NFL 2016 Thread

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Welp. the NFL pretty much sucks this year.

I feel like it's starting to suck every year. Even without all the injuries, the fact is there are only what, two elite QBs in the NFL? Rodgers and Brady, and the rest really aren't even close. You then have a second tier of Good QBs, for a handful of teams....and then a ton of shit.

It's that shit group that seems to drag the rest of the league down. The Packers / Cowboys game was fairly entertaining, but every week it's a whole lot of low scores. It's like watching iowa football....

Throw in Trump fucking things up and this year has been a bit of a disaster.

Drew Brees is consistently passing 5000 yards, 2/1 on TD/INT, pass completion around 70%, and a QB rating of ~100. He's not just good, he's elite.

If Andrew Luck could stay healthy, he'd be in this argument, though I suppose the premise of the statement was about who is actually playing this year. But, let's wait and see with this one. I'm sure the health argument had stopped a lot of QBs from being elite.

And then there's Alex Smith... it's about damn time people start respecting that man. He rarely ever messes up, controls the flow of the game like a magician, and consistently puts up great numbers. They're not flashy numbers with stacked yards, but his consistency of never turning the ball over and committing to a system has consistently brought his team to the top. I know this is a bit of an unconventional pick for "elite," because perhaps he isn't showcasing weaving TDs and bombs down field. But in my opinion, Alex Smith is to football as the trap was to the NHL in the early 2000s. Boring but highly effective.
I have tremendous respect for Alex Smith ever since he got hosed by Harbaugh.

You're right that he doesn't get the respect he deserves.

He's also not in Brady/Rodgers territory. That's not an insult.

I dunno. It's hard to classify Alex Smith. He might not belong with that crowd, but he doesn't belong with the tier below, either.
I think he does belong in that tier below. At the top of it, maybe, but he isn't in his own tier.

Also, Carson Wentz isn't there yet but he looks every bit like the prospect you would want with the second pick in the draft.
Dolphins.... I hate them but love them.

I wonder how Dolphins-Raiders will be two Sunday Nights from now, considering the Raiders big comeback and the Dolphins big comebacks the past two weeks. Assuming it'll go in a completely unexpected way just like this whole NFL Season.

I almost wish it were a 1pm game though instead of SNF. That Miami heat/humidity is brutal especially for teams flying from the west coast, and wearing black. Since 1990 they've lost to the Raiders just once at home, during the awful 2007 season. Though night games are quite fun. It could be flexed, but doubt it will now with Miami 4-2 and Oakland saving their season in that way.
Players I drafted on my fantasy team this year.

David Johnson
Aaron Rodgers
Danny Woodhead
Tyler Eifert
Pierre Garcon
Chris Carson

Oh, and Terrell Pryor. Fuck Pryor.
This is your periodic reminder that Brock Osweiler is making $16MM this year, 15 of which is being paid by the Browns.
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