bags up to their rooms, he probably didn't really stand out.
I just finished a book called, The Gift of Fear

It's about predicting violence, so you can keep yourself safe. The author, Gavin De Becker is basically the go to expert for this kind of stuff.

We'll learn within the next few days or weeks that this guy didn't just "snap". There is always a pre indicator (one obvious indicator is someone who needs to own mass firearms). His analysis is that no one just snaps.

Someone, somewhere probably got the clues. But it's difficult to assume that anyone could just go off. The assasin type violence is one of the hardest to stop, and causes the most fear in the public
We'll learn within the next few days or weeks that this guy didn't just "snap". There is always a pre indicator (one obvious indicator is someone who needs to own mass firearms). His analysis is that no one just snaps.

Mmhm. I keep hearing all this stuff right now about how nobody who knew him saw this coming, but I've watched/read far more than enough true crime stories to realize that a) family members and friends can often blind themselves to questionable behavior from a loved one-a totally natural reaction, of course, as you obviously want to think the best of somebody you know and love; and b) that there's usually some weird moment-a strange comment, a sudden outburst of anger, something of that sort-that indicates there might be some issues lurking.

That's not to say there can't be exceptions, of course, but more often than not, yeah, there's usually some signs somewhere that were missed.

(Heck, last night I saw a story about Ed Gein on TV, and they interviewed people who actually knew the guy and his family, or knew those who were familiar with the family. What was the first thing a lot of people who knew Ed said when the news about his crimes came out? "Couldn't be him! He's too nice, too trustworthy. You've got the wrong guy.")
Probably duffel bags. And honestly given how many bachelor parties and other things like that happen in Vegas where guys are lugging gallons of booze in bags up to their rooms, he probably didn't really stand out.
Yet with all that sophisticated surveillance he got "more than 10" rifles to his room.
I assume packed in suitcases or similar, so now do hotels start to x-ray luggage like airports?
I honestly have no idea how you combat this in Vegas other than to just keep living your life.

The entire strip lives on being inviting and wide open. I couldn't even imagine them putting metal detectors at all the doors.

I imagine more highly visible armed guards will be the first step.
I honestly have no idea how you combat this in Vegas other than to just keep living your life.

The entire strip lives on being inviting and wide open. I couldn't even imagine them putting metal detectors at all the doors.

I imagine more highly visible armed guards will be the first step.

We need to do whatever needs to be done.

Other than gun control. All other inconveniences are fine, but stay away from my military-grade weaponry.
We need to do whatever needs to be done.

Other than gun control. All other inconveniences are fine, but stay away from my military-grade weaponry.

Apparently the conservative talking heads are advocating screening bags when people check into hotel rooms and restrictions on open air events like outdoor concerts.

Because freedom.
Surprised they haven't advocated for nonbreakable windows in all hotel rooms
Apparently the conservative talking heads are advocating screening bags when people check into hotel rooms and restrictions on open air events like outdoor concerts.

Because freedom.

"We need to put restrictions and bans on who can and can't come into the country, because national safety. But we can't put restrictions and bans on guns, because, hey, bad guys are just gonna find ways around the laws anyway, and the only people who'll wind up being punished in the end will be law-abiding citizens."
Surprised they haven't advocated for nonbreakable windows in all hotel rooms

That's actually pretty common in office towers. After 9/11 even Canadian bank HQs had bullet proof windows installed as a precautionary measure. When I was a junior lawyer, one of the lawyers who was a year younger than me in a competing firm killed herself by jumping out the window (these suicides used to be super common back in the day when they opened) and apparently she had searched through the whole building until she found a service window that opened.
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