NFL 2013 Thread Part II

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thanks for #2 washington

it's the least you could do for making me watch this awful game
Vikings win their final game at the Metrodome. All (or at least most) of Vikings nation bids the building a bittersweet adieu.
Man, the Giants could have had a great pick if they didn't win all these meaningless games. Dodged a bullet there.

They were never going to end up in the 2-4 win range... They're not bad enough to be that bad, while not good enough to be any good. They're a tick unluckier than the two shitty teams in front of them in the division, and better than the shitty team behind them. Both Cowboy games could easily have gone the other way and they'd be sitting at 9 wins right now and with an even shittier draft pick (not to mention the bears game).

So they'll end up picking somewhere in the 10-12 area depending on how these last games play out... which is about where they should be.

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Um, Pey-Pey has thrown five touchdown passes in the first half...

Edit: make that four. My fantasy alert was really far behind, making me think that he threw another TD. Still, four in one half isn't anything to be ashamed of.


Thank you, funky internet streaming site with all the ads, for letting me watch the last quarter of the Packers game without buffering. Today, I love you.
Ok good Carolina would face the Niners and Seattle NO if they each win next week. Best outcome.
They had a great opportunity to lose out and get a top 10 draft pick and they blew it.

They had a great opportunity to lose out and get a top 10 draft pick and they blew it.

They had a great opportunity to lose out and get a top 10 draft pick and they blew it.

They had a great opportunity to lose out and get a top 10 draft pick and they blew it.

They had a great opportunity to lose out and get a top 10 draft pick and they blew it.

They had a great opportunity to lose out and get a top 10 draft pick and they blew it.

What a waste
To get it out of the way, and thanks to LM for jumping on the opportunity to point it out (and I'm sure you're just sitting by your computer so proud right now. Congrats!), I was wrong for wanting to the Packers to their the rest of the season after Rodgers went down.

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