Oklahoma Woman Gives Birth To 14lb, 3 oz baby

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet

(CBS) An Oklahoma woman got a big surprise when she gave birth Friday. Keyword there: big!

Adrienne Ross' newborn girl, Lillian, came into the world tipping the scales at 14 pounds, 3 ounces, nearly twice the size of the average American baby.

She told The Early Show co-anchor Rene Syler Friday she's "tired, really tired" because (not-so!) little Lillian is sleeping a lot, but mostly during the day, not at night.

Ross says her doctor didn't alert her to just how big her blessed event might be. "We had no clue," she told Syler.

She does say, though, that she was very anxious as she was having the Caesarean section with which Lillian was delivered.

"It was really nerve-wracking, because I had a C-section with my first one but, for some reason, this one just felt real strange. I was just extremely nervous. I didn't know why. …I guess because I knew what was going to happen this time. Last time, I didn't know. And I knew what could happen if something went wrong."

Lillian's proud father, Anthony Ross, says the doctors and nurses in the operating room "started trying to guess her weight, and were just amazed. The surgeon carried her over to the window in the door and showed everybody outside."

One problem already presenting itself? "We're already tight on clothes and diapers, because we really haven't had a chance to go and get any new ones," and the clothes they bought in advance for Lillian are all too small.
U2SavesTheWorld said:
I weighed less then 3.


Sure didn't end up that small.

Ditto for me...kinda. I was a little over 5 and you couldn't tell to look at me, lol.

And OWIE for that poor woman. But that is one cute baby. Look at those cheeks!
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and how could she (or the doctors) not have known she was going to have a big baby - that's just unbelievable. When I was pregnant, they ran a test on a Friday to determine the size of my baby to make sure she was growing and wasn't too small for the amount of time I was carrying her. (Both I and my husband are small, so it made sense to us that we'd have a small kid). Anyways, I went into labor on that Sunday and delivered on Monday - she was 6 pounds, 4 ounces. They usually lose a few ounces by the time they leave the hospital. That baby would be almost 3 of my Maddy!!! :yikes:
My oldest brother was over 9 pounds and my mom had him naturally. Than again she went on to have 7 all together naturally,lol. Bless her heart! lol. She was pretty small with all of her pregnancies.
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