New Album - inc 'Invisible' - discussion of Hangar Clips, Super Bowl and Amy Poehler

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I thought maybe you had found that obscure clip, named it "new U2" on slapped it on YouTube with that name, and then Fanning used it too.

That would have been EPIC trolling.

However, apparently you just found it and posted it here, so all you get, sir, is a :tsk:
It's funny but there's also something very shady about this. I mean how and why would Dave fanning, a guy who's had numerous U2 exclusives in the past and someone who, clearly, is trusted by the band and their management, play such a prank on his listeners? IMO, there is no way he would simply take some song he found in the internet and play it labeled as a U2 song without checking with the U2 management or someone in the band. I don't think he'd be allowed to play it without permission. Something tells me he could get into big trouble for this. Will be very interesting to see how he reacts and what his explanation will be like.
Surely Fanning will comment on this blunder/prank next time he's on air and/or on twitter. Does he have a daily show on RTE?

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Surely Fanning will comment on this blunder/prank next time he's on air and/or on twitter. Does he have a daily show on RTE?

Sent from my C6602 using U2 Interference mobile app

He will be back on this evening at 7 so I'm sure he will have answers for last nights fiasco
Yeah, it makes no sense.... he might get fired or in trouble. What I don't get is how on earth he couldn't tell directly that it wasn't U2!!!!! I mean he is not some kind of new guy who doesn't know Bono's voice and U2's sound..... I really don't get it.

Besides that, some kind of a small voice in my mind wish it was the new U2 sound..... I like it.:hyper:
Is it possible he's actually pissed off, perhaps having been told there will be no exclusives for him this time around, so he leads his listeners to believe this totally shite song is by U2? That would be a fun thought.

well if he does that kind of thing when he's pissed off with a band, he would be heading for career suicide lol
I'd be sure someone in the 2 organisation gave him the ok, create a bit of a buzz, stir things up a bit.

I think it shows someone, somewhere is watching what's going on in the fandom

yeah i would imagine before he plays anything new he would have to clear it first with the band...

unless he went rogue and did it off his own back and got a phone call saying "err, not us dude" hence cut it after 2 minutes? :lol:
I wouldn't have thought fanning was dumb enough to assume this random new YouTube account had an exclusive, and even though it looks and sounds nothing like U2, he still ripped the audio and played t on radio? No way...
this is even weirder..

"Kev Harrison" on twitter, one of the first to say he heard new songs in Santa Monica last week, is posting a link to fanning's show, with the fake clip of "Invisible." - saying "Edge is all over this one"

lmfao!! human beings are just arseholes aren't they :lol:
this is feeling a little bit like when Bono "lost" his laptop in 2000, or when real Edge "lost" a copy of Bomb in 2004.

ha! i just said the exact same thing to my hub lol! he reckons it's a pre-publicity stunt :lol:
It's funny but there's also something very shady about this. I mean how and why would Dave fanning, a guy who's had numerous U2 exclusives in the past and someone who, clearly, is trusted by the band and their management, play such a prank on his listeners? IMO, there is no way he would simply take some song he found in the internet and play it labeled as a U2 song without checking with the U2 management or someone in the band. I don't think he'd be allowed to play it without permission. Something tells me he could get into big trouble for this. Will be very interesting to see how he reacts and what his explanation will be like.

he surely would've had to have the blessing from the band to pull a stunt like that, or it would be tantamount to career suicide, so i'm leaning toward publicity stunt right now :lol:
If U2 is lending their song to a charity for this commercial, I seriously doubt they are going to announce an album during this. It'd be a little selfish, IMO, and a possible PR disaster.

Right, I’m not sure the ad itself will carry the album message unless it’s subtle, like just the last frame of the ad having a small line visible (“XXXX by U2 available from XXXX”) below the main “XXXX Product In Support of RED” messaging. Even if not for charity, it’s still a complicated and confused message if you have four things being pushed: Third Party Product – Invisible – RED – U2 album. It’s highly unlikely. If it’s not in the ad, it will be announced very shortly after, or if it is back in June and they’re looking for a bit of a different release, then maybe not a formal announcement straight away, but I think you’ll start to see more of the holes filled in casually in interviews and whatnot. I do also think there's no way they're doing just this and then going underground again - I think it kicks off the wider promo phase.

But in general it’s not crass to push a product in this case, as of course RED isn't a normal charity - the point is to push a product… that has a RED % contribution. It would be crass if it were any other charity, but RED is all HERE ARE SOME SHOES WITH A LITTLE BIT MORE RED ON THEM THAN USUAL! SAVE PEOPLE BY BUYING STUFF! BUY THE SHOES! THEY’RE (RED)!!!

So it will be U2 and Invisible in support of/in addition to a wider RED product/call to action. The Beats suggestion came only from here, but to use it as an example of how it might work, it could be something like Beats launching the new music streaming/download-to-own service:

Kids are messing around in a garage or something, way too young and attractive to actually be U2 fans, but nonetheless this is Hollywood where strange things happen so you see one turn to a phone/tablet/laptop, go to Beats Music and search for U2/Invisible and fire it up. Suddenly the garage goes huge (hangar) and there are U2 right there performing the new song, kids go nuts. “Beats music is now here, bringing you ALL the music you want, immediately, right into blah blah blah. Select the RED Subscription Pack and a % of your monthly subscription will go to help end HIV/AIDs, and you’ll also receive a free RED download every week/month exclusively donated to RED by the world’s leading artists, starting right now with Invisible, a new exclusive from U2”

Something like it. No idea how it works if it’s not Beats but, say, Viagra.
It's funny but there's also something very shady about this. I mean how and why would Dave fanning, a guy who's had numerous U2 exclusives in the past and someone who, clearly, is trusted by the band and their management, play such a prank on his listeners?

Well it's obvious. He must have been drunk of course. That's new the all purpose excuse. Because Bono was drunk when he said June. I know it's true because I read it here.

Bono's drunk is the new Bono lies.
he surely would've had to have the blessing from the band to pull a stunt like that, or it would be tantamount to career suicide, so i'm leaning toward publicity stunt right now :lol:

If that's the band's idea of a publicity stunt...if their genius marketing idea for promoting this record is having one of their DJ friends tell everyone they're going to play the new U2 record, then play a band that sounds nothing like U2...and then LMFAO to each's already over. And they should ask Guy Oseary for their money back.

Either that, or Bono was drunk.
If that's the band's idea of a publicity stunt...if their genius marketing idea for promoting this record is having one of their friends tell everyone they're going to play the new U2 record, then play a band that sounds nothing like U2...and then LMFAO to each's already over. And they should ask Guy Oseary for their money back.

Either that, or Bono was drunk.

you reckon Fanning would pull a stunt like this off his own back??

i seriously have trouble believing he would try to do an "exclusive" without the go-ahead from the band, prank or no prank

whatever it was, it was a right royal fuck-up...

if it was a stunt it could also backfire royally as, when the song does get aired, i bet there will be some eejits saying "meh i preferred the other song" :D
well that's quite lame ...

They (ie. Mr. Fenning on his own or in agreement with U2) intentionally choose a song which is so obviously NOT U2 ...

So everybody who isn't completely dumb(numb) can tell that this is a prank ...

Who is now playing the Nelson on whom?

That channel uploaded other videos like that, all the same, but naming a video "Boy Falls From The Sky":

I'm with corianderstem: for me there's no way U2 did THIS kind of promotional stunt. This is not clever, this is just a failure, and it comes from someone next to Dark Stares, not even from a troll (IMHO). And Fanning probably, sorry to say, is just unprofessional, to say an euphemism. Maybe at the end, I'm being fooled, but I don't think marketing strategy goes THAT far.
I'm in two minds about this one. I almost buy the publicity stunt bit (where this was part of a co-ordinated decoy campaign to convince people the album is coming in June when in fact it's coming out in April, with the band thinking that this kind of publicity campaign is the way to get proper publicity nowadays, a la Beyoncé, mixed in with a bit of a ZOO TV post-modern pranking), although I am less sure about the Dark Stares part and how this makes Dave Fanning look silly (it's quite something for a DJ to play a prank on your audience).

So far, the fact that Fanning has not apologised or said anything seems to incline the balance towards the publicity stunt possibility, otherwise, he would have apologised right away.

We will see...
That channel uploaded other videos like that, all the same, but naming a video "Boy Falls From The Sky":

I'm with corianderstem: for me there's no way U2 did THIS kind of promotional stunt. This is not clever, this is just a failure, and it comes from someone next to Dark Stares, not even from a troll (IMHO). And Fanning probably, sorry to say, is just unprofessional, to say an euphemism. Maybe at the end, I'm being fooled, but I don't think marketing strategy goes THAT far.

i don't think anyone is suggesting that U2 uploaded the fake videos to youtube... he must've just stumbled on the link somehow but i find it hard to believe he wouldn't have checked it out properly and sought permission from the band before playing it on live radio...

whatever happened, this whole Fanning incident was pretty strange to say the least :ohmy:
I'm in two minds about this one. I almost buy the publicity stunt bit (where this was part of a co-ordinated decoy campaign to convince people the album is coming in June when in fact it's coming out in April, with the band thinking that this kind of publicity campaign is the way to get proper publicity nowadays, a la Beyoncé, mixed in with a bit of a ZOO TV post-modern pranking), although I am less sure about the Dark Stares part and how this makes Dave Fanning look silly (it's quite something for a DJ to play a prank on your audience).

So far, the fact that Fanning has not apologised or said anything seems to incline the balance towards the publicity stunt possibility, otherwise, he would have apologised right away.

We will see...

it will be interesting to see if he mentions it in his next show...
It would be funny if it turned out that during the Superbowl™©® U2 were the real half time show performer and they came out dressed in their Discotheque attire and danced on a slowly spinning stage with smoke and lasers and Bono, at the end, announced "Nothing went wrong with POP!" thus cementing themselves as the coolest band ever. Oh, and then a short commercial aired for the new album, or something.

You trolled the thread for about 5 minutes.

Dave Fanning trolled all his listeners and a slew of hard-core U2 fans for about an hour with the same clip.

Fanning out-trolled you, dear. ;)



All pranks aside, the entire Fanning thing is just weird. And out of character, it would seem. I'll be curious to see what happens/what he says tonight.
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