New Music Trends? Please Help!

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Sep 12, 2005
New York City
Hey everyone.

I need to write an article for my journalism class. It needs to be a feature that would appear in a magazine and would like to write about a current music trend that hasn't been talked about to death.

If anyone has noticed any type of trends in music, no matter what aspect it is, I'd really appreciate it if you could post and let me know about it. Thanks in advance. :wave:
Certainly not a style of music that I really like, but something that I see emerging in hipster circles are lo-fi bands with pop sensibilities. Said another way, these are basically garage rock bands that combine elements of dream pop and shoegaze.

Some examples that come to mind:

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
Vivian Girls
Times New Viking
No Age (The only band here that I actually like)

Hope that helps.
How about bands like Radiohead offering music for free, and other artists exploring alternative methods of getting their music out?

It's more of a music business trend, but it's definitely something people are talking about ... although maybe it's been talked to death already.
Something akin to a C86 revival, thought that's obviously a problematic designation. Very fey "pop" music, basically. Even this list, though, problematizes that notion. Something worth thinking about, if nothing else, because if it isn't problematic, that probably means that it's not worth discussing.

Los Campesinos!
Sky Larkin
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
Johnny Foreigner
Crystal Stilts
Camera Obscura (been around, but a new record is on the way)

I'm tempted to try to lump in The Clientele, but that'd just be silly. People seem to talk about the Field Mice in this context, as well, but I don't know anything about them shits. Can't really comment.
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