new recording outside HQ.. very clear! (no links please!)

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i'm sitting here with a sprained wrist and i would really like something nice to listen to :hyper:

if someone could be so kind as to send it me - it would be greatly appreciated :sexywink:
Wow, I really like this clip. I know it's unfair to judge but I can make out quite a bit of what's going on here. Innovative or not, it still sounds great.
me too plz?? :)) thanks a ton in advance guys.. :)

edit: thanks a lotttttt!!! llistening it now.. can't wait for the real thing.. ;)
Sending to the last eight people that posted their addresses now. Apologies to anyone that gets it twice. If anyone's still missing it, post again. Wayne, if you still need it, let me know and I'll PM it to you.
hook me up, por favor!

utooguy AT gmail DOT com

Thanks, DOL & all others who sent it my way!

It's nice. I could be thrusting this onto it because I've been on an Abbey Road kick recently, but I'm getting gleams of Beatles once again...:hmm:
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