New Album Discussion/Speculation Continued...

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"There's no sense from the band of any commitment to any release schedule. I think we're nearly there, and once we're there we'll know it. I'd like to think that next year there'll be a U2 release. We've just got lost in the music."

Jeeeez, just listened to it, right at the end around 20 minute mark, sounds like 2014 itself is even optimistic at this stage! And that's not a joke either! When Kenny asked him whether the band were recording or had finished or were ready to release a record it sounded like Bono had to remind himself who U2 were FFS! It was the most waffly answer I've ever heard from him. Well pissed off! FFS
Lol! Did he really say "lost in the music"? He should have said "lost in the buffet"!

Either way. The band is lost alright
Nice! Glad the 2013 talk can finally stop.

I don't have time to listen. Did he say Spring or Fall?

I just listened to the whole thing. It was very typical of Bono IMO, and he said some of the same things.

Of concern, "we are nearly there..." -- after this long he used the word "nearly" I won't parse it out.

Also of concern, "I'd like to think next year"... this could mean anything.

The usual stuff: "we want to make some great music.." "...lost in the music" " (it is) fresh, different, big hooks" "went back to why we want to be in a band in the first place"... "once we are there, we will know it"

He also mentioned something like " no commitment to a release schedule"

I might have missed some exact quotes -- the last two minutes of the interview is album talk.

Bottom line for me -- go back to usual life and check in on the Interference "static" or "mix it up" set list debates once a month.
In fact, he didn't say anything at all and it didn't sound as if he really wanted to take about the band and the music, no details, nothing concrete, only the usual Bono bla bla.

I kind of expected that from the interview. Even though signs were beginning to point towards 2014 rather than 2013 it's still a bit of a bummer. But at least we can all cool down a bit as far as the 2013 hopes are concerned.
Last ditch effort here- any chance he's totally BS-ing, just to add to the surprise for a 2013 release?

I wrote a message here about why I still believed in a 2013 release. The phone rang and all this happened. LOL
That seems like a pretty shut door for this year. But for people who say they have been hearing things from the inside: I wonder if this "sometime next year, maybe, we're still kind of working on it" a real reflection of what's going on or is it a prevarication?
Last ditch effort here- any chance he's totally BS-ing, just to add to the surprise for a 2013 release?

No chance. Yet there will probably be a number of people who will be very adamant on believing that.

Cue the debate between those who hate this "delay" and those who think it can't be "delayed" because there was no date...
Jeeeez, just listened to it, right at the end around 20 minute mark, sounds like 2014 itself is even optimistic at this stage! And that's not a joke either! When Kenny asked him whether the band were recording or had finished or were ready to release a record it sounded like Bono had to remind himself who U2 were FFS! It was the most waffly answer I've ever heard from him. Well pissed off! FFS

Well, waffly Bono sure ain't a good sign. I just don't think he's particularly good at bluffing, he wears his heart on his sleeve. It seems like they're on the verge of scrapping the DM stuff and starting over. Fall 2014, folks. If we're lucky.
It's too bad Bono can't just be honest and say that they have more vacationing to do.
No chance. Yet there will probably be a number of people who will be very adamant on believing that.

True. I think that if an album was essentially ready to go, and a big song was set to come out in the next couple weeks, he'd end up spilling something, even minor details. We got nothing. :(
Wow they are obviously just not interested any more. Or is it just me that sees that? If they haven't come up with anything after 3 years and are going to scrap all the DM work they have no business making music.
Wow they are obviously just not interested any more. Or is it just me that sees that? If they haven't come up with anything after 3 years and are going to scrap all the DM work they have no business making music.

Don't know if they're scrapping the work but I agree that they don't have the fire anymore. Then again, I don't blame them. They're rich and in their 50's.
Wow they are obviously just not interested any more. Or is it just me that sees that? If they haven't come up with anything after 3 years and are going to scrap all the DM work they have no business making music.

And perhaps this has been mentioned already, but the whole "lost in the music" thing could be interpreted as "jam sessions," meaning they've scrapped what they've done and are starting over.
I'd love to know the real truth about what has been happening.

Although I've just listened again and I wonder if we may hear something Jan/Feb 2014? He said you'll be sick of us in 2014, that could mean the whole year. Plus he did say they were almost there.
I'd love to know the real truth about what has been happening.

Although I've just listened again and I wonder if we may hear something Jan/Feb 2014? He said you'll be sick of us in 2014, that could mean the whole year. Plus he did say they were almost there.

But he said "no sense of commitment to any release date". If they were aiming for, say, March then this statement would never have been uttered.
Where the hell is Dangermouse? Surely he can shed some light on whatever the fuck has happened?
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