New album discussion: After despair comes acceptance

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I was the first to call the Fisher/Nick connection but honestly I think the identity of the person behind the screen the least interesting part of the whole thing. What's really interesting is the way he points up the meta qualities of fandom, the way we all deal in multiple layers of unverifiable realities all the time, every minute. Fisher is a brilliant character creation--and that's not derogatory. Nick66 is a created character, and so is jeevey, and so are gvox and everyone else. Even if we wanted to give a reliable representation of our RL selves we could only get a very selective sketch, and most of us don't want to. We all deal with the most fascinating issue U2 deals with, the creation of a public self and its congruence with the private self--which of course itself is fluid and changeable.

The questions that 'Fisher' raises about the band are exactly what makes U2 fascinating. When people say they only care about the music I don't believe them at all. It's the the narrative, the music and how the two inform each other that make U2 so compelling. What could it be like to be one of these guys? How do they do it? How could a person sustain the stresses they do while maintaining the identity they claim, and if they don't, how could they possibly manage to keep the 'darker reality' quiet for so long?

The character Fisher illustrates that these things are essentially unknowable to anyone outside the band and those closest to them. Even within the band will be competing narratives about how things really are. Maybe someday they'll get their big expose, but that too will be a constructed reality.

And seriously, buddy, you should be writing fiction. An eye for detail is the making of a writer, and extrapolating Adam's taste in art from his taste in clothing is the kind of detail that God gives for Christmas to writers who have been very, very good this year. Kudos to you.
I was the first to call the Fisher/Nick connection but honestly I think the identity of the person behind the screen the least interesting part of the whole thing. What's really interesting is the way he points up the meta qualities of fandom, the way we all deal in multiple layers of unverifiable realities all the time, every minute. Fisher is a brilliant character creation--and that's not derogatory. Nick66 is a created character, and so is jeevey, and so are gvox and everyone else. Even if we wanted to give a reliable representation of our RL selves we could only get a very selective sketch, and most of us don't want to. We all deal with the most fascinating issue U2 deals with, the creation of a public self and its congruence with the private self--which of course itself is fluid and changeable.

The questions that 'Fisher' raises about the band are exactly what makes U2 fascinating. When people say they only care about the music I don't believe them at all. It's the the narrative, the music and how the two inform each other that make U2 so compelling. What could it be like to be one of these guys? How do they do it? How could a person sustain the stresses they do while maintaining the identity they claim, and if they don't, how could they possibly manage to keep the 'darker reality' quiet for so long?

The character Fisher illustrates that these things are essentially unknowable to anyone outside the band and those closest to them. Even within the band will be competing narratives about how things really are. Maybe someday they'll get their big expose, but that too will be a constructed reality.

And seriously, buddy, you should be writing fiction. An eye for detail is the making of a writer, and extrapolating Adam's taste in art from his taste in clothing is the kind of detail that God gives for Christmas to writers who have been very, very good this year. Kudos to you.

Nick66 is a created character, and so is jeevey, and so are gvox and everyone else.

Honestly what the actual fuck are you talking about.

This may be some interesting study in human nature to you, and thanks for dignifying us with your philosophical views on Internet Behaviour, but this is a load of crap.

The majority of us who have been here years are not "created characters". We also have verifiable identities and have met one another at some point or another. We're not here to be someone's Guinea pig or part of some foolish attempt at a social experiment. And attempts to manipulate the forum otherwise are generally regarded as trolling.

And on the grounds of good fiction, fine then. Instead of encouraging this to pollute this section of the forum further, recruit such "gifted writers" for your fantasyland fan fic section. :rolleyes:
I can confirm that I'm indeed a created character, I'm really actually just the lead singer of a prominent Welsh band.
Honestly what the actual fuck are you talking about.

This may be some interesting study in human nature to you, and thanks for dignifying us with your philosophical views on Internet Behaviour, but this is a load of crap.

The majority of us who have been here years are not "created characters". We also have verifiable identities and have met one another at some point or another. We're not here to be someone's Guinea pig or part of some foolish attempt at a social experiment. And attempts to manipulate the forum otherwise are generally regarded as trolling.

And on the grounds of good fiction, fine then. Instead of encouraging this to pollute this section of the forum further, recruit such "gifted writers" for your fantasyland fan fic section. :rolleyes:

Does anyone know where the band is? Are they in the studio?
I was the first to call the Fisher/Nick connection but honestly I think the identity of the person behind the screen the least interesting part of the whole thing. What's really interesting is the way he points up the meta qualities of fandom, the way we all deal in multiple layers of unverifiable realities all the time, every minute. Fisher is a brilliant character creation--and that's not derogatory. Nick66 is a created character, and so is jeevey, and so are gvox and everyone else. Even if we wanted to give a reliable representation of our RL selves we could only get a very selective sketch, and most of us don't want to. We all deal with the most fascinating issue U2 deals with, the creation of a public self and its congruence with the private self--which of course itself is fluid and changeable.

The questions that 'Fisher' raises about the band are exactly what makes U2 fascinating. When people say they only care about the music I don't believe them at all. It's the the narrative, the music and how the two inform each other that make U2 so compelling. What could it be like to be one of these guys? How do they do it? How could a person sustain the stresses they do while maintaining the identity they claim, and if they don't, how could they possibly manage to keep the 'darker reality' quiet for so long?

The character Fisher illustrates that these things are essentially unknowable to anyone outside the band and those closest to them. Even within the band will be competing narratives about how things really are. Maybe someday they'll get their big expose, but that too will be a constructed reality.

And seriously, buddy, you should be writing fiction. An eye for detail is the making of a writer, and extrapolating Adam's taste in art from his taste in clothing is the kind of detail that God gives for Christmas to writers who have been very, very good this year. Kudos to you.

Maybe jeevey is really Nick66.

The guy never claimed to be in the band's inner circle

This sure sounds very close to the inner circle :

I have been ringing around. I got in touch with someone intimate with the empire who has known the band since 1979.

Whether or not it's true is the least of his problems. I wonder if he'll still be as wordy once the U2 organisation people read this here or on
The best thing is just to ignore it. I can sum it up with one icon. :nerd: of the highest order. He isn't worth banning, even though trolling is a under that criteria. It will just make anything he posts further under that username will not be taken seriously and/or with any credibility.

Oh, I'm a real person also. Not a character, what the hell was that all about??:lol:
Lock it up:

If Nick66 hasn't been banned already, he'll come back with a post that sounds something like:

"blah blah blah, I can't believe you guys fell for this. I am of a higher intelligence. blah blah blah."
The best thing is just to ignore it. I can sum it up with one icon. :nerd: of the highest order. He isn't worth banning, even though trolling is a under that criteria. It will just make anything he posts further under that username will not be taken seriously and/or with any credibility.

Oh, I'm a real person also. Not a character, what the hell was that all about??:lol:

Where the banning is warranted is that he used this gimmick to try to rope gvox into a fight, something he had been temporarily banned for already.
....and now for something completely different.

I mean, seriously, how could anyone/anybody have believed that Fisher garbage???
Granted, he had very good writing skills. That doesn't equate into being the truth.
This is what pisses me off on here, a bit. Some "troll" comes along. and instantly
some believe it. The more absurd it is, the more believable it becomes.

I'm actually a made up "character" too. In my real life, I'm a wombat who can type.
And we wouldn't want it any other way :up: :wink:

Thanks! Your compliment went nicely with my cup of coffee. :up:

I have to say that I didn't engage in the previous dialogue during this thread and I'm damn proud of it. :wink:

I remember back in 2000 or 2001, I used to go the @U2 message board a lot and then one day it got hacked by these pro gun people and they posted scat on the message board. Eventually the board was taken down. Since then, I've never gone back. The Blue Crack is my home.
Where the banning is warranted is that he used this gimmick to try to rope gvox into a fight, something he had been temporarily banned for already.

If they want to ban him, I'm fine with it. But I also do not really care if they don't.
Thanks! Your compliment went nicely with my cup of coffee. :up:

Well it's possibly not all been rainbows and puppy dogs, I'm sure you and I must have had differences of opinion since 2000..

But I always got the sense that you were representing yourself/your opinions fairly accurately and honestly...and certainly not that you were attempting some massive troll experiment on the board. And that's all most of us really expect here, unless I've missed something.
Lock it up:

If Nick66 hasn't been banned already, he'll come back with a post that sounds something like:

"blah blah blah, I can't believe you guys fell for this. I am of a higher intelligence. blah blah blah."

It's so nice that everyone has already made up their mind. Why don't you wait until the facts have come out before holding the public execution.
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