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I Serve Larry's Stick
Jul 7, 2001
Is anyone familiar with this band or Reel Big Fish? They're coming to campus, along with the Donnas, who are headlining the event.
Madonna's Child and I are quite excited. :D Anyhoo, I've heard good things about OK Go, and I'm considering buying a used copy of their cd before the show, so I know some of their material. Is it worth buying?

Oops, I've posted this in the wrong forum. Doh!
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I heard one song btw reel big fish are supposed to be amazing in concert
lady lemon,

okgo, the donnas, and reel big fish are also coming to my ohio campus...mayhaps we attend the same school? :hmm:

I like the donnas and reel big fish, I'm not familiar with okgo but a friend of mine loves them and goes to every show of theirs she can. She has pretty good taste. I'm really looking forward to the show b/c the following weekend I'll be missing out on a ben folds concert with tegan and sara opening, an afi concert, and the prom! I'll be at a conference in New Orleans. So at least I won't miss out on everything!
I saw OkGo open for the Vines last year and I didn't like them, but that might just be me. :shrug: They weren't horrible, just nothing special.
flylover said:
lady lemon,

okgo, the donnas, and reel big fish are also coming to my ohio campus...mayhaps we attend the same school? :hmm:

Do you go to BGSU?
I like OK Go, but they aren't groundbreaking or really talented -- just some nice pop. If you can get a copy for around $5 or $7, it's probably worth the money.
The only OK Go song that's worth anyting is Get Over It.

The rest are deserving of a big pooping on.
reel big fish are ok. "sell out" was my favourite song for about a week. i haven't heard much since then though...i liked the album, i borrowed it from a friend but never got around to copying it, and don't really remember it.
Re: the line

flylover said:
yup, I'm getting in line after this next class. I should join the masses around 8pm.

I'm looking forward to this show!!

I'm at the library right now...should I hunt you down at Anderson?? Hehe...the line is short so far, so I think I'm going to wait til 11 or so to actually get tickets...
Thanks! Got 'em! I went there at 10:30, and there were only a handful of people in line by then. I hope this doesn't turn into one of those lame-ass things were not enough people get tickets...that happened to They Might Be Giants my freshman year...they had to cancel because not enough tickets were sold. Oh well. I will remain optimistic for once!
heh...I was a big dork and got tickets right away...I was home by 10. In bed by 11. Did you catch any of the gross pizza-eating? Do you like the seats you got? We bought seats in the stands 'cuz we're getting old. Plus my grrrl is really short and can't see the stage when everyone stands up. I guess I should get a used okgo cd now, huh?
What was up with the gross pizza eating? Guess I missed that. I got floor tickets....I usually prefer to be on the floor. I'm quite tall, but I usually don't that into concert consideration. There's usually guys that are much taller than I standing in front of me anyway!
Oh, UAO did this thing where if folks in the crowd could eat a piece of this pizza that had, like, blue cheese and horseradish and hot sauce and jerk sauce and tuna and cauliflower and a whole bunch of other stuff on it, they'd get free passes. So 5 people did it and you could tell a couple of them were really suffering. I would've tried but I don't eat meat, even tuna fish.

I'm really tall too, so I can usually see over most of the people in the crowd. I'd have preferred floor seats, but I'm getting too old to fight off a crowd if they get rowdy. Maybe I'm giving this crowd too much credit?

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