Now that i'm in college...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
That's a great schedule. The wonder of an arts degree! By comparison, my first year schedule (I had to dig it up online) years ago was:

M: Bio 10-11, Chem 12-1, Organic Chem Lab 2-5, Slavic elective 5-7, Bio Tutorial 8-9

T: Physics 9-10, Calculus 11-12, Physics Lab 2-5

W: Bio 10-11, Chem 12-1

Th: Physics 9-10, Chem Tutorial 10-11, Calculus 11-12, Bio Lab 2-5, Slavic elective 5-7

F: Physics Tutorial: 11-12. Chem 12-1. Calculus Tutorial 2-3.

*All labs/tutorials had mandatory attendance. :huh:
anitram said:
That's a great schedule. The wonder of an arts degree! By comparison, my first year schedule (I had to dig it up online) years ago was:

M: Bio 10-11, Chem 12-1, Organic Chem Lab 2-5, Slavic elective 5-7, Bio Tutorial 8-9

T: Physics 9-10, Calculus 11-12, Physics Lab 2-5

W: Bio 10-11, Chem 12-1

Th: Physics 9-10, Chem Tutorial 10-11, Calculus 11-12, Bio Lab 2-5, Slavic elective 5-7

F: Physics Tutorial: 11-12. Chem 12-1. Calculus Tutorial 2-3.

*All labs/tutorials had mandatory attendance. :huh: No wonder you're so full of knowledge!

I have no idea what i'll get the most out of...they should all (well except bio and stats) be interesting to me.
My schedule as of now:

Monday: Creative Writing, 3:30 pm-4:45 pm
Tuesday: Western Civilization, 9 am-10:15 am; Introductory Algebra, 10:30 am-12:10 pm; English 1, 5:15 pm-6:30 pm.
Wednesday: Same as Monday.
Thursday: Same as Tuesday.
Friday: Sociological Principles: 4 pm-6 pm
Saturday: (yes, I have a class on Saturday) Sociological Principles, 8 am-12 pm.

Am I weird for taking a Saturday morning class :crack:?

Eh, it's always been a subject I'd think would be fun to take, so I can deal with it :).

My schedule last year was perfect! (for me at least)

Monday: work 8-5, TA work at night

Tuesday: dance 10:30 - 11:45, latin american politics 12:05 - 1:20, communication and gender 1:30 - 2:45, work 2:50-5:00, work again 7:00 - 9:00

Wednesday: work 8-5, night class 7:00 - 10:00 (can't even remember what it was....)

Thursday: dance 10:30 - 11:45, latin american politics 12:05 - 1:20, communication and gender 1:30 - 2:45, work 2:50 - 5:00, TA work at night

Friday: optional work 10:00 - 2:00 <~ usually opted out unless I was short on rent
U2democrat said:
Self Leadership-2:30. Each 1 hour 15 minutes. I like it.

Sounds like something I'd like

what's it like??


What did you major in to get that sort of schedule?
For Honor said:

What did you major in to get that sort of schedule?

I have a specialist degree in Immunology which is essentially like a triple major in Immunology, Microbiology and Cell Biology/Genetics.
Wow, what's that like?

What sort of work would you get into with that?
Would you recommend it?

I'm just curious, because I recently realized that I am not sure what the best thing for me to get into is.
U2democrat said:
I don't know yet...but I'm in the leadership program here and it's the first class that has to be taken for it.

What is a leadership program?

(hmm, I seem to be rather curious today.......)
For Honor said:

What is a leadership program?

(hmm, I seem to be rather curious today.......)

It's an automatic minor in leadership, so you have to take certain classes. You also have to do I think 50 hours of community service per semester, attend speaker sessions, workshops. As you get through the years you begin to take over and host your own workshops, be more choosy in terms of what direction to take the minor. You have to apply and be accepted. There are I think 150 freshmen in the leadership program out of a class of 1500.
For Honor said:
Wow, what's that like?

What sort of work would you get into with that?
Would you recommend it?

I'm just curious, because I recently realized that I am not sure what the best thing for me to get into is.

Hmm, those are hard questions to answer, lol.

It's very specific, academic science. If you love science, and you love molecular biology, you would probably find it very interesting.

I have found that a good chunk of my classmates ended up going one of three routes after the degree: med school, research (MS/PhD - I ended up at a grad institute doing biotech after my BS), intellectual property law. So in a way, the field is open to an extent, depending on what interests you specifically. It's probably best suited to research. Some of the research being done in immunology includes AIDS, autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes, arthritis. It's a vast field and you can specialize in what interests you specifically. I'm mainly working on breast cancer lines at the moment.

Would I recommend it? As an undergrad, I am not sure I'd do the same thing only because when you do something like a triple major, it really doesn't allow you to branch out to other areas of interest. Because I'm slightly insane, I actually have another minor on top of this (in Slavic languages and literature), and nearly had a 2nd minor in religion (missed a course), but it was very difficult and stressful to take that many courses outside of my field. As a career, it is obviously rewarding because you do feel like you are contributing, even if in some small way. I do feel like my work matters to somebody somewhere down the road, which helps when youv'e got to get up at 7 am.
Wow, thank you both for sharing that.... :)

It helps a great deal, to learn anything about any major, because I am not really sure yet what it is I want, and I don't like not knowing. But it helps to hear it from other people who are living through it all. I am torn between many things, but all of what has been mentioned is interesting to me.

But there are so many roads one could go down in college...
...Not that that is a bad thing....

Thanks again
This thread just reminded me how much I would love to be studying for a science degree instead of an arts degree. :sad: This is one area I think the US education system is far superior to the UK system -- I can only study for an arts degree because my A levels (last two years of high school) were in arts subjects, whereas in the US it seems that the courses you studied in high school don't determine what you'll be able to study at university. The UK education system seems to expect you to have already chosen a career by the time you're sixteen and choosing your A level subjects.

Oh well, better get back to studying for the arts degree I don't want. :wink:

(Sorry for going completely off-topic in your thread, U2dem.)
Woot. My college made the list of 361 best colleges and universities in the nation (Princeton Review). Out of the 361 schools on the list, we're...

# 9 - Scotch & soda, hold the scotch (hard liquor usage reported low)
#11 - Stone-cold sober schools
#14 - Students pray on a regular basis (most religious students)
#15 - Don't inhale (marijuana usage reported low)
#15 - Future Rotarians and Daughters of the American Revolution
#15 - Got milk? (beer usage reported low)

LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:
Woot. My college made the list of 361 best colleges and universities in the nation (Princeton Review). Out of the 361 schools on the list, we're...

# 9 - Scotch & soda, hold the scotch (hard liquor usage reported low)
#11 - Stone-cold sober schools
#14 - Students pray on a regular basis (most religious students)
#15 - Don't inhale (marijuana usage reported low)
#15 - Future Rotarians and Daughters of the American Revolution
#15 - Got milk? (beer usage reported low)


Sounds boring :wink:
FizzingWhizzbees said:
This thread just reminded me how much I would love to be studying for a science degree instead of an arts degree. :sad: This is one area I think the US education system is far superior to the UK system -- I can only study for an arts degree because my A levels (last two years of high school) were in arts subjects, whereas in the US it seems that the courses you studied in high school don't determine what you'll be able to study at university. The UK education system seems to expect you to have already chosen a career by the time you're sixteen and choosing your A level subjects.

Oh well, better get back to studying for the arts degree I don't want. :wink:

(Sorry for going completely off-topic in your thread, U2dem.)

Hell, I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up..... :huh:

I do admire people who actually do know what they want to do and then strive for it...but I'm not one of 'em. :)
U2democrat said:
My dad once taught an 8a.m. saturday class. he hated it just as much if not more than the students :lol:

LOL, oh, really?

Yeah, I can imagine that-at least when 12 pm rolls around on Saturday, I can go home. The teacher may not be able to do that right away-waste part of their weekend.

Goof-up regarding the time of my creative writing class in my scheudule, by the way-it's at 12 pm, not 3:30 pm, and goes for 50 minutes, and meets at said time on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Everything else in my schedule's still the same, though :).

And regarding those who don't know what they want to do for a career yet, well, my suggestion would be to just try out the things that really interest you the most, and from there figoure out the one you're best at and feel the most comfortable in and the one you think you'd enjoy the most in regards to a career and stuff like that. Thankfully, that sort of thing doesn't need to be decided right away, things can always change, so I wouldn't sweat it too much if I were you :).

Personally, I'm intending on going into the writing field for a career-I'd like to write about music-related things, specifically. And some of the classes I'm taking will really help me with that, I think. Really challenge me to improve my writing and all that sort of thing :up:. It may not always be fun, the stuff I'll be doing in the classes, but if it helps me get closer to the career I want, it's worth it, I'd say.

By the way, while flipping through a school booklet, our college is apparently a "dry" one, too, I've figured out :p. Don't know where we rank nationally in regards to that sort of thing, though.

I have a lot of questions about college, but I think most of them I should go through my university to find the answer. I can't wait to get there, I'm jealous, U2Dem. :wink:

The most important thing for me will be starting strong, and setting good habits and patterns. I'm very much an "inertia" type of person, and a routine person, I realize.

It sounds like you're socially involved enough to meet people - clubs and such, so I really think you'll be fine. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders, and that's what matters most :up:
You are all taking some interesting classes. I hope to be like anitram someday doing some sort of medical/pharmaceutical research. My current major is biochemistry. Is that a good route to go anitram?

Here's my schedule this fall:

Monday- 9-10 Art History
10-11 Philosophy
11-12 Chemistry
6-8:30 Calculus (Yeah!)

Wednesday - Same except for a 3 hour chem lab 12-3

Friday - Same as Monday except no Calculus

I start Monday
U2democrat said:
two and a half hours of calculus??? :crack:

LOL, that's what I was thinking :p.

Glad you're enjoying school so far, U2democrat :). And briarrose, wishing you luck on Monday :up:.

I just got back from my creative writing class.

It's gonna be FUN! :hyper:!

There's only three people in the class-me and two guys :p. My teacher wants us to recruit more people. And plus, on the first and third Thursday of each month, there's apparently a creative writing club that meets...I'm considering joining that :hmm:...

Gah. I'm excited about this class :yes:.

Creative writing sounds like fun, though I'm not a writer. What's your major Angela?

You and U2Democrat made me think- 2.5 hours of Calculus does sound long! Oh well, I love math so I shouldn't mind it too much. I was told there are only 8 people in my math class. I'm glad about that.

Have fun at your classes girls!
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