ok girls, what is your klutziest U2 related moment?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jun 4, 2001
Mr. Macphisto's Chambers
At Disco's request. Maybe your boy t shirt flew up over your head at a concert, maybe you were so excited about a new album your legs stoppped functioning, I wanna hear it!!!!
I have two LOOSELY U2 related klutz stories if anyone is interested at laughing at my pain and suffering.

1) When I dressed up as Macphisto on halloween I went over to my friend's house to pick her up. She and my other buds were all sitting on the couch watching t.v. I walked in and they all started to laugh at me. I said in my best macphistish voice "you people just don't know style when you see it" and proceeded to strut with all the attitude I could muster across the room. Unbeknownst to this "Macphisto" however, I had some snow or water on the bottom of my glittery gold heel. All of a sudden my walk of coolness was interrupted when my feet came up infront of my head and Macphisto went down HARD right in front of the T.V.. I was trying to be in character so I just stayed on the ground and pretended like I did that on purpose so I could watch T.V. .
My friends pulled muscles laughing.

2) I was in a rock band with a couple of guys for a little while. One day in the studio, A*** (names have been changed to protect the innocent!) the bassist started playing this familliar riff. I saw him smirking at me and asked him what it was. He said he wouldn't tell me and I had to figure it out. I told him to tell me again and he giggled and said sheet with the title on it was right by him. I lunged across the studio to "git him and his little dog too", when I shoved my boot into a metal milk crate. I tripped over the crate and grabbed my mic stand on the way down. The mic stand took the music stand with my binder of LOOSE lyrics (about 200 pages) with it to the ground. A*** kinda tried to break my fall by grabbing my shoulders, but I smashed my face on the stringy part of the bass guitar instead. After I knew the bass was okay, we all laughed really hard and got the stupid lead singer an ice pack for her swollen lip. The drummer joked that I needed to wear a helmet onstage. har har. The bassline was Angel of Harlem.

*Does desperately trying to stop shaking, and to refrain from drooling, when you finally get up the guts to get an 'up close' peekie at them,count as klutzy?*

That's all I could come up with. But I am a klutz, that's for sure.
I dunno if this counts, but --
last year one day we were having mass at school and the priest said something about Stuck and U2 and whatnot and I called out "yeah Bono!" about 12 decibels louder than necessarry. Catholic schools don't like that kind of thing!

Also we were having a fire drill the first week of school and on the way out --not knowing I was passing the disciplinarian lady -- I screamed to one of my friends (the alarm was loud!) THE FIRE ALARM WENT OFF BECAUSE MY BONO PICTURES ARE SO HOT and halfway through my proclomation the buzzing stopped and more ppl than needed heard.


"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
Okay here goes.
I had recorded Achtung Baby on to a casette for my car (my car is too old and crap to have a CD player). Anyway after much use the tape gave up on life and snapped.
Me and my friend Rosie decided that we had to bury it and give it a proper funeral, after all it had give us hours of pleasure zooming around the streets at full volume.
Anyway we decided that we were going to go and bury it next to the lake at college. All the lads could not believe what we were doing-thinking we were completely insane. They decided to come and watch to see if we actually buried it.
We made a little hole for it and buried it, shed a few tears and did a little speech for it. Then me and Rosie sang one as a tribute to it. By this point the lads were pissing themselves laughing.
Anyway to cut a long story short, I got mad with them taking the piss out of me. I lunged to grab one of them, slipped in the mud and ended up in the damn lake. Of course they found this even more hilarious and I never lived it down.
Oh and they insisted on telling the college lecturers why I fell in the lake- grrr!
Looking back I think they were right I am insane- help I need help!
Originally posted by Jody:

Me and my friend Rosie decided that we had to bury it and give it a proper funeral, after all it had give us hours of pleasure zooming around the streets at full volume.HELP ME SOMEONE. I'VE LOST MY MIND!!
LMAO!!!!!! You buried a tape? I've never even buried a hamster!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!
no offense...

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
Yes I know I'm mad, and proud of it. And yeah I made myself a new one but it just wasn't the same.

Originally posted by WildHonee:
the priest said something about Stuck and U2 and whatnot and I called out "yeah Bono!" about 12 decibels louder than necessarry.

Also we were having a fire drill the first week of school -- I screamed to one of my friends (the alarm was loud!) THE FIRE ALARM WENT OFF BECAUSE MY BONO PICTURES ARE SO HOT and halfway through my proclomation the buzzing stopped and more ppl than needed heard.


LMAO! I should have known better to read this thread at work!!! Wildhonee you always have me in stitches!!

It's okay, the struggle for things not to say.
I never listened to you anyway

My fanatical U2 webpage: Take Me Higher
I forgot one! at lunch today I was telling a friend about all the threads about Bono's pants and the contents thereof and she goes "That's porn! Stop looking at porn!" to which I replied -- also a million decibels too loudly "BONO AND I ARE NOT PORN STARS....YET!" *there was a definite breeze as ppl from far away as three tables over all turned their heads* *hide* I need to control myself

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
LMAO Honee. That is something I can imagine happening to me. I think you should take a break from Bono to calm down. I'll look after him for you- he'll be in safe hands.
You DARE challenge my BonoLove again?!
*Bono and Mona hop onto the love train engineered by hot hot hot Pat Monahan*
Bono: *slips on Edge's nachos and falls off train*
Jody: *twists handlebar moustache* (quiet! logic and nature don't figure in here!) BWAHAHAAA!! *ties Bono to tracks*

Pat and Mona get on a vine that has mysteriously appeared and swing back to where Bono is tied up! Oo. (the jury will note that Pat is wearing a tarzan loincloth at this point)

plucky sidekick Bluey appears with Edgey and they start cranking out bedazzled jeans! Jody is blinded by the sequins! Pat Monahan is in a loincloth! Bono is tied up and waiting for somebody to have their way with him!

*mind wanders* can't...finish...story...

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
Originally posted by blueeyes:
* Bluey and Edge, the plucky sidekicks (Bluey: "I'm a SIDEKICK!!!??? Edge: "Get used to it kid, it's a hard role to break out of.") spring into action, they brandish their bedazzlers as menacingly as anyone can weld a bedazzler, and start to bedazzle the ropes that hold Bono down. *
Bono: Hey, guys what are you doing?
Blue: We're bedazzling you! Hold still.
Bono: But how is that going to- woooo! Edge, don't bedazzle there mate!
Edge: I'm sorry Bono, it's part of the master plan.
Suddenly, Jody attacks Bluey and Edge
Jody: Bono is mine, mine! Muaaahaaahaa!
* Bluey grabs Jody's coat and postitions her bedazzler. *
Blue: Stop evil Jody! I have the tacky pink britney spears rhinestone of lameness in this thing, and I'm not afraid to use it!
Jody: No, no, not the *gulp* pink rhinestone!
Edge: Yes, the crappy ones that come with the kit!
Jody: Oh god no! *crying* Anything but that!
Blue: Yeah, I'm going to bedazzle you with the rhinestone of lameness which will negate all the coolness you have....unless you let the singer go.
Jody: Never! *she attacks Bluey and they wrestle for the bedazzler*
* Edge continues to bedazzle Bono when he steps back from his work, satisfied. The sun hits the bedazzles at such an angle that a miraculous shape of light is reflected into the sky....the shape of the MACPHISTO SIGNAL!!!!! Mr. Macphisto, seeing the signal arrives immediately in his posh gold Macphisto-mobile, complete with built in paparazzi and wet bar, with his sidekick....The Fly.* (the Fly: "I'm a sidekick!!!???")
Fly: Holy mirrorballs Macphisto! They have Bono...
Macphisto: What? Hmm? Oh yes yes. That. Where is the party dahhrlings.
Bono: Macphisto! The Fly! Guys, help me, I'm over here, tied to the tracks.
*Macphisto looks at Bono with complete indifference*
Mac: Well, what are you doing down there child?
* In the distance, an approaching train whistles....
To be continued....by SOMEONE ELSE!


Okay, now I really look like a mad woman laughing at your stories here at school!

"Bass players attract the weirdest fans..." --Edge

If you want to kiss the sky..Better learn how to kneel..(on your knees boy!)

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

* Driving the Train- Is none other that the supremely evil Michael Stipe, frontman of rival 'Biggest Band in the World' REM*

Stipe-Bwahahahahahaaaaaa, At last, I shall remove that Irish Dwarf from my opposition, and go on to take over the World! HAHAHAAAAAAA.

Macphisto- Oh my, how do you get into these things Bono? , So, well, Undignified!

Edge- Come on you guys stop admiring the situation and help us PLEASE?

Fly- Hmmmm, I suppose we could do something- Turns to Edge, and is joined by Bluey- I still cant understand why we get to be sidekicks, I mean- who is writing this?

Macphisto- You, Child, have to be my sidekick because I am the Superior man, I am far more eloquently spoken, have far more taste, and am generally , far more glamourous than the likes of you!

*Macphisto pokes Fly with end of one immaculately manicured fingernail*

Fly- Oh yeah, well I....

Bono- Aw, come on!
Jeees, this is serious you guys!
I dont have all day!
I can hear that train.....

WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *cue train soundfx*

Edge-Come on- do something guys!
My Beddazler doesnt work on Trains!
It is only the Junior Pro Version, I haven't saved up enough pocket money for the Super Dazzler, Deluxe 3000 (At the thought of which Edge's Eyes go all glassy, and childlike)

Bluey- Yeah, Just to remind you two(no pun intended) *looks to Mr Mac and Fly* Without him- Points down to the now terrified Bono-
you dont even exist!

Macphisto- What? you mean I am not the one with the alter egos?
*Sigh* all these years I was sure I was the one who was in charge, *moan* Oh once again my dreams of glory, dashed to the ground...

*Fly jumps up and slaps Macphisto around his painted visage*

Fly- Stop whining woman! (Macphisto's eyes narrow)Come on you great champagne drinking Glitter boy, Bluey's right!

Bono-*Shivers with terror* Now losing his mind as the madness takes over...

*Jody gets up and goes over to the quivering star.*

Bluey- Hey- you stay away from him girl! -Remember Britney?!

*Bluey starts singing 'Hit me Baby one more time'* Edge joins in- in falsetto tones.

Jody- ARGH nooooo!

Meanwhile the Train is getting ever closer...

Macphisto and the Fly, have at last co-operated enough to get back into their Cool Gold Macphisto-Mobile- complete with papparazzi and wet bar. Arguing all the way over who was the sidekick.

On reaching the steaming train, Both Macphisto and The Fly make like Steve Mcqueen and board the Locomotive, Macphisto with that touch of Elegance, and splendour, The Fly, with his cool shades.

*In the Drivers carriage*

Michael stipe laughing manically- as he has been doing since I started this thing-

Macphisto appears behind him-

Macphisto-Well Hello Dahrling! and what exactly do you think you are doing, my Balding friend?

Stipe- What, Argh- Who are you?

Macphisto- *sigh* why do thay always ask me that? I am the greatest Rock star known to man!With the most beautiful Hair'-

Macphisto whips out a handmirror,and comb from his Golden jacket pocket and begins preening himself, smiling appreciatively at his reflecting visage pouting as only he can...

Meanwhile the Fly......

The Fly, Hmmm, now where am I? No sign of Mr Goldenboy anywhere....


(The Fly had not boarded the train in the same place as Macphisto, In true Independent Fly style he had gone off on his own, and now found himself, a few carriages down, where the passengers were...More precisely in a carriage full of Young, beautiful girls...

(Hmmmm- well no idea where or what I am doing- but it is late, I am bored , so I have had a go- never done anything like it before) Please, anyone, carry on with it!......
going back to the topic...klutziest U2 related moment, I did not have one until this past may. I was sitting on my cozy (ex-chair) flippin' channels when I came to MuchMusic...the guy was yapping about how U2 was gonna be on for a one hour live interview after their show in Toronto tonight. Needless to say, I slid my chair closer to the TV and leaned over to make sure my tape was in the VCR.....this all happening in the span of 0.7 seconds....the stupid wheel breaks off my chair and I tumble forward unto the TV set!!! I hurt my wrist trying to keep myself from leaving a face imprint on my screen, but I got what I wanted!
Okay, that is my klutzy U2 story!!

"Bass players attract the weirdest fans..." --Edge

If you want to kiss the sky..Better learn how to kneel..(on your knees boy!)

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

I remember an important moment, and it is linked to my boy-friend...

It happened five years ago. I was at school, it was the first year of secondary school for me, and my boy-friend, at that time, was only a simple friend for me. He was attending the last year of secondary school, so he could drive a car. I liked very much him, but he didn't know it. Well...that day, it was raining outside, so, when the school day ended, he went to the bus stop and asked me if I wanted to be taken at home with his car...naturally, I said yes!!! He drove me home, and, at radio, Bono started to sing "Staring at the sun"...I felt a great joy in my heart...we were there, under the rain, together in that car, and my heart was so in love...oh...UNFORGETTABLE!

P.S. Now, me and my boy-friend we are together from more than two years...and the song of uor love is "One"...
LMAO!!!!!!! IRISH DWARF?! lol!!

Everyone's in the PLEBA caravan and the plot is lost somewhere and it's being trampled underfoot between the horses of love and lust

so the PLEBA caravan with a resurrected Achtung Baby tape (Lol I don't remember whose that was) cranked up to 11 (akorse) is boppin down the yellow-brick road.

Bluey: It's a highway with no one on it! Step on it!

Jody: look! green light! seven 11!

Bluey: let's stop in for a pack of cigarettes!

Mona the youngin': no let's not! I don't smoke! I don't even want to!

Gina: GET THE CHANGE!!!!!!!!


Anyway after awhile the PLEBA Caravan / Lust Limo / BonoMobile arrives in Ireland (bc it can fly!) soon and we stumble upon THE MAN CORRAL! Spoken of in legends....oo leather! as far as the eye can see!

perhaps this entire thread and the saga in it is the most embarrassing U2 moment EVER

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"You give me something to sleep to at night" ~Michelle Branch~
ok...here goes:

One day at work I was sitting in my office talking to some of my buddies. We had the radio on and low and behold I hear Bono...it was "Beautiful Day" and it would be my first time to hear it. So eager was I to hear it, I screeched and in my feverish attempt to crank it up fell my chair flipped over and I rolled out of it backwards. But, I didn't miss a step...I sprung to my feet and cranked that bad boy up!
Originally posted by iamshazza:
I sprung to my feet and cranked that bad boy up!

TO 11??!!!

lol! I think there's a radon leak in our house. Maybe I should go to bed early

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"There's too much Chex and not enough Mix!" ~Me
I never knew I had so many embarrassing U2 moments, but when I saw that Larry thread I remembered another one --

I went back to school last week one day a few hours after it was over cause I forgot a book and I was standing at my locker lookin around trying to figure out what I was looking for. As far as I knew not many ppl were in the school, just some that had to stay for sports. So I'm doing my Axl Rose snake dance and holding a book in front of my locker singing elevation to myself but making up the words again. I don't remember what I was saying but I threw larry's name in there a few times

larry mullen in the sky
you make me feel like I could fly
so high
larry mullen!

or something. I even did the woo-oos. Softly! not really loud! bWith my snake dance. and then the principal comes around the corner with a bunch of official looking ppl (they're always there bc they're gonna remodel part of the school) and she's saying something about how advanced we are blah blah blah and they hear me singing and see me doing my snake dance and stop for a minute. the principal introduces me as one of the ppl there on scholarship and I run away laughing like a maniac and screaming OMIGOD!!!! OMIGOD!!!!! Is it too late for them to kick me out?

It sounds stupid! But it was funny at the time.

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow." ~U2~

"There's too much Chex and not enough Mix!" ~Me
OMG...OMG...OMG...I...CAN'T...BREATHE...MUST...STOP... LAUGHING....*snerk* *chortle* *dam breaks* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! *wipes tears*

I am SO going to get fired for disrupting my coworkers like this from constant Pleba scanning!!!

Loved the stories, Bluey...how on earth do all these things happen to one person???
And don't try to play the bass with your nose, dear. It's so unbecoming.

And hey! it's tag-team story telling, love it!!! (but where on earth do y'all find the time to do these stories!?)

More fodder for the Disco Pleba archives...
Mona you are SO the frontrunner for Bluey-dom, I'm tellin ya!!!

But (snicker) you are WRONG WRONG WRONG about the 'Axel Rose snake dance' (I know exactly what you're talking about!) because that is merely a poor imitation of the DAVY JONES OF THE MONKEES dance from waaaaaaaaaay back in the Jurassic Pleba Era!!!

don't believe me? i think there's some Monkees reruns on Comedy Central...Disco say: checkitout baybee!

Originally posted by WildHonee:
So I'm doing my Axl Rose snake dance and holding a book in front of my locker singing elevation to myself ...and they hear me singing and see me doing my snake dance and stop for a minute. the principal introduces me as one of the ppl there on scholarship and I run away laughing like a maniac and screaming OMIGOD!!!! OMIGOD!!!!!
Originally posted by Discoteque:
Mona you are SO the frontrunner for Bluey-dom, I'm tellin ya!!!

Disco, I am not one to nit pick or stand upon ceremony but...shouldn't I techinically be the "frontrunner for bluey-dom"? I mean seeing as how i'm Bluey and all... Just wondering.


No no, dear Bluey...one is to ASPIRE to your Bluey greatness, my dear!

Y'know...since you tend to be the one that makes Pleba pretty much incapacitated with laughter...at least, it works for me!

You run...you run...you run and not grow weary...you BE the frontrunner, girl!


Originally posted by blueeyes:
Disco, I am not one to nit pick or stand upon ceremony but...shouldn't I techinically be the "frontrunner for bluey-dom"? I mean seeing as how i'm Bluey and all... Just wondering.


Originally posted by WildHonee:
You DARE challenge my BonoLove again?!
*Bono and Mona hop onto the love train engineered by hot hot hot Pat Monahan*
Bono: *slips on Edge's nachos and falls off train*
Jody: *twists handlebar moustache* (quiet! logic and nature don't figure in here!) BWAHAHAAA!! *ties Bono to tracks*

Pat and Mona get on a vine that has mysteriously appeared and swing back to where Bono is tied up! Oo. (the jury will note that Pat is wearing a tarzan loincloth at this point)

plucky sidekick Bluey appears with Edgey and they start cranking out bedazzled jeans! Jody is blinded by the sequins! Pat Monahan is in a loincloth! Bono is tied up and waiting for somebody to have their way with him!

*mind wanders* can't...finish...story...

* Bluey and Edge, the plucky sidekicks (Bluey: "I'm a SIDEKICK!!!??? Edge: "Get used to it kid, it's a hard role to break out of.") spring into action, they brandish their bedazzlers as menacingly as anyone can weld a bedazzler, and start to bedazzle the ropes that hold Bono down. *
Bono: Hey, guys what are you doing?
Blue: We're bedazzling you! Hold still.
Bono: But how is that going to- woooo! Edge, don't bedazzle there mate!
Edge: I'm sorry Bono, it's part of the master plan.
Suddenly, Jody attacks Bluey and Edge
Jody: Bono is mine, mine! Muaaahaaahaa!
* Bluey grabs Jody's coat and postitions her bedazzler. *
Blue: Stop evil Jody! I have the tacky pink britney spears rhinestone of lameness in this thing, and I'm not afraid to use it!
Jody: No, no, not the *gulp* pink rhinestone!
Edge: Yes, the crappy ones that come with the kit!
Jody: Oh god no! *crying* Anything but that!
Blue: Yeah, I'm going to bedazzle you with the rhinestone of lameness which will negate all the coolness you have....unless you let the singer go.
Jody: Never! *she attacks Bluey and they wrestle for the bedazzler*
* Edge continues to bedazzle Bono when he steps back from his work, satisfied. The sun hits the bedazzles at such an angle that a miraculous shape of light is reflected into the sky....the shape of the MACPHISTO SIGNAL!!!!! Mr. Macphisto, seeing the signal arrives immediately in his posh gold Macphisto-mobile, complete with built in paparazzi and wet bar, with his sidekick....The Fly.* (the Fly: "I'm a sidekick!!!???")
Fly: Holy mirrorballs Macphisto! They have Bono...
Macphisto: What? Hmm? Oh yes yes. That. Where is the party dahhrlings.
Bono: Macphisto! The Fly! Guys, help me, I'm over here, tied to the tracks.
*Macphisto looks at Bono with complete indifference*
Mac: Well, what are you doing down there child?
* In the distance, an approaching train whistles....
To be continued....by SOMEONE ELSE! (HINT)

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 09-05-2001).]

[This message has been edited by blueeyes (edited 09-05-2001).]
Originally posted by blueeyes:
* Bluey and Edge, the plucky sidekicks (Bluey: "I'm a SIDEKICK!!!??? Edge: "Get used to it kid, it's a hard role to break out of.") spring into action, they brandish their bedazzlers as menacingly as anyone can weld a bedazzler, and start to bedazzle the ropes that hold Bono down. *
Bono: Hey, guys what are you doing?
Blue: We're bedazzling you! Hold still.
Bono: But how is that going to- woooo! Edge, don't bedazzle there mate!
Edge: I'm sorry Bono, it's part of the master plan.
Suddenly, Jody attacks Bluey and Edge
Jody: Bono is mine, mine! Muaaahaaahaa!
* Bluey grabs Jody's coat and postitions her bedazzler. *
Blue: Stop evil Jody! I have the tacky pink britney spears rhinestone of lameness in this thing, and I'm not afraid to use it!
Jody: No, no, not the *gulp* pink rhinestone!
Edge: Yes, the crappy ones that come with the kit!
Jody: Oh god no! *crying* Anything but that!
Blue: Yeah, I'm going to bedazzle you with the rhinestone of lameness which will negate all the coolness you have....unless you let the singer go.
Jody: Never! *she attacks Bluey and they wrestle for the bedazzler*
* Edge continues to bedazzle Bono when he steps back from his work, satisfied. The sun hits the bedazzles at such an angle that a miraculous shape of light is reflected into the sky....the shape of the MACPHISTO SIGNAL!!!!! Mr. Macphisto, seeing the signal arrives immediately in his posh gold Macphisto-mobile, complete with built in paparazzi and wet bar, with his sidekick....The Fly.* (the Fly: "I'm a sidekick!!!???")
Fly: Holy mirrorballs Macphisto! They have Bono...
Macphisto: What? Hmm? Oh yes yes. That. Where is the party dahhrlings.
Bono: Macphisto! The Fly! Guys, help me, I'm over here, tied to the tracks.
*Macphisto looks at Bono with complete indifference*
Mac: Well, what are you doing down there child?
* In the distance, an approaching train whistles....
To be continued....by SOMEONE ELSE! (HINT)

I can play the evil baddie if thats what it takes.
As long as I don't end up on
a) cliffs
b) helicopters
I'm scared of heights and if the baddie were to crap herself it wouldn't look too good for her evil image.
Originally posted by WildHonee:
Originally posted by Jody:

Me and my friend Rosie decided that we had to bury it and give it a proper funeral, after all it had give us hours of pleasure zooming around the streets at full volume.HELP ME SOMEONE. I'VE LOST MY MIND!!
LMAO!!!!!! You buried a tape? I've never even buried a hamster!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!
no offense...


Life is short...so is Bono! Both of them are delicious, though
Originally posted by Discoteque:

Mona you are SO the frontrunner for Bluey-dom, I'm tellin ya!!!


*Mona is presented with a bedazzled bedazzler*

I'm the heir to the throne! I'm a princess! *Bono appears in tights once again* woo!! I've found myself actually literally really physically + more adverbs saying 'woo-oo' a la Elevation. WHY?! help me!

"Thanks for letting us rub up against you!" ~Bono~

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